Capital City Eden, Yang Family Manor.

3 young men and a woman, can be seen fighting. Ehem, sorry. It's not fighting, but a one sided thrashing, the woman is thrashing all 3 young men as if they are some mobile punching bags. All 4 of them are High God level cultivators. If not for the physique and beautiful face of the woman, there is a high chance of people mistaking her for a man, just based on her Un lady like movements.

These 4 are the children of Yang Ye. Yang Yeung, Yang Xiu, Yang Ren and Yang Zhu.

Yang Yeung is a fair complexioned lady at 5.9 ft, while her brothers can also be considered as handsome for someone of Military lineage. They are all 6ft tall. Currently, they are all dressed in black training uniform and sparring in the manor backyard.

"You guys have been slacking of a lot during your training these days, do you think you are good enough to participate in the Empire event, with this third rated skills?"- Yang Yeung

"Hmm, Elder sister, it's not we are slacking, it's just you are pulling ahead of us"- Yang Xiu

"Yes, Elder sister, we are not a match for you, but we are strong enough to beat young masters of other families"- Yang Ren

"Yes, Elder sister, you are also becoming too violent these days, if you continue like this, it will be difficult for us to find a good husband for you. From what I observed, these days, the number of Father 'sighs' increased by 3, since last week."- Yang Zhu

The moment Yang Zhu mentioned husband, Yang Xiu and Yang Ren felt immediate chill in the air and scurried away from Yang Zhu. They started cursing him, for bringing this 'taboo' topic at this moment.

'Bastard, if you have such good observational abilities at reading the number of Father 'sighs', why don't you read the mood of our Elder sister. Also what do you mean by us? Don't drag us into this'

"Kiddo, I didn't hear it clearly, can you repeat it once more"- Yang Yeung

"Yes, Elder sister. I said you are too violent ...….."- Yang Zhu

Before he could complete his previous sentence, he was sent flying backwards, creating a identical shape of him, on the wall behind him. But that was, just the beginning. Soon Yang Xiu and Yang Ren shapes also followed after. This time, their thrashing went on for 2 more hours, before their Elder sister showed them some 'Mercy'.

When Yang Yeung left the training grounds, people would have assumed, she must have killed her younger brothers, if not for their breathing. When Yang Xiu and Yang Ren, gathered a bit of energy, they had a good brotherly 'Talk', with their younger brother Yang Zhu. After that, they all went to have a good shower and breakfast.

Luo Gang is the younger sister of Luo clan patriarch Luo gan, who is currently famous as the number one swordsman in the world. She is a paragon level cultivator and was known for her terrifying sword skills, before she fell in love and married Yang Ye. It can be said, that her character rubbed a bit on her daughter Yang Yeung.

Unlike her husband and sons, she is totally at peace regarding her daughter's marriage. On questioned by her husband about this topic, she would always say 'the world is not going to end by tomorrow and marriages are made in heaven. She too will find a good husband with time, all we need to do at that time is give our blessings'. Yang Ye may come up with 100 strategies on the battlefield, but to this day he never won a single argument against his wife.

She gave a few fake coughs, to draw the attention of her children, who are currently immersed in a great battle with their breakfast. Soon all 4 of them turned towards their mother, who is kindly smiling towards all 4 of them.

As her children, they clearly knew, what her smile means. It is a warning or something serious, to pay attention to her. If they failed to do that, they will be personally trained(tortured) by her, for the next month.

"Your Uncle Yang Qi, sent a message yesterday evening, asking for all of you including the Blood Guardians to be sent to Greenwood city. Your father, requests your presence there. He arranged few training sessions with Lord Kuro , who is a temporary guest there, at the moment. As for you Yeung-er, father specified me to apply some makeup on you."- Luo Gang

*BOOM*,Ignore Kuro, ignore Yang Ye instructions, the brains of all 4 of them exploded at the word 'makeup'. They all, looked at each other, as if to confirm they heard it right, not just their mind playing tricks on them because of the fatigue from the training. All of them nodded in confirmation as it is true. It can be properly assumed that the word 'makeup' is banned from the Yang manor and Yang Yeung only heard the word 'makeup' and experienced it, only one time in her entire life. That too, when the Empress, visited their family few million years ago.

"Mother, why do I need to apply makeup for training sessions with Lord Kuro?"- Yang Yeung

"Huh. You are asking me? But whom should I ask about this? I don't know, what your father is thinking, but It was clearly mentioned that your training resources will be tripled and your brother's medical fees will be doubled if you apply some makeup and move to Greenwood city."- Luo Gang

Yang Yeung decided to bear with this 'makeup' and started smiling brilliantly as her training resources are going to increase by 3 times, while her 3 brothers started to curse their father.

What do you mean by doubling our medical fees father? You are clearly encouraging and extending our torture at Elder sister hands. With the additional triple increase in her resources, the gap between us will widen even more and continue our lives as her punching bags. Silently, all 3 of them started to pray to their ancestors, so that their Elder sister can find a good husband soon.

"You all will be leaving quickly as soon as your sister is ready."- Luo Gang

After finishing their breakfast Luo Gang, dragged Yang Yeung to her chambers. Where her personal maid started to do a complete makeover of Yang Yeung.

