Dragonoid Race Emperor Tianlong P.O.V

My name is Tianlong, i am the 72nd Emperor of my race. I am a Mid Level Paragon in Cultivation. Add my family battle techniques and our physique, i can even battle a High Level Paragon equally to a draw. My wife is Miya Light, ours is a love marriage. She is also a Mid Level Paragon. I may be the Emperor of my race, but i spend most of my time cultivating, while she handles the Empire administration. She has proven capable and won the support of the ministers in governing the Empire. She placed a lot of effort in improving the health and education system.If she had to take any major decisions in the empire, she will always inform me and will only implement it after i agree to it.

We had 14 sons and 17 daughters. But to be frank, i was never satisfied with anyone of my children. They are either incompetent, show offs or power hungry fools. They are the only black marks in my life. But on the insistence of my wife, i had to choose my eldest son Dilong as the Crown Prince. It is only to put a temporary stop until we find a proper successor.

Dilong was not a bad person at first, but when he became Crown Prince, all kinds of scum started to gather around him, inflating his ego. He is a poor judge of character. His aid Vernon, totally corrupted his mind with ambitious thoughts. So many times i wanted to kill him, but had to let it go, as time is the best teacher to teach these fools, who is a friend and who is a backstabber? But i didn't let them do, as they wish, as i only limited their power to basic administrations. I appointed few of my loyal guards to always monitor them closely.

Finally, few million years later, i found a successor. Dilong youngest son Zhulong. He is not like any of his Uncles or his father. He is hardworking, steady and firm. He has talent in both martial and administration abilities. I provided him best of the resources. But i don't know, how the news is leaked about him being the true successor to Vernon, he started to pester Dilong to marry his daughter to Zhulong. I don't want my grandson to be someone's toy, so i sent him out on training expeditions.

There he met this lovely lady called Aira Pandeus and married her, much to my son's reluctance. But both Dilong and Vernon didn't give up their plans, because of that Zhulong left to Vanguard Zone with his wife. Aira was poisoned and passed away a year after, giving birth to Astarte. I was about to kill Dilong, when my wife Miya pleaded for him. So i confined him to his palace only.

I ordered few of my elite bodyguards to protect Zhulong and went into secluded meditation. It was 10 years later, that i was forced to awaken from my meditation by my wife Miya.

As soon as i came to meet her, she starting narrating about the kidnapping of my great granddaughter Astarte. The maid appointed by Zhulong to look after Astarte is personally selected by me, so that we can keep track of his well being without disturbing him. Just as i about to send people to search for her, one of my aides immediately rushed in with a Monitor Crystal, that clearly showed my Astarte , slave traders and few cultivators. The cultivators started to fight the slave traders but they were not powerful enough. That's when a green haired, white clothed man called Zetsu, stepped in and single handedly took down all the slavers. He really was good at using staff. While his Mother, took Astarte by her side. I had to say, she really is a beautiful lady. Just as we thought, that the fight had finished, 3 paragon level slaver traders arrived on the scene.

Dilong and Vernon, just wait, after this is over, i will personally show you hell. Without wasting anymore time, i used the formations in my palace and teleported to the commercial district.

With Ichika

Damn i met a lot of weird people in both my lives, but i never met a so called standard Otaku. This girl was fighting for her freedom a while ago, but now she started to question me as if a high level detective, forgetting the danger she was in. Also what's with those starry eyes, every time i make move? you are giving me creeps. Note to self, get away from her as fast as i can after this is finished. But i quickly felt the presence of 3 paragons and had to divert my attention from her.

"Zetsu, step back. You are not a match for all 3 of them at once"- Ichika

Zetsu immediately returned to my side and was staring daggers at all the 3 new arrivals.

"So you 3 are the bosses of these bastards, right?"- Ichika

At my question, they started to look at their minion, my guards, myself and Zetsu.

"My Lady, it's better if you don't involve in this matter and hand over the girl to us or we will have to kidnap you too, since you, yourself is a beauty"- Boss 1

"My. My, such temper. how long ago was i threatened like this Zetsu?"- Ichika

"Mother i think, it was when you are fighting against Madara, he threatened to kill you"- Zetsu

Hmm yea, he threatened to kill me and take my eyes. But just when Zetsu, mentioned Madara, the little girl's eyes started to shine again and appeared by Zetsu side in a flash. I just ignored that, she is crazy.

