Yesterday, was a shocking day for me, when i saw a simple Golden Crown floating in front of me and hundreds of people dressed in religious clothes, kneeling in front of me calling their Empress. I want to reject it straight away, but before i do, time seemingly halted in the whole world, except for me.

Then i heard the voice of my master, from the Golden Crown, years may seem nothing for cultivators, but i really felt like it's been a long time.

"Child, i know, you have a lot of questions for me, but it is not the time yet. You have to take on the role of the Empress. Being an Overlord is not only about absolute strength, but you must have patience and skill, to govern your domain. These two qualities can only come with lots of experience, facing various situations and problems.

Once you reach the pinnacle of cultivation, you will have nothing to do or have any goal to move forward. This will slowly grow on your mind and will make you lose your patience. So it's better to have as many memories as you can, to keep your mind occupied during lonely times. I am sure, being an Empress in a cultivation world, will provide you these memories.

As for the world you are in right now, it's going to face a lot of invasions from the other worlds. You can easily survive these invasions on your own. As to whether, you want to save those around you, will totally depend on your decisions and efforts.

Also it is time, you face the true reality, of what a cultivation powerhouse is about. You are kind and i must say, you did the right job in Kaguya world. But Kaguya world, is just a mid tier world, and reaching God level is considered as reaching pinnacle in that world. But there are so many sovereign state worlds out there, that Gods are not even suited to work as servants. The worlds, that are going to invade Monster world, are experts in conquering other worlds, searching for new resources and expanding their domain. Monster World is a perfect place for them, as it a high Higher state world full of resources and population. Resources will be exploited and the population will be turned to slaves or playthings. They will show you no mercy and stop at nothing to gain more influence. If you decide to show mercy to the wrong person today, then i can guarantee you will surely die by tomorrow. So strengthen your resolve, from now on, your future path is going to be paved with blood of your enemies. It's either kill or be killed. I believe my student is not the type to die and will fight back.

Also after stabilizing your empire, try to visit all the forbidden zones in the world. If you are lucky, you may end up with some fortune.

As for the Crown, it is a special token from King Yama. With this Crown, you can freely enter and exit the Underworld Realm with your physical body. "- Overlord

After conveying his message, the Golden Crown dropped into my hands.

Teacher, this world is not invaded by anyone till now, but it's going to happen in the future, because of my presence. Why do i feel like,you are purposefully luring all these powerhouses here? As to whether i will kill them or not, it will totally depend on their attitude towards me and my people. If their true purpose is to gain more riches by killing others, then i will make sure, this world will be their graveyard.

For a moment, the entire citizens of Avalon city felt a huge killing intent, before it vanished. The killing intent promised nothing but wrath and destruction.

I didn't come out from my room, until dinner time, as i started planning a lot of things. I can easily survive this by escaping into the soul pagoda and wait until i increase my strength, but what about the citizens of this world? The highest known power is only a High Paragon. But if we are going to face invasions from a sovereign and Paragon state world, then it's not enough. Looks like i will have to prepare my own powerful army.

Clark Moor was feeling a bit nervous, as the time to interview Ichika sama is getting closer. He has a lot of questions to ask her, he even received a lot of questions from fans on his spiritual chat. But he is going to ignore those questions, if he want to escape from this Faith Palace alive.

The interview is going to take place in the Grand Hall of the palace. It can easily accommodate upto 20000 people. At the moment, all the seats in the hall are completely filled up by various human aristocratic clan heads, sect leaders, business leaders, various organisations and guilds. There are still a lot of people standing wherever they can in the hall. Reporters from other media sects can also be seen among these people. Clark Moor was the official interviewer, but Pope Jean, revealed that, others can also ask questions as long as they are meaningful and cause no disturbance.

There is a highly decorated chair, suitable for Royalty in the middle of the dias, while Clark Moor, was also given a comfortable chair opposite to it.

The interview was supposed to start at 8.00 Pm, there is still 10 minutes left before the interview. Clark Moor was already standing by his seat and once again going through all the questions in his mind. It is then, he heard a large commotion from the crowd, giving way to Ichika and Zetsu. Soon Ichika took her seat, while Zetsu was seen standing behind her. They both looked absolutely calm, like it is an everyday routine for them. Clark immediately did a bow to Ichika and took his seat.

"Good Evening Your Majesty. Iam Clark Moor from Sun Media Sect. Thanks for giving me and our sect, the chance to interview Her Highness for the first time."- Clark

"You did a good job in assisting Zetsu, with the children's case, so when we heard, it was you, who want to interview me, i have to accept it, as i too have many things to convey to my people. So this is a perfect platform for me too"- Ichika

"Your Majesty, before you made your appearance in Vanguard Zone, No one heard a thing about you or your clan. Can you please give us a few details about your background?"-Clark.

This is the first question, almost everyone in the world wanted to know.

