Monster World, it's High tier, Higher state world, that is countless times bigger than the Kaguya World. This world is rich in spiritual air, resources and minerals. The world has 2 blazing suns and 3 moons.This world is home to large number of monsters and humanoid races. Monsters occupied more than 80% of the world population. At the beginning monsters and humanoid races lived in harmony helping each other. 8 trillion years ago, this world was hit by a strange meteorite, causing the harmony to be broken. The monsters went berserk, going on a massacre and killing any humanoid race they came across. After going on a rampage for more than 3000 years, they drove humanoid races to near extinction. After nearly 3000 years of suffering, heroes started to appear from these humanoid races and were able to put up some resistance giving hope to the other people. Gradually these Humanoid races started to grow strong and counter attacked the monsters with time. The battle between these races went on for million years, before more powerful monsters decided to show up and laid waste to these so called heroes of humanoid races.

For the second time in History, the humanoid races again came near to extinction. This time they never provoked the monsters and went into hiding and started to build up numbers. During this time, one of the Elven race ancestor discovered the magic of qi cultivation. He soon spread his knowledge among his fellow elves, who experimented and perfected these Qi cultivation techniques. Soon they spread this knowledge to other humanoid races too. They also experimented with these cultivation techniques to suit to the physique of their own race. Because of the magic called, Qi and cultivation all the races started to train harder and became stronger. After 30 billion years of isolation, they came back to take their rightful lands from this monsters. At the initial part of the battles monsters were on the back foot, but soon, even more stronger monsters showed up. Sadly for humanoid races, some of the strong monsters have inherent ability to cultivate Qi. These monsters are called Alpha monsters.

The battle between the cultivators and Alpha monsters, shattered the world into 2 pieces. The gap between the two pieces increased over time and formed a huge poisonous water body, which is heaven for monsters, but hell for Humanoid races. After nearly killing each other for 2 billion years, both the parties came to a truce. Monsters occupied the larger part of the world, which occupied 70% of the world including the poisonous water body, while humanoid races occupied the remaining 30% of the world. The large poisonous water body later came to be known as Blood Ocean. Because of the vast size of the world, the 30% of the land was more than resourceful enough to house all these humanoid races for the next 8 trillion years.

Humanoid races split the remaining land into 2 parts.

20% of the land that borders Blood Ocean, was treated as a Vanguard Zone of Humanoid races in case monsters decided to attack again. The 20% of the land is split between major sects, aristocratic families, Guilds, Mercenaries and organisations to groom powerful cultivators. All these Groups have to depend on this part of the land only for resources, if they want more resources, then they have to enter the Monster side of the world. The remaining 10% is split between the 7 major races. Dragonoid, Elves, Dwarves, Humans, Demons, Gnomes and Beastmen.

All of these races, created their own favourable habitats in these lands which are ruled by the Royal Family of their respective races, except Humans. Human race doesn't have a king as they always fought among themselves for power, becoming the weakest and laughing stock of all the races.

Because of the collaboration between Dwarves, Gnomes and Elves, the technology on this world is highly advanced than that of Earth. But instead of electricity and petroleum, they use formation and spirit stones to operate machines and equipment.There is even all kinds of entertainment shows, Media network and communication is much faster via spiritual communication between all cultivators.

All the races worked hard for 200000 years, to build a 1000 metre high and 30 meters width walls along the entire border of Blood Ocean. Forts are created at certain parts to train and acts as quarters for soldiers. The walls are completely inlaid with powerful formations. Qi Ballista's and Arrow launchers are placed per every meter.

Qi Ballista's are the unique creation of Dwarves. The structure is similar to the normal ballista's. But Qi gathering formations are placed on it, to collect Qi from the air and store in Qi balls, that are stored at the bottom of the Ballista's, which act as ammunition for these ballista's. The only thing soldiers need to do is point the ballista's towards the enemy, the energy from these Qi balls will form an Qi Arrow, which can be launched at the enemies.

Few of the powerful cultivators from the humanoid races, crossed the Blood Ocean and created a large number of teleportation formations, which can be accessed, only with a certain token issued by the races.

The monster part of the world is divided into 7 regions. Each region is divided based on the strength of the monsters. The resources and magical herbs on this part of the monsters land is both high in quality and quantity. The more you move into the deeper parts of the regions, the higher quality of the resources. But most of the human cultivators only stick to the first 2 regions only, as the monsters in this region are consider rejects by the powerful monsters.