"So the bear symbol, on your shoulder is your organisation Identity right?"- Ichika

"Yes we are from Mighty Bears Company, so don't mess with us and obediently hand over the girl"-Boss 2

As soon as he said, Mighty Bear, most of the cultivators started to look at them with pure disdain and terror. Looks like they are infamous for their evil deeds. I immediately stretched my soul sense throughout the Vanguard Zone and started to search for all members of the Mighty Bear with the Bear tattoo. There are a lot of members in the organisation, spread throughout vanguard zone in multiple bases. There are various races children held captive in these bases.

"Hmm total of 270000 members in your organisation in over 31 bases in the vanguard zone. Currently you are holding over 28000 children of various races captive in these bases. I hate people who separate the children from their parents, just for mere quick profits"- Ichika

The 3 bosses were clearly surprised along with the others, when i gave the details of their members, bases and the children. Looks like i can only punish them all at once, to warn others.

"Summoning Jutsu: Kuro", with that i summoned Kuro back from the pagoda. "Keep those 3 people occupied, i will be right back."

"Yomotsu Hirasaka" I opened a tear in space fabric and vanished from that place. Then for the next 2 hours i just kept moving from one base to the other destroying all the bases, capturing the members and rescuing all the children. I pulled out 10 spiritual boats to move all the rescued children and the captured members.

Clark Moor P.O.V

Dammit am i dreaming, these 3 people are the bosses of the most notorious criminal gang Mighty Bear. They are known for several Kidnappings and underground dealings. There is a high bounty placed on all of them.

The Lady asked Zetsu to come back and started to reveal the number of their members, bases and the number of children kidnapped. Just how powerful is she, to scan the entire vanguard zone with her soul sense. She may look delicate on the outside, but she definitely is a very strong cultivator. Just when i thought, she is gonna fight these 3 bastards, she summoned a cute 1 meter black dog. She instructed the dog to fight and vanished from the place by tearing through the space.

The moment, she did that most of us who are watching her were scared to our death. She teleported herself by tearing the space. There is a reason why, teleportation formations are placed when you use them, it is to protect the cultivators from the dangers of space cracks and void. Once you are lost in the space cracks, consider your life forfeit. But here this lady just teleported like it was nothing. Maybe this black dog is strong too.

The black dog turned towards the 3 bosses with a serious expression. Suddenly the atmosphere started to heat up between all the 3 bosses and the dog. This is the most weird recording, i am doing in my life.

Suddenly all the 3 bosses moved to 3 sides and rushed towards the dog from 3 directions with swords in a perfect sync. Just when they were about to pierce the dog, all the 3 attacks were blocked by 3 tails at once. The dog grew 2 more tails? The dog is hiding its strength too? What's with this group? Even their family dog is secretive.

After that no matter what attacks they used, it kept blocking their attacks easily with its tails. From the beginning the dog easily overpowered these 3 bosses.It is then, the 3 changed movements and used diversion tactics, they acted as if they are heading towards the dog, but only 2 attacked the dog, while the remaining one headed for Zetsu, Zetsu was able to block the sword swing at the last minute with his staff, but he was still wounded on his right shoulder. That's when a terrible aura erupted from the dog and started to suffocate all of us. The Dog was clearly angered by the wound on Zetsu. It immediately grew to 500 meters in size and unleashed 12 tails. 12 eyes also with weird patterns similar to the lady appeared on its forehead. It gave a loud roar filled with anger towards the 3 bosses, pinning them down with just its aura.

Damn you Cynthia, this is not a cute dog, but a powerful Type 14 monster. It's been nearly 28 billion years, when something above Type 12 was spotted. But still this monster didn't go on a rampage in its fury, but fully directed it only on its enemies. A Type 14 monster with self control ability, now that's a dangerous combination.

What happened for the next hour was complete whacking. The monster used it tails as clubs and started whacking the 3 bosses, whenever they started to get up or tried to run away. For some reason, all those who are watching the scene, felt pity towards them. Even though they are evil, they are mighty paragon level cultivators, they are being completely pulverised like a broken doll.

It is then, that the lady appeared before us with the same method as before. As soon as she appeared, she jumped on top of the black monster. It looks like the black monster was happy to see her master, as it started to wag all its tail in happiness.

The lady immediately went through some weird hand seals, soon the energy around her, started to form some weird runes in the air and finally they all combined to form a formation in the air. This is the highest level of formation technique, using just mere energy around them to form it into a formation. She is easily one of the pinnacle formation master. My Lady, please stop doing this, or my little heart won't be able to take in anymore shocks for today.

As soon as the formation was formed, it opened a portal, which is followed by 10 flying boats coming through it. Soon the flying boats were on top of us, with just a single hand sign from her, rows of people started to rain down on us. Yes, rows of people. All these people varied in size,shapes and races. But they had one thing in common, that is the bear tattoo. All but one flying boat was emptied as they vanished from the scene.

"Zetsu, there are kidnapped children in the boat. I healed their physical injuries. But still they seem, mentally scarred and malnourished. Take them to a nearest restaurant and let them eat whatever they want"- Lady

Ok, now i have no words to describe her. In just 2 hours, she was able to cover 31 bases in vanguard zone. Just who is the true monster here?

"You with the recording crystal, you are a reporter right? The children will be needing your help with finding their parents. Keep broadcasting their faces and find information of all the recent kidnapping cases. Match their identities with these missing cases. Only your media has the ability to reach to all the parents now. So please help them. I will pay for your efforts"- Lady

"Lady you have my complete respect now. Me and my sect will completely work with other sects on this case and make sure we will find all the parents of this missing children. What about the Criminals, my Lady"- Clark

As if to answer me, she started to look into the distant skies.

"Tianlong, it's good you are worrying about your great granddaughter, Don't you think its time you give her some mental support?Otherwise she will think that her own family is bullying her"- Lady

Suddenly a silhouette started to reveal infront us, its his Majesty Tianlong, of Dragonoid race. It's his first time making a public appearance in years. He is dressed in simple training uniform. Also, what did i hear just now? Did she call the strongest Emperor of humanoid races without any honorifics. So this Dragonoid little girl is the great granddaughter of the Emperor. This is definitely a super sensational news. She must be very important, for the Emperor to personally make a move.

"My Lady, thanks for saving my Great Granddaughter, i immediately rushed here, after seeing her situation on the news. But when i arrived here, i saw your pet took care of things already. If you don't mind, i will be taking care of all these criminals, also you are welcome to our palace anytime as a honoured guest."- Tianlong

"Ichika Uchiha, is my name. You can definitely take all of them, but i advice you to interrogate them all about, what they did with the previous kidnapped children? Also, when things settled down, bring your great granddaughter to me, i can cure her of her sickness."- Ichika

"I will Ichika san, thanks in advance for the offer."- Tianlong

Then she turned towards all the cultivators, who tried to protect the little princess, who are now feeling proud, because they saved a princess.

"Despite gaining nothing, you all did the right thing in protecting someone, when they need it. You all did a good job."-Ichika

With that said, she brought her two palms together as if praying, then thousands of illusionary arms headed towards the injured cultivators and started healing all of their wounds at a rapid pace.

Her healing is better than most of the elves, who can only heal at most 4 to 5 people at a time, but here she is healing thousands of them at the same time and at a rapid pace. I need a break after finishing with the children's case. I had enough shocks of a lifetime in a single day.

Just after she finished healing and things seemed to settle down, we all saw a golden flash heading towards Ichika sama. The Golden flash stopped right in front of her and we can clearly see that it is the Golden Crown from the Goddess of Faith church, used to select the true ruler of human race. It can't be, that she is….., before most of us can even digest the truth, we saw Pope, Cardinals and Archbishops all arrive at the scene too and are kneeling in front of her.

"Her Majesty, the Empress"

Author's Note: Finally chapter 50. 50 chapters with 112k+ words. A small milestone for me, considering i had never written before. Thanks for all the readers support. Please continue to support me in the future too and point my mistakes.