"Welcome to the 10th floor Avatar world, my child"- Overlord

Ichika turned around to see her teacher staring back at her with a smile. He was dressed in his usual white robes. With her experience, she knew, he was just a part of her teacher's will, but she doesn't care as long as she had a good talk with her teacher after a long time.

"Teacher, it's been a long time, since I last saw you?"- Ichika

"Yes. But it's just mere 100's of million years. You still need to completely transform your dantians into 2 more stages, before you can personally see me. But it is not an easy task, as the last 2 stages will take minimum of few chaos cycles, before they can transform. So you need to work more on your patience and anxiety"- Overlord

There is no need for her teacher to mention this. With every dantian stage transformation, the time kept increasing by numerous times. So at least it is a good news, it is just few chaos cycles. She planned to go on a long seclusion, after settling things here on monster world.

Overlord turned to the still opened Heaven's eye on Ichika's forehead.

"It's good, you decided to keep the third eye open. You don't know, when you will find in the middle of trouble, so you should learn to fully utilise the skills.

The longer the third eye remains open, the quicker it will become stronger. The third eye has much more uses than you can think. But you need to get much stronger for that. Currently, I can only give you one advice to unlock one more skill of it.

Your soul energy and consciousness increased a lot, with the forming of Crown chakra. Your affinity with the elements also reached max. So using your third eye as a medium, try to use spiritual energy and elemental principles to form formations.

With your maximum affinity with elements, you can easily form formations from nothing, without any external support. At overlord cultivation, every second can decide your entire fate. So start building formations with your third eye, while still moving around. It may be extremely tough at the beginning to accomplish, but this is also another way to raise your formation skills and train your third eye."- Overlord

Wow.That's the only thought in Ichika's mind. She never expected her Heaven's eye can also act as a medium for her soul energy. But forming powerful formations, while still fighting your enemies is a hard task, but not an impossible task. All she need to do is start with basic formations first. It will also increase her speed, reaction, reflexes, awareness by a lot.

Hmm, if it is possible to lay formations, can't she user her Heaven's eye as a medium and launch Soul attacks? As her teacher, Overlord could clearly read her thoughts.

"It is possible to use soul attacks. But your soul is still not strong enough to affect overlord's. You have a long time before reaching that level. Also, at your current level, I guess you will even need to get serious. So don't waste time thinking about soul attacks for now.

Just use every second of your time to cultivate and increase your battle skills."- Overlord

After that Ichika turned towards the 3 giants. She was more curious to know about their identities.

"Master, who are these 3 people? Why is there life energy inside their bodies, even without their soul?"- Ichika

"You know how lonely my life is right? If I don't have any sort of entertainment, I may go mad and destroy this chaos world. So to alleviate my boredom, I used my will to reincarnate now and then to have some fun. But it's not like I reincarnated whenever I wanted. I only did it, when the balance of this chaos world is threatened, So I can have good reason for my reincarnation.

These three Avatars are my previous reincarnations and now are only mere vessels, without my will. I trained them all to the peak of cultivation below Overlord. So their Avatar bodies can be considered as treasures in the cultivation world. But I don't want to leave them behind, to see them treated as some tools. Even without my will, I still felt that the Avatars would be helpful in the future. So I created this Frozen Ice palace to preserve their bodies at their top condition.

When you became my student, I did some divinations regarding you and It was really an interesting one. I am not gonna tell you, your future, as it will be boring to know your future. But, what I can say is you really have a soft heart for a cultivator. You don't want any unnecessary bloodshed, but the higher you move along the cultivation path, the more you will be forced on the path of bloodshed.

You want to create an ideal world, where everyone can understand each other. But it is even more difficult than, fighting an overlord. The decisions you make in the future, will only bring more trouble than you think. But I was also intrigued by the concept of your ideal world. It will be more entertaining to watch your foolish actions and struggles, than stopping you. But no matter how foolish you may be, you are my only disciple. So as a teacher, I must help you out a bit on your path. So I added this Avatar Palace to the soul pagoda, so you can use these Avatars to achieve your goals"- Overlord

Ichika truly felt sorry for her teacher loneliness, but he has no friends apart from the 3 dwarven teachers. It is also second time, he is warning her of her soft heart and her future. But not long ago, she was the one responsible for millions of soldiers death, because of the poison she created. Even then, she is still considered as soft? Just how many lives she has to take in the future? Billions? Trillions? Also teacher, instead of seeing me struggle on my path, all you want is entertainment, right?

"Teacher, how can I use these bodies?"- Ichika

"I will only tell you how to take control over them, as for their uses, I will leave it to your imagination. Since you are using the same Cultivation technique, I created, you will have no trouble in operating these Avatars. All you need to do is plant a part of your will in them.

