
The morning before they will have to deal with Hua qinfeng Hua yinyue decided to bring along Ningxi to walk around the streets

"oo look at those sweet potato balls" Hua yinyue states as she glares at all the street food with her mouth that was starting to produce more saliva than usual

Ningxi" are you sure you can finish all that food" Looking at the silly girl whose face was even covered by the stacks of food she brought, Ningxi couldn't resist giggling at her stupid look.

"That's why I brought you along," Hua yinyue says without looking at Ningxi at the eye

'Damn I went overboard this time and bought every food I saw' Learning how to save money might be something Hua yinyue should learn.

Finally, the time has arrived, when Chuan xinyi and Hua yinyue's plot can come to play

Hua yinyue also brought Ningxi along because she wants Ningxi to know who her enemy is so that Ningxi will not befriend her by accident or save her life or anything like that.

Ningxi" Are you sure about this? you've never killed anyone before" she states in a worried tone for her friend whose never harmed human life fatally before

"Errr... yes! (serious tone on)I have to kill her, she, she killed my parents before, I will never forgive her, in this life it has to be either she dies or I die!" Hua yinyue speaks in a low determined voice that was also filled with hatred while looking down towards the floor. She would have wanted to tell Ningxi that she doesn't really have to kill her but, she can't come up with an explanation on why she has this annoying system that wants her to stop the female protagonist from rising. So, just pretending that she has a deep grudge against her is a lot easier.

Xiao bai ' How long do you think her determination will last?'

The system ' probably until the female protagonist glares at her' Knowing it's cowardly host, not peeing her pants on the sight of the protagonist is already a life goal.

Hua yinyue ' why do you guys have no confidence in me? aren't you guys supposed to be on my side?'

Both of them ' Because you are Hua yinyue'

'...'can't argue with that logic.

Ning xi " Uh oh, I think those sweet potatoes are doing injustice to my stomach I'll go to the toilet first", she states as she clutches her stomach before leaving through the back door of the small house which had some small holes from decay.

Currently, they are situated in an old small house made of winter moon wood, it was silver in colour though it dulled over the years and now had vines growing in it, Luckily that only made it look more mystical.

Cultivators normally just need a peaceful environment to cultivate in, Chuan xinyi took this place that was far atop the mountain as it was peaceful and had a wonderful scenery, she never took down the house as she didn't stay in it , she built another house on top of this mountain to cultivate in but left the old house alone because of it's beauty that was, however, starting to fade.

Chuan xinyi invited Hua qinfeng as a senior to 'guide' her junior.

About a minute after Ningxi left the house, a petite figure was seen walking towards the house with grace and elegance with each and every step with the wind blowing in her favour, only making her look much more enchanted

That was Hua qinfeng.

She really didn't want to visit Chuan xinyi, in her eyes she was an insignificant ant, the only troublesome thing about her was her clan. Ever since Chuan xinyi laid her eyes on her lover, she started to be slightly annoyed, she would really rather have an ordinary looking lover than one that attracted bees and butterflies everywhere. Now that she has the opportunity, why not play along with Chuan xinyi teach her a little lesson that she won't forget

(bees and butterflies= Chuan xinyi and other jealous girls)


ok guys the next few chaper must be more SERIOUS actual stuff is gonna happen so not gonna be as many funny bits