He strikes again!

'Well, tomorrow's the semifinals already huh?' While the zone A competition was being held the Zone C competition was also being held.Same for B and D though Zone D's fight was slightly delayed'

(Author's note * no one interesting is showing up in their fight soooo, SKIP! This is taking too long )

Laying on the bed alone was enough with her figure to look as though it was carved out a painting.

Midway through her sleep, the system rang in her head loudly with an alarm.

'Ding, poison detected! The host should hold your breath'

'Not going to bother with you'

System 'Why?'It was confused with her simple response.

Hannah rolled her eyes internally at the stupid question 'Because I've already breathed in the poison, you are 02.27 seconds late in detecting it you lazy slump.' Seriously, I want a refund or exchange for this stupid little thing'

Her eyes soon turned hazy as her vision blurred and she felt all the strength being drained from her body.

Why not play along since no malice nor killing intent was being pointed at her. But it better not be that guy or she's going to strangle people to death!

There was also no point in panicking since there was nothing she could do.Besides she's been bored to death these few days, why not play along if this is a little scheme?

It was then that a figure appeared next to her, gripping her chin and chuckling "You're no fun when you let me win so easily"He soon sucked on her succulent lips, not forgetting to bite it roughly to 'punish' Her for being so disobedient, making him wait for her for so long.

After having a delightful meal and venting all his frustrations at he poor swollen lips he soon pulled her into a gentle embrace as he princess carried her away and into the night. He unknowingly displayed a calm and doting appearance on his god-like face as he jumped in front of the dazzling moon.

Seemingly portraying the image of a free and loving celestial couple roaming through the night.


------In freelancer hotel 5 star------

Hannah's eyelashes fluttered as her abyssal eyes soon opened. She looked relaxed yet emmited a sense of dominance over the world.

But the look in her eyes soon disappeared as if it was never there and she soon got up in full vigilance, pretending to be scared and weak.

Only to see her almost naked body except for some lingerie still on her body "HAL!"

"You called for me ?"As he used his strength to grip her chin with one hand while his head rested on the other.His sexy body exposed to her as the blanket slid down from his body.

Hannah could feel blood rushing forth towards the nose before she smacked his hand away and grabbed the blanket to throw at him.

Noticing her actions, he merely smiled as he moved off the bed and soon sent a slash towards the blanket being thrown at him.

Seeing his attacks Hannah grinned as well as she jumped up to the ceiling to escape from his attacks as she landed on the ceiling of the room in a half kneeling position.

All of the actions took mere seconds to complete. But one second was also enough to decide the outcome of the match.

Hannah soon leaped from the ceiling and caused cracks to form on the once perfect ceiling as she dashed towards Hal while throwing chopsticks towards him.

He chuckled seductively as he spoke in a calm and deep voice "Why are you so aggressive? You were so gentle in bed"

His words made Hannah stumble a little bit as she cursed him ' shameless!' multiple times in her head.

But that was all he needed to catch her hands mid-air and crash her back roughly towards the wall as he used his legs to pin her jade-like legs.

Using his free hand he gripped her chin once more.



Sorry for late release, was fantasizing about the 2nd future chapter to be released. Was trying to stop laughing.


Hua yinyue " the big bad wolf could'nt get in as the house was made of brick"

3 year old daughter " Couldn't he break the window?"

Hua yinyue ' I'm raising a burglar'