Each spiritual herbs and spirit stones are divided into categories depending on their purity.

Spiritual Herbs are divided from Grade 1 to Grade 15. The higher the grade of the Spiritual herbs, the more valuable and rare it is. Pills grade is also divided in the same way. Currently the highest grade spiritual herb and pill found on the Humanoid races side is only Grade 7.

Spirit stones are the primary currency among cultivators and their cultivation resources. They are divided into Low Grade, Medium Grade, High Grade, Peak Grade and Divine Grade spirit stones. So far only 40 million Divine Grade Spirit Stones were discovered in the humanoid lands. Each Grade of spirit stone is 100 times more valuable than its previous grade.

Monsters are also classified from Type 1 to type 15 monsters based on their strengths. The last time any monster above Type 12 was spotted, was around 28 billion years ago.

Cultivators are also divided into various levels based on their strength.

Saint Level,God Level, High God Level and Paragon Level. Again Each level is divided into Lower, Medium, Upper and Peak levels. All the Leaders of the 7 main races are Paragon, With the highest being the Elven Ancestor, who is a High Grade Paragon.

There are also normal mortals in this world, but they are only restricted to the mortal side of the world and are used by cultivators to run some errands.

As usual it is one of the normal day on the Monster World, when the fabric of space broke to reveal 2 strangers. They are none other than Ichika and Zetsu. They both spent nearly 2 years in Void, before they arrived here. Ichika took a lot of mental strain as she has to stay on right course while travelling through the void. As for Zetsu, he started to praise Ichika again and again for covering him with chakra coat and bringing him safe through the journey. Ichika and Zetsu, both could sense the quality of energy is much better than Kaguya World by 100 times.

Ichika Immediately sat in a lotus position, to refill her energy reserves, While using her soul sense to scan the Monster World. She was surprised by the vastness of the world, as her soul sense only covered 1000 million miles in radius. She concentrated on the conversation on a group of God level Cultivators and Understood that she is currently in Monster World.

"Zetsu, stay here and merge with the ground, i will be right back after collecting some information"- Ichika

"Yomotsu Hirasaka" She vanished from her current place by creating a rift in space and appearing above the group of Gods.

"World Illusion", The God level cultivators, were immediately sent into sleeping mode, while she started to go through each of their memories one by one. After collecting enough information from them, she returned back to the previous place.

"Did you find any useful information mother?"- Zetsu

"Yes. This World is called Monster World and trillions of miles in radius. Currently we are in the 4th region of the monster land. This world is more dangerous than Kaguya world."- Ichika

Then she started to explain the history of Monsters and Humanoid races battles, truce between the both of them, various regions of monsters, sects, royal families, currency and cultivators strength.

"Mother, can we survive on this world? It sounds scary."- Zetsu

"No need to fear. Our current problem is to find a good place to settle and a way to earn money"- Ichika

"Mother, you can rob spirit stones from those knocked out God's right?"- Zetsu

"Zetsu Let me warn you. The money you earned by robbing others cultivators, hard earned money will create a bad karma and will come to bite you in the future with double the effect.So never encourage those thoughts"- Ichika

Zetsu was visibly scared by his mother's serious tone and quickly nodded at her.

"How are we going to earn money then Mother?"- Zetsu

"Simple. We use our skills. Currently we are on the 4th region of the monster land. We will round up each and every matured spiritual herb and Spiritual stone mines from 5th region to 1st region. We will then trade them to earn money. The strongest monster on 5th region is only a Type 11 monster. So there is no immediate threat to our lives. But we will finish all these in stealth mode"- Ichika.

If anyone were to listen to Ichika words belittling a Type 11 monster, that can even kick a low level paragon, they will kowtow as many times as they can, to become her followers.

Ichika and Zetsu immediately used "Earth Walking" to avoid all monsters and entered 5th region. With her soul sense, she spotted 6 large spiritual ore mines with Medium to Divine Grade spiritual stones. She quickly reached the closest mine to her and instructed Zetsu to use Earth manipulation to completely mine all the spiritual stones, save for the spiritual ore vein. Once a spiritual ore vein is destroyed, spiritual stones are no longer formed in that mine.

