Third Hokage, Hiruzen Sarutobi P.O.V

The only right word to describe my current status, i am "Tired". I took the mantle of Hokage from Second Hokage, Tobirama Senju, who was also my teacher. He died protecting us from the pursuing forces of Kinkaku forces. I was only 24 years, when i became Hokage. I lead my village through all the problems that rose with the death of Tobirama Senju. But i was able to pull off my village safely from the clutches of second shinobi world war. Now after nearly 30 years of being a Hokage, i have started to lose hope on the survival of this village. Even though Konoha, is not the biggest Hidden village in shinobi numbers, but it is still the strongest in terms of quality. We can contend with a village or two and still survive, but now all the remaining 4 great hidden villages are baring their fangs at Konoha, trying to rip it apart any moment.

Kirigakure is attacking us from the east. They are good with water jutsus, so i have to send my old students sannin Jiraiya and Orochimaru, who have perfect summons to fight Kirigakure ninjas.

Second, Kumogakure, is attacking us from the north, they are good at lightning jutsus. Though it pained me, i have to send Kushina Uzumaki to lead the forces against Kumogakure. When she was young, she was almost kidnapped by kumo ninjas, before being rescued by Minato. Third, it is Iwagakure, the strongest enemy of Konoha so far. I never expected my village to come unscathed, facing 3 hidden villages, but there was a hope lit in me, when Sunagakure proposed to ally with us. But now, that too is gone, when i received reports 2 days ago, that Sunagakure betrayed us. With the combined forces of Suna and Iwa, i have no hope of the soldiers stationed there surviving the outcome. Ironically i can also see signs of some of the council members trying to desert the village. Even if i have to sacrifice all the Ninjas stationed in the village, i will make sure to save at least few of the brightest children of this generation to carry on the will of Fire. When i was lost in my thoughts, i heard a knock from my office door. Definitely another bad news i guess.

" Come in " - Hiruzen

Strange, the one to come to report normally is my secretary, but the one standing in front of me is the heir of Yamanaka Clan, Inoichi Yamanaka. His face from what i can read is full of surprise, happiness and a pure bliss of joy, that survived a disaster. I motioned him to continue for, why he was here.

"Hokage sama, my father received news from the North-West border and asked me to personally convey you the news. Team Minato was successfully able to destroy Kannabi Bridge. Our losses are minimal and the only notable casualty is Obito Uchiha, who is a genin of Minato. As for our forces stationed at Tenchi Bridge, they were able to successfully capture all the coalition forces of Iwagakure and Sunagakure, without any casualties. The prisoners even include Third Tsuchikage Onoki and Fourth Kazekage Rasa. Here is the scroll with more details from my father." - Inoichi

When he conveyed news about Kannabi Bridge, that we survived with minimal casualties, i was happy because i expected more casualties there. But when he passed the second news at Tenchi Bridge, i sprung to my feet, while my smoking pipe fell down and confirmed whether it is a genjutsu or not. When i confirmed there is no genjutsu, i took the scroll from Inochi and started to read the contents from the scroll 3 to 4 times to make sure the news is not fake. But every time i reached the bottom of the scroll, i can see the the signature of Yamanaka head on it. This is genuine news, no doubt about it. The news confirmed only few sentences, that Ichika Uchiha, Fugaku Uchiha Daughter shot down all the enemy forces in a single attack and defeated Tsuchikage in a fair one on one battle.

" Inoichi, i give you one hour time, i want full accurate details of battle at Tenchi Bridge from the beginning to the end. " - Hiruzen

"Yes. Hokage Sama" - Inoichi

With that he bowed and left the Hokage office. While i slumped into my chair, still finding the news unbelievable. Ichika Uchiha, i knew her, when i went to Uchiha District with the advisors. She is the student of that "Akuma" Naori Uchiha. But still, she was not even 5 years old. For a 5 year old to defeat a experienced veteran like Onoki in a "fair" one on one, not even i can accomplish this feat. Someone must have surely sent the wrong information to pull a prank on me, but if the news was true, then our village survived this disaster and we even came on top as winners. While still lost in my thoughts to verify the credibility of the news i heard my Secretary knocking the office door.

"Hokage Sama, there is a envoy from the Fire Daimyo, with an urgent message from Fire Daimyo himself and asking for your audience" - Secretary

"Let him in quickly" - Hiruzen.

A personal letter from the Daimyo himself, what could it be? When the envoy entered, i can clearly notice the Uchiha Family Crest on his shoulders.

