It is one of the Paragon world among 1024 paragon worlds. Even among Paragon world's, it easily occupies Top 10 position in terms of strength. The Vulcan World is under the rule of Greene family. They family boasts high number of High gods and Paragons for a single family. The family Head of this Greene Family is a High Paragon Adrian Greene. He was the sole reason for the rise of the Greene family. He came to power as Paragon over 42 billion years ago and from then, his family just kept getting bigger and stronger.As the ruler of the Vulcan Paragon World, there a number of Higher state worlds and Mid state worlds under his family rule. Kaguya World is one of the Mid State World under his family rule. Adrian Wife, Shirley is also a Mid Paragon and a seer,with high comprehension into Dao of Karma and Fortune. She can easily read a world's Karma and based on her reading Adrian would send his followers to capture those worlds and thereby tying the Karma and Fortune of those world's with his family's.

It was 2200 years ago, when Shirley saw signs of High Karma and Fortune on Kaguya world. She disclosed this information to her husband Adrian. He quickly order his subordinates to locate the world. One of the subordinate family is the Otsutsuki Family.

Otsutsuki family Head soon located this world. Then he was given an audience to personally meet Adrian's son Auron Greene.Auron Gave him a seed to plant on this world.

"The seed is Known as Karma seed or God seed. Once you plant it on a world, it will keep on absorbing the energy and Karma of that world for a full thousand years. After 1000 years all this accumulated energy and Karma will form a God Fruit. All you and your family have to do is to retrieve this God fruit every 1000 years and hand it over to my family. In return we will equally reward you for your efforts."- Auron

Otsutsuki family head name is Katashi Otsutsuki. He is a High Level God. He knew planting the seed of karma on a World, will keep weakening the world over time. But he had no way to refuse the higher up orders, if his family want to survive among the strong. So he planted the Karma seed with a bit of his consciousness in it, on the Kaguya World. After 1000 years, when the fruit was about to take shape, he sent his own daughter Kaguya to that world, to retrieve the God fruit. Based on her daughter's strength, she is strong enough to defend herself.

That is the biggest mistake of his life, as things turned totally opposite to what he expected. Kaguya, was a kind woman and has not seen much of the world's cruely when she was with her father. But on this world, she experienced Cruelty, Greed, Hunger for power from the Humans. So when it came time to collect the God fruit, instead of taking it back, she swallowed the God fruit, in order to protect her two unborn sons. When Katashi, wanted to interfere and punish her, for some reason unknown, he was not able to step into the world. It's like Someone powerful is stopping him from interfering with the fate of the world. He slowly gave up, thinking that he can collect another fruit after 1000 years. He conveyed all the information to Auron Greene, Who was so furious at Kaguya actions, that he promised he will capture and refine the energy of God fruit from her. But just like him, he was also unable to enter the world. When this matter reached the ears of Adrian and Shirley, they too were shocked and ordered Auron to keep guard of the world.

Even though Kaguya ate the God fruit, she started feeding the tree with all the soldiers she defeated on that world, restoring its vitality very quickly. Which eased a bit of Katashi's anger. But much to his horror, His Grandsons Hagoromo and Hamura decided to seal her away. Using his consciousness in the God tree,he tried to help his daughter. But both were sealed away in the end by Hagoromo and Hamura. Even the God Tree was robbed of its entire energy and its husk was made into moon. Hagoromo even went ahead and spread this energy and in turn Karma to the humans of the world.

Shirley Greene, after 100 of years meditating came to the conclusion, that the one who is interfering with them is above Sovereign level and no one above God level is allowed entry into that world. She quickly conveyed this news to Auron. Auron believed that, there must be some kind of fortuitous opportunity on the world, for someone above sovereign level to interfere with a puny Mid Level world. So he chose 2 of the promising and loyal candidates and sent them to Kaguya world along with another Karma seed, this time he added his own consciousness to it. The candidates are a Fire Salamander and Cyclops.

They soon arrived on Kaguya World's, Monster Continent. They selected a good place and planted the Karma seed, waiting for the day the God fruit is formed. Also they became rulers of the Monster continent.