"Zetsu keeping mining, while i will go collect the herbs, don't worry about your safety, as you will always be in my soul sense radar."- Ichika

Because of the richness of 5th region, there are a lot of Grade 7 to Grade 12 herbs here. She picked up each and every matured herb and moved onto the next at terrifying speeds. Sometimes there are whole fields of Spiritual herbs gathered at the same area, with blinding beauty and rainbow colours, but as Ichika passed through these fields, all that remained is only barren fields. Sometimes powerful monsters guarded these rare herbs to eat them when the time is right, but the moment they opened their eyes, they found them missing, causing them to roar and cry in anger. The same scene repeated throughout the 5th region for the next 70 years, cleared of all its matured spiritual herbs. She even collected all the high level ingredients used in cooking on her way.

Ichika even put the Type 11 Boss, Blue Dragon in a sweet eternal genjutsu, where it is dreaming happily swimming among its treasures. Ichika cleared all its treasures, not even sparing the Grade 3 lime grass in its cave. Dragons are known for their habit of collecting treasures, so you can expect that Ichika tour to the Blue Dragon cave was more than fruitful. It took Ichika, even with her soul sense, seven days to compile the list of all treasures. Just this tour to Blue Dragon cave increased her resources by thousand's of times, compared to the entire 5th region. Just the number of Divine Grade Spirit Stones, she collected are close to 600 million. Single Divine Grade spirit stone is enough to make even a Peak Level God cultivator go crazy, if they were to know about millions of Divine Grade Spirit Stones, even the Paragon's will move out to kill her. When the Blue Dragon, will awake from the Genjutsu, it will surely go crying to it's Mother in the 6th region.

Zetsu also used his Earth manipulation to go through entire spiritual ore mines, at such speeds, that it will put to shame a complete regiment of Dwarf miners. Dwarf have their pride as number one miners on this world, but Zetsu was going at 10000 times faster speed than they all combined. Moreover not a single spirit stone is chipped or cracked in the process. What took others millions of years to clear a large mine, Zetsu was able to do it with his clones in 180 years. All the ore mines, be it spiritual stone or metal ore mines, all were cleared in the next 3500 years covering the entire 5th region. Zetsu was also able to mine close to 85 million Divine Grade Spirit stones. While Ichika calmly cultivated, waiting for Zetsu to finish the mining.

After they finished 5th region, they went towards 4th region. 4th region was cleared completely in 2400 years. 3rd region in 1250 years. 2nd region in 950 years. They didn't touch the 1st region as they want to leave something to the God cultivators who came to this dangerous area.

In just 8300 years they were able to collect so many resources, that they can easily sponsor all the Majors sects on their own, for the next few billion years. During this time of cultivation, Ichika also broke through 2 levels in her dantians grade. Her 3 black dantians turned to brown first time and then 2nd time into blue colour. Her Chakra systems were filled upto 70%. Now her soul sense can easily cover half of the Monster world.

Ichika and Zetsu stayed in the Monster lands for another 135000 years calmly cultivating in a secluded cave. Ichika also used this time, to sort all the herbs, metals and spiritual stones according to their grade. She practiced her alchemy skills and forging skills with these herbs and metals, making her reach almost Pinnacle Level in both alchemy and forging. During this time, they also learned the common tongue and the languages of the other races, from the Pagoda library. Their fluency and proficiency in the languages, will even shock the original Humanoid races. Zetsu also reached High god level with her guidance and pills. Today they decided to cross the blood ocean and head towards civilization side.

Zetsu is currently dressed in white chinese style cultivator dress, with intricate sealing patterns on it. He is also holding a 2 meter black adamantium staff in his right hand.

Ichika is also dressed in white chinese cultivator uniform, with golden linings and sealing patterns on it. Uchiha clan, fan symbol is proudly displayed on her back.While her ankle length white hair is let loose. Her Katana is strapped to the left side of her waist. On the suggestion of Zetsu, she also covered her face with a white veil, only showing her eyes. Just the material of their clothes were enough to put, other royal families to shame. They are made from fiber of Golden Silk Larvae, which is a grade 8 fabric.

When close to the borders of Blood Ocean, she summoned juubi. After absorbing a complete karma tree, the juubi has now 12 tails. She named it Kuro, because she can no longer call it juubi. After training in the beast cultivation technique for hundred thousand years, it can easily hide its strength and shrink in size depending on Ichika orders. Just based on pure strength alone, it can be classified as a Type 12 monster. Kuro immediately grew up to 50 meters in height, easily accommodating both Ichika and Zetsu on its back, and covering them in a spherical barrier. As soon as he received order from Ichika, he started to sprint on the Blood Ocean.