"Hokage Sama, my name is Haru Uchiha. I am the leader of the Guardians. I carry the Imperial Decree penned by the Fire Daimyo himself. According to the Decree, Ichika Uchiha, Daughter of Fugaku Uchiha will be the Honorary Royal Princess of the country of Land of Fire. She will be the direct representative of Fire Daimyo in Konoha. Her words are Daimyo words. Anyone who disagree and behave disrespectful towards her, will be sentenced to capital punishment. She is also appointed Governor of Naha state for a period of 2 years." - Haru Uchiha.

What did i hear just now? Honorary Royal Princess, Konoha representative of Daimyo, Governor of Naha. Did her achievements at Tenchi Bridge already reach Daimyo Himself? Can't be, Tenchi Bridge fight concluded a few hours ago and the Envoy arrived from the capital itself, which is a 7 day journey. There is something else, Just who are you Ichika Uchiha, for the fire Daimyo to place so much faith in you.

"Haru Uchiha, i know you. I am the one who sent you to the capital to be a member of a guardian. Can you tell me, what this is all about?"- Hiruzen.

"Hokage Sama, it is a national level secret, but will be revealed to the public in the future. All i can say is, she just finished a SSS clas mission for the country. There are some additional rewards too for completing a SSS mission, but i didn't find any of them in Uchiha District. Can you tell me about their whereabouts?"- Haru

SSS class mision, the monetary reward itself is a 9 figure sum. With that i handed him the scroll inoichi gave him. Unlike me, he took some time and breathed a sigh of relief.

" As expected of My Niece, she even surpassed my expectations from what my son told me. I will be leaving the Decree with you Hokage Sama, please announce it in the next council meeting and make sure she is present in the council meeting too, as she is now the representative of Daimyo himself."- Haru

With that he turned and left the office, after exactly one hour Inoichi came with the full details about the battle at Tenchi Bridge. From the details i can only conclude this as a god sent Miracle. Now for the council meeting, with that i started to write a letter.

"Cat, Bear and Hawk"- Hiruzen.

"Take this letter to Ichika Uchiha Hime and personally hand it to her. She is currently at Tenchi Bridge. You will leave as soon as your preparations are ready."- Hiruzen

All 3 of them bowed and left the office in a Shunshin jutsu.

Well i can have some leisure time from the boring and headache inducing council meetings until she gets here. Hehehe. now, where did i hide my favorite Orange book?

Naori Uchiha P.O.V

I am 65 years old. Now this is the Third Shinobi World war i am Witnessing. I participated in the first 2 world wars reaping many enemy shinobi lives and saving many of my villagers and allies lives. For a shinobi, i think i lived a long life. I was born 7 years after the establishment of the Konohagakure village into the great Uchiha clan. With my talent and hardwork i became a genin by 7 years old. It is during one of these genin missions, i came to know how weak i was. We were ambushed by kumogakure forces, but my sensei and my older teammates fought back. But they suffered grievous injuries and i cant save anyone of them, because of my fury and hatred i was able to activate my Sharingan. During the funeral i remembered my Sensei words "Going easy on your students or allies during training sessions will lead them to quick deaths, only when you are serious and hard on them, can they try and break their limits.". First i didn't get those words, only later did i understand, that you and your teammates will only survive by training harder without holding back. If you are holding back, then you are only driving them to quick deaths.

From that day, i also started concentrating on learning medical jutsu, being a Uchiha, it came naturally to me. Any mission i went on was a 100% success. Soon i rose through the ranks and became one of the strongest jonins in the village. Because of my ruthless and effective training to any team members i was partnered with, i was offered the position of ANBU instructor. I weeded out soft and self centered Idiots from the ANBU first, that included the famous Danzo. Just because he is the Second Hokage Disciple, he doesn't get preferential treatment. For 30 years, i have been the ANBU instructor, everyday i would break at least one or 2 bones during my training sessions. Soon they all gave me a new nickname with love "Akuma". Perfect nickname for me, to show my appreciation of them, i even redoubled all of their training missions. Whenever i am free, i also taught Hiruzen student, Tsunade hime, medical jutsu. I guess some of my personality rubbed on her and she became a "bit" short tempered. I retired when i turned 60.

It's after 3 years of my retirement, i started to see strange signs in the Uchiha District. Normally kids would try to spend their time playing around. But for the last 2 months, we Elders, started to hear news about Itachi Uchiha, Son of my nephew Fugaku Uchiha. Fugaku is the son of my own younger brother Junichiro. From what we elders gathered Itachi is already a genius and is also helping training his friends daily at the family backyard. We summoned Mikoto Uchiha to the Clan council to get some answers. During the briefing, she told us about the way Itachi is training and how the family backyard became a bit congested. But all the elders, seemed to only focus on Itachi and forgot about the other child Ichika Uchiha. Normally when Parents talk about their children to others, they will mention about their genius child name first. Mikoto first mentioned about Ichika and then Itachi. From what i know, Itachi is the eldest by 4 minutes. That is the first time i took notice of Ichika. After Mikoto briefing, we gave the permission to train in the clan training grounds. Most of us old people also want to spend our time anyway, so we volunteered ourselves to help with the training.

For the first few weeks, I observed the children training hard. Especially Shisui, Itachi and Ichika. Others cannot tell, but being one of the best doctors in the world, i can tell that Ichika is not blind, she is only acting blind. But why? Seems like Itachi also don't know about it. I wager i will jump from the Hokage Monument, if Fugaku and Mikoto don't know the reason. During the end of first month, the girl approached on her own to help train her. Ah fate, i was wondering how to get close to her and she came on her own. I was totally happy, finally there was someone who want to train under me willingly.

After first 3 months of training, i have only one word to describe her "Monstrous Genius". Heck, compared to her all the other genius, don't have the right to use the word "Genius". Anything i through at her, anything i ask of her, she will simply finish them without voicing a single complaint. She would absorb all my knowledge as if she was a sponge. I started to doubt myself, whether i became soft during the 3 years of retirement. Then i increased my training to test her limits and not holding back. I will beat her black and blue daily during the training time. This type of training(torture) would easily break a elite jonin mind. But not her, she would come back daily on time for her lessons. Every time i thought she hit her limits, she would come ask for more. This flipped a switch in me. I increased her training level to elite jonin level one and She was able to endure it and improved tremendously. On her request, i started to teach her Medical jutsu too. What took me years and years of training to accumulate the knowledge, she was able to finish them in 2 years. Unable to bear my curiosity, one day i dragged Mikoto for answers. After a brief struggle and promise to not reveal to anyone, she finally revealed why Ichika is acting Blind. Damn, a 9 tomoe sharingan and purple in color to Rinnegan, i finally understood why Fugaku and his family kept this a secret. Even if a child is born with single tomoe at birth, he/she would be treated as a universal genius. Because maintaining sharingan is high on chakra consumption. Here she was able to maintain all 9 but still so humble and hardworking. Then and there itself, i decided that i will train and protect her until she grew strong herself. She is the future of our Uchiha clan and i will not let anyone rob it.

Because of Fugaku invitation to the borders, i also followed the children as a escort. When i saw the child fully armoured, i can't help but remember the last time i saw one in crimson armor "Madara Uchiha". Her choice of weapon is Bow and arrow. A unique choice for a shinobi. She became the team leader and arranged our battle formation according to our strengths. I was beside her when she killed the bandit leader with a head shot. I wasn't able to follow the speed of the arrow at all. When we were less than half a day distance from the borders, she revealed to us the situation at the borders. She was able to sense people from half a day distance. Just what kind of sensory ability is this. She surpassed Tobirama Sama easily. Just based on her sensor ability alone, she is a huge asset to the village. When we all agreed to follow her, She summoned a huge Thunderbird. Just the aura coming from the bird is making my senses scream "Dangerous". When we reached the borders, the coalition forces of iwagakure and sunagakure were about to run over konoha forces. When we all lost hope, she retrieved a single arrow, knocked it and released it. In front of our eyes, we saw magical scene of single arrow multiplying into hundred thousand arrows , all the arrows moved as if they have eyes, curved in the mid air, and hit all the enemy forces. As we were watching the actual attack from the beginning, all of our jaws almost hit the floor.

I was about to fight Tsuchikage, when he proposed one on one but the girl beat me to it. She even wanted to fight Kazekage too at the same time. The fight can only described with one word, beautiful. Every attack from Onoki was met with the right counter attack from Ichika. They went on it for a full hour, before Ichika won the Duel. No soldier who witnessed the fight will forget about it for the rest of their lives. Just how strong is this girl. She summoned a huge bird, blasted all the enemy forces, created 1000 clones to treat all the downed forces and fought an elite like Onoki for an hour. Still she doesn't show the slightest signs of chakra exhaustion. By tomorrow her Name will spread through the entire Shinobi Continent. I guess our enemies have another name to fear us now "ICHIKA Uchiha".