adventures in the deathly hallows pt4

after what seemed like an eternity, the duo finally managed to reach the end of the cave,

there was barely anything present in the cave

Ningxi' Maybe I shouldn't bring along this bad luck whenever I go treasure hunting'

Hua yinyue ' Woah even my badluck overpowers Ningxi's good luck by so much?!'

the system'please don't tell me that you're proud of it'

They explored the cave a bit before finding a twin-sword

Ningxi picked it up and circulated her inner qi

Suddenly, her eyes lights up in excitement " Yinyin, look this is a HEAVEN RANK low stage weapon!. This definitely belonged to an ancient practitioner"

Hua yinyue jumps and used her lightning-wind sidestep to appear next to Ningxi leaving a trail of sparks behind her, ever reaching the great mastery stage, Hua yinyue can move so fast that even sparks form, though it was also because the lightning element was used to activate the technique.

Before Hua yinyue celebrates she analysed in her mind about the twin-sword

Ever since her bad luck exploded, she started being a lot more cautious, making sure that there are no further traps, seals or even thinking about what this sword will bring

'Hmm, though I really want this sword... I can't use it since I am not a dual wielder so this sword is useless to me... but, maybe we can sell it instead!' Hua yinyue analyses

Though even after analysing, Hua yinyue still left out an important point due to her carelessness, experts can actually perceive the aura of the Heaven rank sword.

Just as Hua yinyue finished analysing what to do with the weapon Ningxi exclaims" Let's sell it!"

Nodding their heads they left the cave, Hua yinyue actually memorised all the traps and kept shouting towards Ningxi " no please don't step there again, oh my god please stop for a while you definitely don't want to see a roasted yinyue right?"

Finally, they managed to find the actual entrance of the cave, it was actually blocked by a boulder which naturally appeared after it broke off from the mountain. That was the only reason why the cave was concealed, not to mention the fact that the walls of the cave were enchanted with enchantments glowing as if they were alive.

After running some distance back towards the border or Yun Lan continent, there was a rustling sound around the leaves,

Ningxi noticed it and her eyes widened, almost immediately she pulled the haggard Hua yinyue to a stop, almost simultaneously, arrows coated with a deadly yellow poison was shot towards the place that they were heading to

Ningxi's shimmering eyes glowed with a glint of ruthlessness, This time, Hua yinyue who had let her guard down and was about to nag at Ningxi stared at the poison arrows, if she got hit by those arrows then wouldn't that mean...

Yinyue shivered at the thought of dying again.

Though she wanted to shower Ningxi with praises again, first comes first, she has to get rid of the shadows surrounding her.

"If it gets too dangerous,run away"

Hua yinyue pats her chest and says confidently "don't worry if there's' any danger I will run away"

"Ding, host has gained 20 shameless points'( it's for being shameless to the people assaulting them)

The system' Damn host, you can be so shameless even though you're about to die'

'Why are you so sure that I'm going to die?'

'Oh because the great me found a sky realm expert heading towards here in 2 minutes, oh 1 minutes now, judging from the situation he's probably after your weapon'

*there are 7 realms with 9 stages in each realm, Body tempering realm, soul tempering realm, nascent soul realm, earth realm, sky realms, saint realm, ascension realm

'i'm only nascent soul realm stage 6 while Ningxi is earth realm stage 2, time to run'

with that thought, Hua yinyue pulled Ningxi away with just saying " Expert coming, run!"

Now the duo was chased by a group of 5-10 men at the earth realm shouting "stop running and accept your fate!"

Of course to top it off Hua yinyue naturally replied them by taking out her sugar cane (it's her food) and throwing it at them " Here's my last "weapon" that I have" enraging the man to dash at them like crazy.

Hua yinyue was already drenched in sweat while Ningxi looked extremely calm as if they weren't running for their lives.

As the madmen started catching up an enormous pressure crashed onto them at a 10km radius,

This caused Hua yinyue to trip on a "rock" and come crashing into the mud face first.

'F#$% the heavens! I swear once I reach ascension realm I am destroying the heavens!' Hua yinyue cursed, Starting with the goddess of luck!

(there is a myth that those who reached the legendary ascension realm can ascend to be a god.)

The old man cloaked in a divine blue robed stroke his white beared and looked towards the people who got the heaven ranked weapon, when his eyes reached Ningxi, he sighed helplessly and the greed in his eyes was washed off immediately

He greeted Ningxi " Good morning Mistress" as he half bowed towards her.

"Hello, old butler Hui" Ningxi cheerfully replies, old butler Hui watched her grow up from a little baby till now when she sensed someone coming , she immediately noticed that the aura of that person belonged to Old butler Hui and was no longer afraid of her pursuers.

At this point, the pressure that was being applied to Hua yinyue was gone and she got up with her newly painted brown robe & face and said as her eyebrows twitched " Why didn't you tell me that HE WAS SOMEONE YOU KNEW?"

Ningxi replied with an innocent face " Oh, it's because you never asked"

With her exhaustion coupled with her fatigue from wandering around the forest for 6 months, Hua yinyue immediately faints

'Ding, the system is collecting foreign object' the system sounded, though Hua yinyue failed to notice the system as she was just too damn tired.

weekly chapter 2/4

OMG 1000 words ( i should of split this into 2 chapters;-;) nvrm this is a MEGA chapter

shout out (max 5 per chapter ) to:



Ashen fox

