After the reconstruction of the entire Empire, all the aristocratic families settled in their allotted zones.The 8 major clans from Vanguard zone followed Ichika and settled in the 8 super large cities in the Second Zone. As for the remaining 4 military clans, that were guarding the four borders of the Empire, settled in Military Zone.

There are 4 forts and 4 major cities built near each and every border on the four sides, totalling 16 forts and 16 cities. Each military clan is incharge of 4 forts and 4 Major cities. Yang family is one of these 4 major Militaristic families in the Empire. They have been guarding the southern borders of the Empire for 6 trillion years.

Greenwood city, is one these cities under the Yang family. It is built close to Greenwood forest, hence the name Greenwood city. Greenwood Forest is known for its wide variety of Monsters, minerals and spiritual herbs. It houses a large number of adventure guilds, mercenary companies and commercial organisations. The current mayor of this city is Yang Qi, a peak High God level cultivator. Yang Qi is also, one of the younger brothers of Yang family head, Yang Ye.

Yang Qi is skilled both in Military and administration departments. Currently he is sitting in his office, with 2 more people sitting opposite to him. These 2 are his assistants, incharge of collecting the information in the city and passing it to Yang Qi.

Because of the Event held by the Empire, large number of foreign cultivators are heading towards the capital Eden. As Greenwood city is situated on the borders, it is also the first stop to all these cultivators, to rest and resupply their stock. Yang Qi tasked his assistants to keep an eye on these foreign cultivators, in case any suspicious fellow entered the city. Even though the Empire rules are strict, there are always some outsiders, who will look to create some trouble.

Yang Qi, gave a approving nod to his assistants, after reading all the information they gathered for the day.

"Good job, you 2. Keep working hard until the Event is over. It is a hard task for you guys, but you both will be given proper Promotions, when all this is finished. Don't slip up your guard till the end"- Yang Qi

Both the assistants were happy after hearing Yang Qi words and left the office, determined to work more hard. After his assistants left, Yang Qi went over few other documents on his office table. As he was about to sign a new document, he heard loud hurried footsteps, heading towards his office.

'Hmm, why is someone openly rushing towards my office at this time? Don't tell me we have some problem in the city'

As he was still in his thoughts, his office doors were burst open, revealing a man clad in black armor. He is clearly a high level cultivator, but at the moment, he is completely sweating bullets and panic can be clearly seen in his eyes. This man is the Commander of the city garrison troops Yang Xian.

"Calm down Commander Xian, what happened to our Yang family custom of staying calm during all situations?"- Yang Qi

"My Lord, My Lord. We have a situation, your presence is urgently needed at the teleportation portal."- Yang Xian

"Huh. that's it? Then why are you panicking as if you have seen a monster?"- Yang Qi

"My Lord, We just received information from clan headquarters in the Capital. Patriarch Yang Ye will be arriving in our city in another 2 hours."- Yang Xian

Yang Qi frowned at Yang Xian words. Being the Great General of the Southern Borders, Yang Ye visited him and this city on a regular basis. It doesn't warranty such a pathetic state of Yang Xian.

"Xian, if it's about Elder brother, we all received him a number of times in the past. So why are you losing your cool this time. So calm down for now, it doesn't suit your status as the city commander."- Yang Qi

"My Lord, it's not about the Patriarch, but about the person he is bringing with him. We were ordered to play a perfect host to him"- Yang Xian

Perfect Host? And it is a order? Who is this person that requires such respect from his elder brother? Must be another family head or some influential person from the capital.

"Any news about the identity of this person?"- Yang Qi

Yang Xian had to take few gulps before he answered Yang Qi

"Yes my Lord. He is the Supreme Commander of the Imperial Guard, Lord Kuro."- Yang Xian

*BAM* just at the mention of Lord Kuro, Yang Qi immediately collapsed on the floor. Who doesn't know about Lord Kuro in this world? A pinnacle Type 15 monster, turned into Human.

