Really? This part's not changed?

Hua yinyue finally found Chuan xinyi, before she could open her mouth Chuan xinyi dragged her to a corner before whispering

"I found a really hot guy, I fell for him it definitely love at first sight! But there's this annoying woman next to him, help me poison her, I heard that she is entering our sect in 2 weeks time with that I can bring her over to my room and you help me poison her, If she dies that man will definitely come for me instead"Chuan xinyi whispered as her face turned to a sinister twist

'Yeah, he'll find you alright, but to kill you more than anything else' would be what Hua yinyue wanted to say but keeping that loose mouth shut seems like a better idea

"are you sure" Hua yinyue asks as if she wasn't sure about killing someone else

"I'm sure about it, we'll be fine she's just at most an outer disciple of our sect, easily disposable, even if the sect finds fault all I have to do is show my clan's emblem and we'll get off scot-free, aren't you my friend? just agree with it". Chuan xinyi whispered though there was a touch of impatience in her voice for having to explain to this idiot.

"Sure...Oh wait"Hua yinyue mumbles as she tries to remember a plot

"What now?" Chuan xinyi mumbled in annoyance

"Nothing I accept it tell me more about it later, I have to.... feed my snake, yeah!"

Xiao bai 'you're a snake your whole family's a freaking snake!'

Hua yinyue rushed back to her room to consolidate her thoughts. 'Man, how do these protagonists in web novels remember the plot word for word? do they all have a freaking computer stuffed into their heads somewhere?'

'all I remember about this part is that this is the reason why "I" died in the story...'-Hua yinyue

The system'So you need my help now then beg me?' the system smugly says

"Oh you totally useful and caring lord please help me," Hua yinyue sarcastically says

'.... nevermind' the system realises it's mistake now, Hua yinyue is Hua yinyue asking her to beg will tantamount to nothing.

'Ding, recounting plot.... '

Turns out in this plot Chuan xinyi manages to convince the real Hua yinyue to give Hua qinfeng a drink that is poisoned to kill her off, only thing is that Hua qinfeng realised that there was poison and made Hua yinyue drink it back in a battle of words which of course the supporting character would never hope to be able to beat especially when the main villainess backstabs you too, that's where Hua yinyue dies and the main villainess gets punished only.

'hmmm, I got it, I know what to do now, though it's not very helpful it'll let me live.

Thus, Hua yinyue went to the library at The river flowing sect took some books, copied a lot of them like the medical books and pharmacy books secretly into the system as well farming books and some books about the plants book just in case everything else fails, being a farmer ain't so bad

Then, Hua yinyue went out shopping and brought a lot of herbs and mashed it together,

when it got mashed into a liquid of the rose red colour without any scent at all, even the system scanned it to be without scent and she painted it onto her nails

The system ' you did all that just to paint your nails?'

Hua yinyue ' of course, totally I can't afford to lose to the female lead in this at least right?'

'Well time to hear the main villainess blabber about her plot and nod my head in obedience.' god, I hope I don't grow a tail to wag in the future.( I'm trying to say that HYY hopes that she will not need to act like a dog to others in the future)


Let me ask everyone is my grammar bad?

I've read webnovels with awful grammar, it was so bad that I wanted to puke out blood at how bad it was.

Hope my grammar passes at least.

Shout out to:







OMG the new webnovel doesn't let me see who voted recently..... Just going to pick those votes who have increased/those who I haven't seen before(new peeps)

got a little sick today, thank god it's the holidays, but my production has slowed down dramatically oh god!