Soon 2 hours passed by and all 3 brothers including 500 Blood Guardians are standing at the manor gates, waiting for Yang Yeung. Soon 2 silhouettes started to approach them. As these silhouettes came closer, the 3 brothers including all the Blood Guardians, started to rub their eyes.

"Huh, I never knew, I am suffering from diplopia(double vision), I am seeing 2 mothers in the distance"- Yang Xiu

"You too elder brother? I am also seeing 2 mothers. Something must have went wrong with our breakfast, maybe we should visit our family doctor before leaving."- Yang Ren

"You 2 are fools, Elder brothers. Nothing is wrong with your eyes. Don't you see they are wearing, different coloured dress and hairstyle? She must be our mother's sister, our aunt probably"- Yang Zhu

On observing closely, both of them indeed noticed the differences between the 2 figures, no wonder their brother is good at observation. While these 3 fools are messing with the identity of the second person, the commander of the Blood Guardian Yang Yu spoke up.

"Young masters, you mother never had another sibling, apart from your maternal uncle Luo Gan."- Yang Yu

"...." all 3 of them. Only after intense thinking, did they identify her, as their Elder sister.

"Hey Yang Yu, is that really our Elder sister?"- Yang Xiu

"It appears to be Young master"- Yang Yu

Even Yang Yu, was surprised at the Eldest Miss transformation. It was akin to Ugly Duckling transforming into a beautiful swan.

The one beside Luo Gang is definitely Yang Yeung, even if her appearance is changed, she had trouble walking in these 'weird' clothes. So it took a good one hour cramming course, to get her going without any trouble.

"Surprised, by your sister's change? Hehe, I was also surprised at first. Anyway behave properly in Greenwood city and don't go beating up others and looking for challenges. Especially you Yeung-er, I don't want to hear a single complaint about you.

Also don't waste this training opportunity with Lord Kuro."- Luo Gang

After few more remainder and warnings, the entire group of 504 members, moved towards the teleportation portal.

In the capital city, news travel fast. Especially when it came to one of the 12 major Noble clans, also when it involves the eldest miss of the Yang family dressing up. Soon this news reached to all the remaining major noble clans. As clan heads, they are not idiots and started joining the pieces together with Lord Kuro's move and Yang family Movement.

Soon the teleportation portal of the capital city became busy for the next 6 hours, with various clan heads, heirs and important personnel moving towards Greenwood city. The one incharge of the teleportation portal was so shocked, that he had to report this news to his higher ups.

Normally as the event time is getting closer, it is ok to assume, more people entering the city, but right now, all the major figures of the Empire, are leaving the city. Soon this news reached the ears of Prince Zetsu.

"Mother, it looks like the news is out. More and more members of the Empire are moving towards the Greenwood city, Looks like, we need to send some reinforcements to Kuro"- Zetsu

"It's not only our citizens, but other Empires are also making a move. Princess Astarte applied for accommodation in the city. Demon Emperor's Eldest daughter already set out. The group of Elven Royal family representatives, took u-turn and are moving towards the Greenwood city. Coincidentally, the representatives from beastman race will intercept with Itachi and others at their current speed outside the Greenwood city. Only the Dwarven representatives are still spending their time drinking away in Osteria Gourmet Kitchen.

Also the 'mouse' decided to come out of it's hiding and leading the remnants of the 12 destroyed sects to lay ambush in Greenwood city. "- Ichika

"So, the 'mouse' decided to show up huh. You already ignored him once, thinking about his family. But, now he wants to hurt our own family members. Mother, with your permission, I will personally go and destroy him and his gang"- Zetsu

"There is no need for you to make a personal Move. I already sent Team Zodiac and the 6 Puppet guards. I gave them a space tool to hide in the shadows, to support Kuro and the others, if things became messy. No one, messes with my family and think of getting alive from it.

Also, If things go as I assumed, I will be breaking through again just before the event commences. So, I want you to stay back and look after the Empire's affairs. You need to receive various representatives from other Empires and Minor races."- Ichika

Zetsu was surprised at his mother's move. He never expected her to send such a superior force towards Greenwood City. The whole world, assumes that Kuro is the only Type 15 monster under her control. But,from what he knew, Kuro is the weakest of all the monsters, Under his mother's control.

He at least saw over 60 Type 15 monsters during the last 130 million years.

As for Team Zodiac, they are the 12 Sior Kingkongs, Ichika tamed in the Atlas Kingdom. Because of her cultivation techniques, they became rulers of a part of Atlas Kingdom. All of them are extremely powerful than Kuro and Ichika used them, now and then for sparring.

After transforming to Human's, all of them turned into 7 ft fell, with blazing red hair and black armor. They were named after the 12 constellation signs, their armors and weapons were also specially crafted by Ichika, bearing the constellation sign on the back of the armors and on the hilt of their weapons.


Author's Note: The Sior Kingkongs, were mentioned in the chapter 12. Also, tomorrow's chapter, will be a bit late, than regular time. My friend is shifting house, so me and my other friends are going to help him out. But don't worry, there will be definite chapter release tomorrow.