Few years ago, one of the Cyclops subordinates, a Fire bird, discovered the existence of Humans, that are moving from one Island to another Island. When the Cyclops received this news, he ordered few other avian subordinates to keep track of their movements and keep informing about them. Soon with the help of his subordinates he came to know that the Humans are from Barbarian continent and their destination is Shinobi continent. Before coming to this world, Lord Auron informed him, that the place, the previous Karma seed was planted in was Shinobi Continent. So after discussing all the details with his Salamander friend, both of them decided to kill and eat everyone from Shinobi Continent for spoiling their Lord Auron's plans. Soon they also gathered their monster army and started tailing the barbarians from far away. Now after years of following the Barbarian army, they are witnessing the strength of 3 humans fighting on the ocean surface.

Few things that all Cyclops love is good food, nice drinks and a bloody battle with strong opponents. As he was observing the fight going on, the Cyclops blood in him was encouraging him to join the fight. But he had hold back because of his friend Salamander friend. But he believed, soon it will be his turn to enjoy a good fight,



Ichika, Akira and Madara were in a stalemate waiting for someone to initiate the second round. Soon the one to run out of his patience is Madara.

"Multiplying explosive Tags", He threw thousands of exploding tags with 5 seals on them at Akira and Ichika. Ichika is not new to this attack, as she already experienced this type of attack with Tobirama Senju. But unlike before she didn't run away. She just swung her Katana in a circular manner, creating a special void zone around her, making none of the explosions reach her. As for Akira, he just counterer attacked the tags.

"Lightning Release: Lightning needles" His chakra exploded in the form of lightning needles, striking and neutralising any tags, that were in his range.

"Summoning Demonic statue of the outer path", The ten tails juubi husk appeared in front of Madara, with one eye indicating the sealed 3 tails. Apart from the missing souls from the other 8 tailed beasts, it was completely filled to the brim with chakra, releasing a dangerous foul aura for miles around, scaring anyone who came into contact with it.

"Madara sama, how? How can the juubi chakra be complete without sealing the tailed beasts?"- Ichika.

"It is a simple solution you see. The juubi chakra was split along with its soul to create the 9 tailed beasts. When i sealed the isobu away, it regained nearly 15% of its soul, chakra and a lot of its memories. So i used the revived zombie soldiers, to fill the juubi with their chakra. The Juubi body automatically started to mold the foreign chakra to match that of Isobu's chakra over time. Finally after 4 years of time, apart from the soul part, the juubi is nearly complete. But still, it is missing a lot of traits of the other tailed beasts. At the moment, all i can say is, that its defence is unparalleled."- Madara

Ichika was not happy to hear that while Akira was shocked to hear, that the 9 giant beasts in the ancestor records are just a part of the super monster in front of him. Madara quickly jumped onto the top of the juubi head.

"Outer Path:Demonic statue chains" purple spiked chakra chains started to manifest from the juubi's mouth and launched at them.

"Akira san, don't let the chains touch you, they have the ability to suppress and cause immense pain to anyone who were caught in it."-Ichika

Akira was glad for the warning, but he already sensed the threat of it and started to dodge those chains and moving away from it. Ichika too, just kept dodging the attacks, deflecting with her Katana when necessary. When she was out of reach of the chains, she quickly equipped her bow and quiver.

"Houyi's Archery: Brilliant Rain storm", she shot one of her special arrows aiming at Madara. This is the first time, Madara also noticed Ichika using archery. The special arrow exploded in air, revealing hundred thousand arrows raining on Madara and Juubi. Madara was able to deflect most of the arrows aimed towards him with "Deva Path: Almighty Push", but the juubi was not lucky, it was immediately reduced to a porcupine in mere seconds and started screaming from pain. But it's agony just started, as all the arrowheads were marked with explosion seals.

"Katsu"- ichika

With just a single hand sign, all the arrowheads that are embedded in juubi body and the one Madara deflected lying around its body, exploded in a series of explosions, taking even Madara by surprise. Even when the explosions were going on, Akira too attacked the juubi.

"Lightning Release: Lightning Hail", following his attacks, the sky turned dark with clouds, raining continuous lightning bolts on the juubi body, the fact that it is standing on the ocean's water surface also went against it.The lightning bolts only stopped attacking after 5 minutes.

When the smoke from the explosions cleared away, Madara was tightly wrapped himself in his Susanoo with his armor in tatters while the juubi looked pitiful. There wasn't a single part on its body which wasn't damaged, it was completely burnt black. But much to the shock of Ichika and Akira, the juubi started to heal and regenerate at visible speed before them. Soon it appeared as if nothing happened to it.

