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Xiao Bai " what do you think of a fighter whose able to fight while healing ?"

Hannah 'Mind blown'

Days alone were very boring. She went out occasionally to level up

for some particular reason, people were trying to kill her.

What's wrong with jump scaring people while they were hunting?

I mean Hannah almost gave a 50-year-old ability user a heart attack....she did give him a heart attack but hey! Xiao Bai healed him anyways and that's all that mattered.

There were also people chasing her just because she 'borrowed' a few pounds of meat from there.

Sheesh such rude people

She's now at level 2 peak, a whole level above average ability users and of course displayed the healings of a level 1 ability user, displaying too much strength would probably lead to troublesome events.

Now, she was just really bored as she looked out the mirror, they lived in a small 3 room apartment in the city, it wasn't dirty and was pretty good during the apocalypse.

In the red building, by the window, sat a little girl of a youth age, her face showed a youthful glow as her face was lit aglow by the orange rays, her beauty unperturbed by the small environment.

Her casual and relax movement as she rested her hands on her palms, staring off into space.

It was then that the door opened.

Her dull eyes finally glowed with fiery as she immediately kicked towards the intruder.

Matthew and Emma had just returned when they saw a familiar figure attacking them.

Out of instinct Matthew subdued her and pushed her against the wall giving them an awkward scenario.

Blushing instantly the two separated before a tint of evil surfaced at Hannah's face

"Do you guys want dinner?" The two were dead tired as they've just returned from their mission of securing a factory nearby, there were many zombies and they had to be at watch the whole time. Thank god they met a pair of siblings as well, they really helped them.

Eleo was out with her parents to look around town in their boredom.

"Sure" who wouldn't want free food? In fact, their stomachs had been arguing about it to them for quite some time.

Being a foodie Hannah could make some above average tasting dishes.

"What do you want?" Hannah asked as she stared at the two figures collapsed on the floor.

"Anything" The two replied until Hannah looked at Matthew and thought 'time for revenge!'

Hannah quickly cooked up with her 'borrowed' meat a plate of roasted chicken dipped in honey and her secret source covered with fresh fries she bought from the system for Emma.

A plate of medium rare steaming beef surrounded by homemade BBQ sauce with a side dish of mashed potatoes for herself.

For Matthew, she made a cupboard cutout of the word 'ANYTHING'

Looking at the dish in front of him Matthew's eyebrow twitched before staring at Hannah's juicy steak.

Just as she was about to eat the piece of piping hot steak from her fork, a hand grabbed her hand and placed the piece of meat in another mouth.

It was then that the two narrowed their eyes at each other,as silence broke out amongst them.

There off was Matthew staring off into Hannahs's eyes as she did the same for those azure blue eyes. not moving an inch from one another.

Before long, they Hannah's finger twitched, giving them the signal to quickly stuff their mouths with the slices of beef as if they were having a private competition.

Emma looking at the scene couldn't help but grimace 'why do I know these 2 idiots'

It was then that Eleo and Hannah's parents had returned

Emma ' make it 3'

After having a battle of food with Matthew which ended up in a tie, Hannah made more food for herself and Matthew as well as for the people who'd just arrived (she made some for trick and swindle later on)

She didn't want a competition for food again, especially against Matthew who could eat just about as fast as she could.


Hua yinyue " Somedays you'll have feelings for boys"

3 year old " I already have feelings for them."

Hua yinyue " really?"

3 year old " They make me mad"