But I had to warn you, I created these Avatars during times of chaos. So they all have inherent violent tendencies in them, if your soul and willpoweris not strong enough, then you will be completely swept up in these violent thoughts."- Overlord

It didn't shock her that much as these bodies have violent thoughts. She knew, there must be a price paid to use such powerful Avatars. She already thought up few plans on how to use them.

"Teacher, can you give me the background story behind these Avatars? If I know about them, maybe I can control the violent thoughts."- Ichika

"Hmm, Valid point. The one in the middle in Emperor Robes is my first Avatar, Emperor Manu. He can be considered as the first Human Emperor. I created him when the worlds are over run by powerful evil cultivators, killing and pillaging various innocents and worlds. There were no leaders to lead the soldiers against these evil cultivators and the balance in the world was almost on the brink of destroying.

Emperor Manu was born in a Noble family. At very young age, he succeeded his father as the family head. When his world was threatened by the evil cultivators, most of the powerful cultivators and Emperor's gave up and escaped from the world. But Emperor Manu took these evil cultivators head on and gave hope to all the inhabitants of his world.

He wielded his sword to kill millions of these evil cultivators and almost ended up fighting them on a regular basis. With every war he won, his name and fame increased a lot, drawing more people to his domain. It didn't take long time before he became the first and True Emperor, controlling an entire world. His name inspired bravery in many youths, while his enemies shuddered at the mere mention of his name. He lead his soldiers in a series of wars freeing many worlds and killing all the evil cultivators.

But as others were depending on him a lot, he seemingly died during the last and deciding battle with the evil cultivators. His accomplishments and history was recorded on many worlds."- Overlord

Then he pointed to the Barbarian warrior.

"This is my second Avatar, Barbarian Gundahar. He was born into a slave family. In the past there used to be 40 sovereign rulers. Of then 23 sovereign rulers were considered as tyrants, controlling their domain with fear and death. This 23 sovereign rulers also took a blood oath to protect each other from the remaining 17 righteous sovereign rulers. Because of their strong Unity and fearing their combined retaliation, the other sovereign rulers also didn't cause trouble to them.

Gundahar's world was occupied by one of this tyrant sovereign ruler, where almost all the inhabitants were treated as slaves to work in mines, fields or in arena fights as entertainment. As he grew up, it became unbearable for him to bear the tyranny, so he revolted with few other hot blooded youths. They overcame many struggles, near life and death experiences, a world wide hunt, before gathering many more youths and fighting for their freedom. They tasted a lot of failures in their battles, but with the lead of Gundahar, they became a strong rebel force. Over time, they were able to free their world. But the 23 sovereign rulers were completely angered by this rebel forces and joined their forces to completely kill each and everyone on his world.

What followed was a battle of billions of invading soldiers against millions hostile forces. The battle was brutal taking the lives of every inhabitant on his world. Gundahar was only able to survive, because his enemies assumed him dead during the battle. When he came to his senses, his world was completely destroyed and he was the lone survivor.

Following the battle Gundahar vanished for billions of years. But when he reappeared again, the entire chaos world was shocked. He lead a solo 23 expeditions against the evil sovereign rulers, killing them as brutally as he can. He vanished again for the second time after killing all the 23 sovereign rulers. It was assumed he died on an unknown world, due to the severe injuries he sustained during the battles with the evil sovereigns."- Overlord

Now this is a story. A slave rising to become a saviour. So there were at least 40 sovereign rulers in the past, compared to the present 11. Then her teacher pointed towards the last and lone female elf.

"This is my last Avatar, E'Lara. She was the progenitor of today's warrior elves. No matter the world, the elves were known for their unmatched beauty and long life span. So they were captured by other races to be kept as a plaything or used in deadly experiments, to figure out the truth behind their long life span. At that time, the elves were only forest dwellers and knew nothing about fighting. Their only goal was to spend their time and die in nature's embrace.

E'Lara was the first warrior elf, who chose to fight for her freedom, instead of becoming a plaything or experimental material. At the beginning she fought alone, but as time went on, the other elves also started to fight for their existence and freedom. They used the vast forest and home advantage to deal devastating blows to their enemies. Soon under her lead, the Elves become one of the deadly warriors in existence. They are specially known for their archery.

When the Elves learned to survive and fight back on their own in this vast chaos world. E'lara was presumed dead because of a spatial rift. But even today, her descendants are still searching for her whereabouts. Out of the current 11 sovereign rulers, 3 of them are elves and are her descendants."- Overlord

Huh, thats it? No heart wrenching story? No tragic fates? So 3 of the 11 sovereign rulers are Elves. This is useful information to her.


Author's Note: I took the name of Emperor Manu from hindu mythology. Gundahar or Gunther is one of the famous barbarians in History. E'Lara is the female elf lead and playable character in Hunter Demon's Forge game.

Also special thanks to all the readers once again. we are just one step away from reaching million views.