"My name is Ichika Uchiha. I am from the great noble clan of Uchiha. Our clan is the oldest clan in the history, dating back to the first war between Humanoid races and Monsters. Our clan is famous for its war potential and we played a important role during the war. But our clan immediately went into hiding after that, as we attracted too much attention from the monsters and suffered huge number of losses. From then, we only involved secretly with the outside world, without showing ourselves. But after so many generations, we are now strong enough to come back from the shadows.

My visit this time to Avalon City is to reestablish our connections with the world and forge better relations with all the other races. But one thing lead to another and i was selected as the Empress"- Ichika

This is the story Ichika and Zetsu agreed on before entering the Vanguard Zone. At first she was hesitant about it, but when she learnt about the fate of this world, she decided to follow with this false story. Also it will give her more cover, when she does impossible things in the future, especially regarding her almost infinite resources. She can say that it's her clans collection for generations.

As for Clark and the others, they were surprised at learning this news. If what Ichika said is true, then the Uchiha clan is around for at least 8 trillion years and is definitely older than the Elven royal family.

"Your Majesty, are there any evidences, that can prove your statements?"- Clark

"Hmm at the moment none. Because we always erased our tracks. But i can tell that, the accumulation of our knowledge and wealth is easily the best in the world. We have good cultivation techniques, alchemists, formation masters, blacksmiths and healers. All of our clan members have to learn these auxiliary techniques with their battle techniques. "- Ichika

If it was 2 days ago, people would have scorned her for her words. But no one will forget the things they witnessed yesterday. She clearly tamed a Type 14 monster, proving her strength.She has a strong spatial movement technique allowing her to move anywhere, within the range of her soul sense. She healed thousands of cultivators in mere moments. She is also a pinnacle formation master, with the way she opened spatial formations. It may sound good, that a single cultivator can do all these, but the amount of resources to even groom such a cultivator is almost endless.

"Clark Moor, i know you all are interested in my clan, but i can't divulge any more information as it will be harmful to my clan. At the moment i am the only link between my clan and the outside world. So let's move onto more relevant topics at hand"- Ichika

Everybody present clearly understood Ichika words, if some ambitious clan were to learn of Uchiha clan whereabouts, they will surely collaborate with other clans and destroy Uchiha clan for their techniques and wealth.

"Your Majesty, you must have known, that Duke Samil and his friends already destroyed all teleportation formation leading into the human lands. If you have to move, you have to move through the forbidden zones with millions of your loyal followers. But it will put their life at risk, how are you going to solve this problem?"- Clark

This is the main question all the clan heads want to hear, even if they are loyal, they don't want to sacrifice their clan members before reaching their homeland.

"Simple. I will give all the clans a month time, to calmly finish their preparations for migration. During this time, i will move to Human land borders and will temporarily open a large teleportation formation. After that i will face Duke Samil and his friends and give them an ultimatum to surrender or to die"- Ichika

Well no one doubted her spatial movement skill or formation skills. But all those present felt cold chill running through their bodies, when she mentioned about facing Duke Samil and his friends alone. Including Duke Samil himself, there are like 30 paragons on his side.

"Your Majesty, don't you think it's wise to wait until reinforcements arrive on your side? You may be strong, but it's better not to face all of Duke Samil forces at once."- Clark

Just as Clark asked the question, all those present felt mountainous pressure weighing on their shoulders, even the paragons present in the hall felt the same. The pressure quickly vanished after a short display from her.

"Answer me Clark Moor. Can a group of 30 to 40 ants stop the stampede of a Behemoth? In my eyes Duke Samil and his friends, doesn't even match these ants."- Ichika

Domineering. That's the only word came to their minds after hearing her declaration. After feeling her strength indirectly, now all of them felt pity for Duke Samil and his friends foolish actions. If they had sworn allegiance to Ichika, with their status they would be ministers under her. But now they are completely doomed.

"Your Majesty, what are your plans for the development of Human lands?"- Clark

"At the moment Human lands are destroyed a lot during the power struggle for ages. It will take a systematic approach and huge funds to bring it back to life. I openly invite all the scholars and businessman to human lands after one month. I am planning to invest close to quadrillion peak grade spirit stones in its resurrection. So you all got a month of time, to impress me."- Ichika

Silence. Absolute pin drop silence. What did they all hear just now? Quadrillion peak grade spirit stones? This sum alone surpasses the budget of all the other races budget for the last 100 years. With this amount, she can easily rebuild the entire Empire from scratch. Only fools will let go of this chance. Even if they gain 1% of profit from this project, that will leave them with huge profits. Immediately all the businessman and some clan heads started sending orders to their planning department.

As for Ichika, she immediately left after answering few more questions, leaving a stunned crowd behind. For her quadrillion Divine grade spirit stones also doesn't mean much, let alone peak grade spirit stones. But it's not the same case with others. This is a huge gold mine for them. By tomorrow, she will personally learn the true power of money.