130 Million years ago, when Empress Ichika took over the throne, all the powerful sects in the world are denied entry, to open even a single branch in the Empire. Also, the already existing sects in the Empire are also requested to stop their activities and are given more than enough compensation to reestablish their sects outside the Empire.

Some of the sect leaders felt insulted and thought Empress Ichika is looking down on them. In their eyes, Empress Ichika is just one of the Paragons, like other Emperors. Others were greedy, because of the Empress huge fortune. So more than 12 major sects, all formed into an alliance and attacked the Northern borders as a warning to the Empress. More than 300000 soldiers of the Empire died on that day. This was a successful attempt, given their combined strength, if it was any other Empire. But their actions, only invited the complete wrath of the Empress.

Empress Ichika, sent only one person to retaliate, Lord Kuro, who was still a type 14 monster then.

Everyone who witnessed the things on that day, felt complete terror towards Lord Kuro. The cultivators from all the 12 major sects set their camp opposite to the Northern borders. Including the various sect Leaders, Grand Elders and Elders, there is a total of 60 Paragon level cultivators among them. The entire camp consisting of 30 million cultivators, including the Paragons, were all killed completely without showing any mercy. It was a complete one sided destruction.

The surviving members of all these major sects, at their bases were so scared, that most of the disciples left their sects fearing retaliation from the Empress. They have to pay more than 70% from their treasury, as compensation to the Empire. From that day, no one dared to have any ill thoughts towards the Empire, all because of Lord Kuro

60 Million years after this incident, he alone decimated the entire sea monsters from Ganges Ocean, during the monster tide. Because of his display of power, the sea monsters never invaded the Empire borders again or caused trouble to the Empire's merchant fleets sailing on the ocean. He became the symbol of the Empire military strength from then. Even though he has monster origins, he completely won the respect of all the Empire Citizens and various clan leaders.

He is easily the top 3 influential figure in the Empire after Empress Ichika and Prince Zetsu. Being the pet of Empress, he is also a close aide of her. So, many ministers and officials always try to find a chance, to get on his good side. If they can gain his acceptance, they may also gain recognition from the Empress Ichika and Price Zetsu in the future.

This is once in a million year opportunity for their Yang family, to gain some more reputation points with the Empress. No wonder his Elder brother is personally escorting Lord Kuro here and ordered to play a perfect host to him.

Immediately Yang Qi ordered, all the officials in the city to prepare to welcome Lord Kuro, while his servants were ordered to prepare the City Lord palace as his temporary quarters.

City center, Teleportation Portal place.

Today is a strange day for all the local citizens of the Greenwood city and all foreign cultivators, as they are witnessing all the powerful government officials and soldiers line up in an orderly fashion before the teleportation portal. All of these officials are carrying various types of emotions on their faces fear, awe, joy, determination etc,

After probing few of the official for news, they came to know that Lord Kuro is arriving at their city. Silence, the entire city center became silence for few minutes, before all hell broke loose.Quickly all of them started to use their spiritual chart and started to share this information with others.

"News, breaking news. Lord Kuro is making a public appearance after 20 million years. Send the news to headquarters immediately"

"The Heroic Lord Kuro is arriving in our city, all of you maintain your best behaviour"

"This time I get to see Lord Kuro in person"

"Maybe, Lord Kuro will fall for my charms"

"To the Bit** above, don't day dream"

"If we are lucky, we can get few pointers from him"

"Dream on Noob. He will not even notice us"

At Sun Media Sect Headquarters

When Cynthia Heart heard this news, she immediately called for a meeting, on the sects private channel.

