The siblings

"Soo? how was your trip?" Hannah asked the asshole in front of her left her in these dead town for an entire month, if it weren't for those innocent ability users right outside the base, she would've been bored to death.

"It's great we met this pair of wonderful siblings, apparently they're twins, they consist of one brother and one sister, we met them on our way to secure the factory and they were really helpful" Matthew replied with a bright glow in his eyes as he described the events that had happened to him over the last month.

It seems like they had met this pair of siblings, Amanda and Aloysius. Amanda had the power over fire (same like Female MC) and Aloysius had the power over water. Emily and Matthew had met them when they were battling zombies and they saved their group from the zombie horde.

Matthew had also discovered and shared with the group about his findings of the cores inside level 1 zombies and has leveled up to level 2.

'Matthew is actually able to compete with male MC' Actually, Matthew himself was comparable to John in terms of strength but lost of course due to John's Main protagonist armour.

Under Hannah's constant glare, Matthew finally decided to let her join their next excursion.

Eleo ' What about me?'

After 1 week of preparation, their guild of 6 members (including siblings) had a B rank mission to go and comfirm what happened at one of the sites of the outbreak and retrieve samples, about 5 other guild join adding up to about 40 parties, lead by a rank 2 commander.

Hannah could also finally meet the siblings.

Amanda looked super cute with her black hair tied in 2 ponytails and her huge almond eyes and C cup breasts just wanting to buldge out of her chest.

Hannah looked down at hers '.....just realised my eternal problem...'

Aloysius though, did not inherit much of the good genes,

Though everything would of been fine if she didn't see Amanda's stare towards Matthew which made her super uncomfortable.

Not to mention the murderous glint Aloysius sent her which quickly dissapeared when she grabbed Matthew's hands.

That killing intent would of been hidden well and would of went unnoticed had Hannah not pay extra attention to them.

Seems like a troublesome pair more than anything else, poor Matthew, how was she supposed to expose them?

She'll give them a chance, if they do anything to threaten anyone, she would immediately show their true colours out to everyone.

Amanda kept being all shy and mushy towards Matthew which made Hannah really sick.

'Can't you be more reserved?' she thought as she sent a piecing glare towards Matthew who had no idea what he'd done wrong.

Though Amanda rubbing her breasts against Matthew made her want to punch the shit out of her.

After giving poor Matthew a quick glare and stomping off, she made Matthew very confused as to what happened, he had to spend the whole day coaxing her with all the different kinds of food he had stockpiled.

Though it made his heart bleed, Hannah did in fact get sated after eating the 4th chocolate bar.

They all entered in groups of 6s or more into trucks and headed off to Mango city. (M city for short)

It was quite near Blueberry city and was a quick 2 hour drive away.

Though it was fairly filled with zombies, even tens of level 1 zombies could be seen in a 1 km radius which was quite high as compared to other cities.

Worst of all they had to even go to the center of the city as that was where the supposed zombie outbreak happened.

Sneaking around was going to be difficult with such a big group so they had to take down zombies swiftly and efficiently as the moved towards the city.

A trouble occured ahead their trail.

3 year old daughter "Mummy?"

Hua yinyue " Yes sweetie?"

3 year old daughter "Can we watch peppa pig?"

Hua yinyue "Sweetie, I'm not like you I'm a big girl"

So they watched a 2 hour marathon of Peppa pig