One sweep, 3 people

Back in the Zone B arena fight

Emma' Where the hell are the idiots at?' Even if she was the weakest amongst her friends, they should at least watch her fight right? Damn, They're gonna get it later!

Emma soon scanned the surrounding area before feeling a faint feeling a death creeping up on her.

'Whose that?' As she turned around only to see a man in white standing alone, having a certain distance from the nearest man.As if everyone was avoiding him out of pure instinct.

'He's not my opponent' That's just great, just as she was all happy about not facing any of her freakish friends, this stupid white as# just had to come along.

"3...2...1...BEGIN!" a Hoarse voice rang across the arena as a huge gale of wind quickly swept everyone off their feet.

'Time slow..... ' Emma quickly slowed down time to see the image of the attacker. Just as she expected it was that white dude.

'Time reverse! 10 seconds'

"3...2..1..." 'I have to jump now.

Just as she leaped off the judge shouted: "BEGIN!"

"WHOOSH!" just as his face faded away a huge gale of windswept beneath her feet, making her lose her balance mid-air.

'Good enough!' As she rolled back on the floor to regain her footing.

"How's he this strong!?" The entire arena floor was completely destroyed. The entire surface of the 30m by 30m arena was completely scrapped off. What more the flooring of the arena was not the usual cement flooring, it consisted of kyanite, a rare new mineral discovered which was predicted to be able to withstand even a level 7 zombie's full-on attack.

That could only mean one thing.... this man had the strength of an abnormal level 7 user!

Her legs started feeling weak as her mind froze. She felt as though a something was placing a knife right at her throat, suffocating her.

"You're her friend right?" His seductive voice soon brought her back to reality. Though she's been around great beauties like Eleo, Matthew and Jeremy, she had to admit that this man was even a notch above all of them in seduction.

But even if he's a great beauty, she sure as heck did not want anything to do with him, no he was too dangerous.

"Give this to Hannah" He soon threw an unknown package towards her and walked off the stage.

The audience "Who am I?"

"Where am I?"

"Why did this guy just quit?"

But everyone soon knew why. Even though he'd left the arena he was far from eliminated. There was still the two empty slots available, with his strength not being selected was weird.

'Why does he know Hannah?' Even though he was gone, her gaze still lingered around his direction. For better or worse, he knows Hannah.

Emma was dazed as she walked through the door before she was ambushed from behind "WOAH!"

"How'd you do Emma?"Those words soon triggered her rage back to her half dead figure as she grabbed Hannah by the ear

"Yeah, did you know that white dressed dude?"

"Ouch..ouch..Ouch! He's just my rival!" Hannah

"Jeez, you don't have to grab my ear." As she soon healed up the non-existent damage to her ear.

"Oh yeah, he asked me to deliver you a package" as she tossed a mysteries brown package the size of her wallet towards Hannah.

'Hmm? He sent me something?' as she opened the package to reveal a small note.

"What does it say?" Matthew soon asked warily. Though he had to admit that Hannah was in her own league, that man was definitely a notch above her in terms of strength.It would be hard to reject him even if asked something outrageous since the government can do pretty nothing against someone of his magnitude

Hannah soon scanned the paper with her eyes which widened up before narrowing almost simultaneously. "It's nothing" as she replied in a calm voice, but her red ears gave away her thoughts.

'Damn that pervert, he doesn't waste time in flirting huh!' as she crushed the paper into dust.

'Hmph! Not going to follow his orders who does he think he is?'


Xiao Qi who was forced by Xiao Liu to come *cough * *cough* "MASTER DON'T FRIENDLY FIRE!"

But when he looked around the stage, his master was gone

Xiao Qi looked around in a confused manner"Master?"

"Give it up for the second winner of Zone B Qi Qi!"

Xiao Qi "Wait what? Qi Qi? phuck! Xiao Liu Just you wait!"


*breaks up a fight"

Hua yinyue" Tell your little sister that you're sorry"

4 year old " you told me not to lie"