"Who is present near Greenwood City? Or anywhere near the city?"- Cynthia

"Iam covering the event news from the capital, Boss. Most of us, including those from other sects are also present here, as this is a major event."- Random member

"Hey, even if anyone is present, do you think, we will get to meet Lord Kuro and interview him? Only Clark Moor has the chance at cracking this interview."- Random Member 2

"Yeah, that lucky bastard forged good relations with Prince Zetsu, so only he is our best chance"- Random member 3

"Clark Moor, you bastard,I know you are watching this. So hurry up and appear here. Otherwise I am gonna force you to do documentaries on Pig and Poultry farming for the next 100 years"- Cynthia Heart

"Boss, you really are a cruel person and such a slave driver. Aslo why are you getting so excited about? It might, just be a regular visit from Lord Kuro to Greenwood City"- Clark

"Who are you fooling Clark? Just the word "might", tells me, that you are also interested in this little tour of Lord Kuro. Tell me what do you think about this?"- Cynthia

"Scary Boss, your intuitions are always on point. Yes, I am also interested in this news. Its been over 20 million years, before Lord Kuro made a public appearance. Even, if he did, it was always low key. But this time, the entire Greenwood city was alerted of his presence.

City Lord Yang Qi and his officials are honest and good officials. So it is not a official check from the Empress. Even, if it is a official check, there is no need for Lord Kuro to personally make a move, as he is not good with paperwork. Greenwood city also doesn't have any valuable treasures, compared to the capital Eden. Also he can get even more better treasures from Empress herself, if he needs it.

He is also not there to honor Yang clan, as it is not their official major city. At the moment, the entire city is flooded with various foreign cultivators. So I can only come to a single conclusion.

For someone of his status to present on a border city means, he is there to personally welcome or Escort someone close to the Royal family."- Clark

It was just a single normal move from Kuro with Yang clan Patriarch, but based on this actions alone, Clark was almost able to pinpoint Kuro goal.

As for his colleagues in the sect, who are watching this chat are almost floored with shock. If they can't come to a conclusion after Clark's briefing, they can simply resign to their jobs.

'Clark, are you telling us, someone other than Empress and Prince Zetsu, from the Royal family is going to make a public appearance?"- Cynthia

"The chances are always slim or my assumptions are wrong. But my instincts are telling me, this is definitely related to the royal family. Also if I take a second guess, this is someone from the second generation.

Prince Zetsu, once told me, that Empress Ichika was a member of the current generation. So after 130 million years, we may have a 2nd or 3rd generation member from the royal family.

If it is someone from Empress Ichika or her previous generation, they don't need such protection, as we are all clear how resourceful the royal family is. With the family resources, they will be powerful cultivators like Empress.

So it is definitely someone after her generation. Even if they have resources, they don't have time to groom a powerful younger generation. So I am sure Lord Kuro was sent to Escort them, back to the Capital"- Clark

"Clark, Hurry up and rush towards Greenwood city. I don't care if your assumptions are right or wrong. If you are wrong, we will just waste some time, but if you are right, we have news to establish ourselves as the number 1 media sect."- Cynthia

"But Boss, I don't want to go. With much difficulty, I was able to get an appointment with the Osteria Gourmet Kitchen. I am going to have my lunch there tomorrow."- Clark

Osteria Gourmet Kitchen, is the number one restaurant in the world. It is a food chain started by Princess Astarte in all the Capital cities. Every dish here is known for their heavenly taste and their rich quality. You have to make a 2 month prior appointment, if you want to taste the dishes here.


"Stop emotional blackmailing me with our sects future ok. I will definitely go and collect the news in Greenwood city. You better raise my salary for my efforts"- Clark

"Good boy Clark. I will definitely raise your salary by 2 low grade spirit stones starting next month"- Cynthia

'Stingy bitch. All that work and only raise by 2 low grade spirit stones. Is there still meaning to my salary raise?' just as Clark was cursing Cynthia in his heart, he received a personal message from his boss, that almost made him spit blood.

"Clark, your appointment with Osteria Gourmet Kitchen is going to be a waste,with you going to Greenwood City. So pass me the appointment details, so I can make sure full use of it."- Cynthia

'Ah me and my stupid mouth. There goes my heavenly lunch. '