"You keep surprising me every time we fight Ichika. I knew my chances of winning are a bit high when i summoned the juubi. But still the difference in our strength remained the same. But sorry, i have to kill both of you today, for me to move forward with my goals."- Madara

"Animal Path: Summoning jutsu" With that Kabuto Yakushi appeared in front of Madara.

"Do it Kabuto"- Madara

"Yes Madara Sama"- Kabuto. With that Kabuto removed two sealing scrolls from his sleeves and crushed one of them. As soon as it was crushed, a portal opened in front of them

The first to come out of the portal was Zetsu, Tobi, Sasori, Deidara, Kakuzu, Hidan, Kiragi and Chihiro. 80000 white clones also stepped out.

Then Kabuto unfolded the other scroll, summoning a large number of caskets. All the past heroes and villains of the shinobi continent history were summoned back through Edo Tensei.

Second and Third Mizukage, Third Raikage, Third Kazekage, Orochimaru, Danzo, Kagami Uchiha, Kinkaku brothers etc.

Most of them were shocked to be summoned back as a tool while few others were happy to be back from the dead.

"We meet again Uchiha brat. This time i will kill you for sure"- Danzo

"Hmm, i wanted to become immortal. But not in this way. Well atleast i can feel the energy coursing through me"- Orochimaru

"What do you mean by Uchiha? Danzo"- Kagami

"Oh you don't know right. That girl is your Granddaughter and the 5th Hokage of Konohagakure. She is also the one who killed both me and orochimaru"- Danzo.

Granddaughter? 5th Hokage? Kagami Uchiha don't know what to feel at this moment. Glad that his lineage survived and someone from his family became a Hokage or Right now she is facing a group of monsters. He wanted to support her, but was soon robbed of his free will.

"So she is the Uchiha bright star. Let me fight her Madara sama, my Chinoike blood is screaming for her death"- Kiragi

"Get in line you Blood boy, i want to offer her body to Jashin sama"- Hidan

"Don't underestimate her Hidan, or you will regret it"- Kakuzu.

"I can smell our treasures from her Kinkaku"-Ginkaku

"Me too Ginkaku. Lets kill her and get those back"-Kinkaku

Akira was surprised from the move of Madara. He initially had a respect for him as a opponent, but he totally lost it. He can clearly see, that all these soldiers are zombies.

"You really do have a lot of following princess, a lot of them are crying for your blood and looks like now we are both on the same team, as he want to kill us both"- Akira

Ichika just gave him a nod and turned towards Madara

"Madara sama, just what exactly are you planning? Initially i thought you wanted revenge against Konohagakure, then acting as a tool of Zetsu, submerging the whole continent to Infinite Tsukuyomi. As you are already aware of Zetsu true purpose, you are not going to unseal Kaguya. Just what exactly is your goal?"- Madara

"Dominance. I want to be the true Immortal overlord and spread my name to all corners of the world."- Madara

"Such a childish dream for so much efforts, you really are a fool Madara sama. Also you monsters from Monster Continent, how long are you gonna keep just watching from the distance"- Ichika

All of them were surprised as i mentioned about monsters and turned towards the direction i was facing. After a few seconds, a loud laughter was heard throughout the area. Revealing hordes of monsters from the fog. Especially 2 monsters stood amongst them.

A hulking one eyed 40 feet Giant with a huge spiked metal club and a 100 feet Fire salamander with dangerous aura around it.

"You got good senses girl. I had a lot of trouble controlling myself, when i saw you 3 of them fight. So i will take this as a official invitation and obliterate you all."- Cyclops

"Don't underestimate anyone Karu, especially the girl. I still can't determine the depths of her strength. You go after that Juubi, while i will test her. As for all the subordinates, just lay waste to all the humans."- Fire Salamander.

"Princess, looks like even monsters want to have a go at you. Aren't you afraid? Our situation just went from bad, worse to worst."- Akira

"Akira san, what do you think will happen to moths willingly jumping into fire?"- Ichika

"Well, they are stupid and courting death"- Akira

"Exactly, to me all of them are similar to moths now, courting their death"- Ichika

With that said, the seals on her body started to release one by one, causing a terrifying aura to erupt from her. The sword shape tattoo on her left hand glowed to form a seven star sword in her left hand, while the golden bangle on her right wrist, formed a thick Golden Canopy rope, which surrounded her as a Golden dragon, ready to swallow anyone who approached her. Finally a black Shakujo appeared in her right hand. Just the jingling sounds from the Shakujo already terrified a lot of monsters. Also for the first time to the world, she started to open her eyes.