I stayed in Kumogakure for 10 days. I had to say it was fun. The Kumogakure is just like any other Village, they also want peace. During my stay i even met up with the Daimyo of Land of Lightning, who arrived few days ago, When Raikage A san notified him of Kumogakure joining Coalition forces. I thought he would put some kind of pressure or conditions for letting Kumo join the coalition. But we were directly invited to a feast for forming an alliance. Even though the Lightning Daimyo is the youngest of all the other Daimyo, but he is someone who can foresee the future to a better extent than others. But he just hides it behind his lazy attitude. He congratulated A san for finally using his brain rather than muscle, much to A san's annoyance. That night we ended up discussing about Akatsuki, Barbarian continent and other things which will strengthen the relation between the villages. On my request he immediately agreed to build alliance headquarters and a fort on the Eastern side of Kumogakure where it borders the ocean. This will be the first of its kind in Elemental nations. Normally forts can't stand up to the might of Shinobi, a simple Earth jutsu is enough to destroy it. But i will be placing a lot of sealing formations during its construction. This fort will be our first countermeasure against Barbarian continent. If everything goes according to plan, it will be constructed in 2 years. The Land of Lightning is abundant in metals. So we also plan on building a weapon factory, but we have to wait till Gokage meeting on where to build this factory and Lightning nation will be supplying metals. At the end of the meeting, he even requested A san to show me the treasures of the Sage of the Six Paths and pick any treasure for the duration of the war, if i can use it. His reason being, it a pity not to use such powerful tools. A san was angry at first, but he rationalised with Daimyo sama . Two days after the meeting with Daimyo, i was invited by Darui san to Raikage office.

In the office along with A san, Mabui san there is an old man who is close to 80 years, from the aura emitting from this man, one can easily tell he has seen his fair share of battles. A san , introduced him to me.

"Ichika san, this is my maternal grandfather Aito Yotsuki, the Patriarch of the Yotsuki clan. Yotsuki clan is the most loyal to the cause of Kumogakure. They will die rather than betraying their allies. That is also the reason, the past Raikage's entrusted the treasures of the Sage of the Six Paths with Yotsuki clan. When i passed the Daimyo's message to him, he wanted to meet you, before leading you to the treasures."- Raikage A

Yotsuki clan, they are as famous as Senju or Uchiha during the warring states period. They used to be wanderers before joining Kumogakure on the request of First Raikage. There is a saying in the Elemental nations, as long as an Yotsuki is watching your back, there is no need for you to look back.

"Nice to meet you patriarch Aito san. I heard a lot about your Yotsuki clan"- Ichika

Aito san just kept on looking at me for 10 to 15 minutes, where as A san expressions kept on changing as each minute is passing by. Wow so there is someone who he is afraid of.

"Child, why are you closing your eyes? I never met a blind Uchiha before. Don't tell me a stupid reason like you are blind. I can clearly sense an unimaginable power from you. We Yotsuki have a gift, where we can tell the nature of a person based on their eyes. After all eyes are the gates to one's soul."- Aito

When Aito san spoke, all those who are present started to look at me as if their common sense is shattering. I started to look at the 4 people in the room, before turning to Aito san.

"Aito san, i never said anytime i was blind. The world just assumed it that way. I had to close them on my parents request when i was a child, otherwise i will be facing a lot of trouble from both inside and outside. Do you still want to see my eyes?"- Ichika

Except Aito san, the others are shocked when i confirmed Aito san words. Aito san went into his thinking mode again, as to how to continue the conversation.

"The treasures of the Sage, always remained calm without any reaction for decades in our clan treasury. It's only on the day you showed up in Kumogakure, they started to start trembling as if they are waiting for someone. Do you possess Rinnegan just like the Sage of the Six Paths? That's the only reason i can find as to why, your parents barred you from showing your eyes. Byakugan or Sharingan doesn't warranty such extreme caution."- Aito

If the first words from Aito san shocked the others, then after listening to his current words almost everyone became stoned with unbelievable faces. This Aito san is really a veteran, he came to a correct conclusion just based on few clues. But Darui san just gave everyone present almost an heartache with his next few sentences.

"Hime Sama, if it is Rinnegan as Aito sama said, then are you the true mastermind behind Akatsuki. You said in council meeting that the leader of Akatsuki is confirmed to possess Rinnegan ?"- Darui

That earned him a punch from both A san and Mabui san. After receiving a confirmation nod from Aito san, i placed a few power barrier seals around the Raikage office.I slowly opened my eyes for only the second time after almost 17 years. Because of the Overlord cultivation technique, the ancestor energy was completed refined by my blood and strengthened my eyes a lot surpassing my ancestors. As soon as i opened my eyes, power started to emit from my body and cracks started to appear on the floor, not only the 4 people in the room, the entire Kumogakure citizens started to succumb to their knees because of the pressure i was emanating.

After continuous refining and evolution of my body, My sclera gained a distinctive purple, the blue iris changed completely to blood red color with light black triple layered concentric circles, each circle consisting 3 tomoe. The 9 tomoe are each surrounded by 3 dots in a triangular formation. These eyes are powerful, but the world appears in a x ray vision to me. I would rather prefer my soul sense, where the world is more colorful and bright.

After opening them for like 30 seconds, i closed them again. Only then, the pressure on A san and the others was lifted.

"My eyes are evolved version of Rinnegan. They are called Rinne-Sharingan. I hope you guys can keep this a secret right?"- Ichika

I gave them a sweet smile, while stressing the word "secret".

"Grandpa, she is scarier than GrandMa and Mother when she smiles"- Raikage A

"I will agree with you on that brat."- Aito san

"Ichika san, i have a request, only if you accept will i take you to our clan treasury?"-Aito san

"Speak what's on your mind Aito san, but the request must be within my limits"-Ichika

"I am sure that you are the person, the treasures are waiting for. So they will definitely chose to follow you. You can use them for however long you want. But you have to return them back to Kumogakure, once you are done using them.

Also please take my Grandson Akito Yotsuki as your disciple. There is nothing but praise about your knowledge in the elemental nations Ichika san. I hope some of it will rub on him. You will be one of the most influential persons on the continent for the next few decades and it will give our clan some bragging rights for the generations to come."- Aito san

Well the requests are simple, but i never expected the yotsuki clan to have such a childish side to them.

"Aito san, i will accept your offer, i will teach him according to his aptitude, remaining is upto his comprehension"- Ichika

After that Aito san, lead us to his clan grounds. The clan members are fully armed and patrolling the perimeter of the clan grounds. We soon reached a shrine that is surrounded by strong illusion barriers. The shrine must be easily thousand years old. But it is still intact. There are murals of all kinds on the shrine walls. If i am not wrong, this must be Kaguya Otsutsuki Shrine. The juubi mural is shown without ten tails for some reason. But the rest of the story is battle between Kaguya and her sons.

"This shrine has a specialty. No one can use Ninjutsu here. Our family was tasked by First Raikage with protecting this shrine. Only a select few know of this shrine. The murals on the shrine depicts the shinobi history to some extent, but we can't fully decipher the accurate story it is telling."- Aito san

"The story is about Princess Kaguya Otsutsuki or most commonly know to us Shinobi as "Rabbit Goddess". This temple was built by her sons Hagoromo and Hamura after they sealed her away in her remembrance."- Ichika

Aito san and the others never expected that i will know, who this shrine belonged to at a single glance.

"Hime Sama, who are these Hagoromo and Hamura? Why would they seal away their own mother?"-Mabui

"Well its because of misunderstandings and ego complex between them. As for Hagoromo Otsutsuki, you all know him by his other name, Sage of the Six paths"- Ichika

Most of them know to a certain extent about Sage of the Six paths, but not his full details. All of them turned towards me with curious eyes, as if requesting me with their eyes to tell the full story.

"I will not tell you about Kaguya Otsutsuki. But i will tell you as to why she was sealed away. Kaguya was known as mother of chakra. She used her strength to end wars and brought peace to the continent. During her pregnancy, she dispersed some of her chakra to her twin sons Hagoromo and Hamura. As time went by people started to treat her as Rabbit Goddess, which awoke God complex in her. She punished severely anyone who attempted to disrupt the peace.

When Hagoromo and Hamura grew up, they thought, that true peace can only exist when there is understanding between humans and thought of spreading chakra in the form of Ninshu among the humans. But Kaguya vehemently declined them to do so, as she believed that Humans will use the power to cause more wars and destruction. But Her sons went against her wishes, so she became angry with them and tried to take back the chakra from them. One thing lead to the other and eventually Hagoromo and Hamura are forced to seal her away. Hagoromo later spread his knowledge among humans about Chakra giving rise to us Shinobi."- Ichika

"Ichika san, the story may be a summary, but i believe a lot of important details are missing in it."-Aito san

"Yes Aito san, some stories are better left buried. When i feel it is right time, i will reveal it."- Ichika

There was a moment of silence, before we moved towards the inner parts of the temple. From there, we went 2 levels underground before we came across a large door. Aito san quickly went through few hand seals and placed his palms on the doors. The doors then revealed the treasury room behind them. There are all types of weapons and artifacts in the room. But i felt a pull from the treasures, that are at the far end of the room.

First i picked up the Banana Palm Fan. It is a large fan, as soon as i touched it, information started to enter my mind. This Fan has the ability to use all 5 basic element natures. For others, they have to spend large amounts of chakra to use them, but since it acknowledged me, i just need a bit of chakra to use it at full potential. It can also be increased to a human size to defend from elemental attacks. The fan vanished only to form a tattoo on my right arm. It surprised all the others who are watching me from the beginning.

Second i picked up Golden Canopy Rope. It a thick long rope. After picking it up, information flooded my mind. The rope is a set of 3 cursed items. It will draw out the Soul word of anyone who touches it. The rope can stretch depending on my chakra and wish and can bind opponents. The rope vanished forming a golden bangle tattoo on my right wrist.

Third is Seven Star Sword which is a light blue broad and flat sword with a brown talisman hanging from the bottom. It is second of the set of 3 cursed items. It is used to sever the Soul word of those struck by Golden Canopy Rope allowing the soul to be sucked into the Crimson Gourd. The soul word of the victim will be inscribed onto the Seven Star sword blade. The sword shape can be changed according to my will. It vanished forming a sword tattoo on my left hand.

Fourth is the Crimson Gourd, a giant brown colored gourd with red cloth around it. It is the last of the set of the cursed items. After the soul word is drawn out by Golden Canopy rope and then severed from their body by the Seven Star Sword, it is absorbed into the gourd. Completing the curse condition of the victims, if they utter the word they have said the most during their life,they will be sucked into and trapped within Crimson Gourd. Saying a homophone of their most frequently spoken word or even saying nothing at all for a certain amount of time will also trigger the gourd's suction. It vanished forming a gourd Tattoo on my left shoulder.

Fifth is the Amber Purifying pot. It is a large pot with a thick rope tied around its rim, that had the ability to seal anyone with it, if the target responds when called by the user of the pot. If the person responds, the pot records their voice and then seals them. It is similar to Crimson Gourd in function, but more advanced, as less preparations is required. Unlike the other tools, it didn't vanish, but shrink to my palm size. The thick ropes around its rim wrapped themselves around my waist, securing the Amber purifying pot on my right waist.

The sixth and last one is a Shakujo, a 6 ringed staff.The staff is completely in black colour made of an unknown metal. But i will not question its durability. When i placed the bottom end of the staff on the ground to hold it, i can clearly sense all the things around me in a 5 km radius. Its just like my soul sense. The jingling of the staff's rings can be used to scare away dangerous animals, With a certain jingling sounds i can apply illusions on my opponents. Anyone who is hit by the bottom end of the staff, will have their chakra dispersed and become vulnerable to further attacks. The staff didn't vanish, it just floated in front of me. So i just carried it in my right hand as a walking stick.

Aito san and the others were looking at me as if iam a monster.

"Ichika san, each of these treasures takes enormous amounts of chakra to use them. But you don't even show any signs of exhaustion while using all 6 of them simultaneously. Just make sure you return them back to Kumogakure in the future."- Aito san.

"Thanks Aito san, i don't feel any exhaustion, but rather comfortable with these. I will surely return them back in the future."- Ichika

After trying a few moves with the shakujo, we all left the Yotsuki clan grounds.