whose that unlucky guy?

"Ugh " Hua yinyue woke up with an aching body because of the fact that she overstrained herself

"How long was I asleep for?" she asks the familiar figure sitting by the window reading a book secretly

"Oh, you're awake? you've been asleep for about 3 days." Ningxi says as she flusters trying her best to conceal her book

"ooo what are you reading is it.....about... obscene things??If not why are you so secretive?" Hua yinyue states as she jokingly teases

"N....No it's not" Ningxi says as she tries her back to look away from Hua yinyue's hawk eyes

"oooo, what is it then?" Hua yinyue says as she quickly uses her movement technique to seize the book from Ningxi who was still in a flustered state

"Now let's see what our innocent Ningxi has been reading " Hua yinyue looks at the book cover that wrote " 50 ways to talk to guys that you like(introduction)

"Hahaha, whose that unlucky guy huh Ningxi?" Hua yinyue asks teasingly, hoping to see Ningxi's amusing red face more

"He's .... he's Nangong chen" Ningxi replies bashfully as she recalls her first meeting with him as he saved her life during the period that she left Hua yinyue.

"Damn, our house poor Ningxi's finally leaving the house, ah I'm so proud of her " Hua yinyue states she wipes the fake tear off her face as if she was a mother who was seeing her daughter grow up and leave.

"Tch, Stop joking, besides he's yet to, he's yet to notice my feelings yet..." Ningxi says only to be stunned and look at Hua yinyue's cheeky smile and run away with a red face

'Hahaha, don't worry your little sister will help you confess to the whole world that you love him, though I should buy an AK-47 in case he rejects her or a blunt axe if he dares to hurt her.' Hua yinyue thinks inwardly

'Ding, it's not possible as it will allow the female lead to identify your identity as a being, not from this world'

'Damn it just wait till I enter a world that does not know things like iron man or supergirl, I really want to be batman to say "my superpower? I'm rich"XD'

at this moment the system brings out the rock that made it's host trip just so she'll shut her crap.

"What's this weird rock?"

'Ding, due to host's low intelligence, the system will help you identify the item, it is an egg by the way' -_-


Name Unknown

species Unknown

grade Unkown

time till hatching Unkown

"WOAH SYSTEM THAT WAS VERY HELPFUL" Hua yinyue exclaims as she claps her hands and feet to the system

'I know right, I should hold back sometimes' the system replies

"...."Hua yinyue 'when did this idiot learn this way of speaking from me?'

then Hua yinyue got down of the bed and started doing so warm-ups like squats after being bedridden for 3 days

At that time *crack* *crack* the sound of an egg cracking sounded and Hua yinyue checks her pants then sighed in relief before looking towards the egg that was crackling

It was then that a peculiar creature hatched out from it

It was...

shoutout to:




