As for Sarada, she was also staring at this paternal aunt of hers with interest. There are countless stories regarding her achievements on this shinobi continent. There is even a lesson included about her history in her school curriculum. As for her pictures, you can find them in most of the Uchiha members houses, clan assembly and business establishments. If you can't recognize her, then you are not worth of the Uchiha name.

Mikoto rushed like wind towards Ichika, hugged her hard and started to cry, Fugaku still maintained his strict demeanour but tears can be seen forming at the rim of his eyes.

"Mother, don't cry. You can relax, I am not gonna run from you"- Ichika

"Quiet, leave me like this for a while. It's been more than 1000 years, since I hugged you like this."- Mikoto

Ichika can't refute her mother and stayed still until Mikoto calm down. Then she turned towards Sarada

"Father, Why don't you introduce this little niece of mine?"- Ichika

Fugaku gave a glance towards Sarada and was about to give her introduction, when Sarada interrupted him by raising her right hand.

"Grandpa, I am a big girl, I can introduce myself. Aunty Ichika, My name is Sarada Uchiha, 11 years old. I will graduate from Ninja academy in 2 more weeks and will become Genin."- Sarada

"Ohhh. You sure look strong for a genin, but I had to say, you will not become a genin"- Ichika

Fugaku, Mikoto and Sarada were surprised by the serious tone in Ichika's words. Why can't Sarada become a genin? Could she be suffering from any deadly internal injury?

"Ichika, what's wrong with Sarada? Is her injury serious? How much time does she have?"- Fugaku

Ichika felt stupid at her choice of words, causing misunderstanding.

"Sigh. Father she is perfectly healthy. Nothing is wrong with her. I arrived here to take all of you with me to the higher state world. That's what I mean, when I mentioned, she won't become a genin anymore."- Ichika

Fugaku and Mikoto relaxed after learning nothing is wrong with Sarada. But they were completely stunned at her next words. They only thought Ichika was here just to visit them, never did they expect her to take them with her.

"Ichika, it's good you want to take us with you, but isn't higher state world dangerous? We will only become a burden for you there. "- Mikoto

Kin told them clearly on how dangerous the higher state worlds are, on how only the strongest survive there. Even though they are happy at Ichika words, they don't want to become liability to her.

"Father I can understand your concerns. Do you think, I didn't think of these things before coming here? With me there, no one will even think of harming you, even in their dreams."- Ichika

Yes. How could Ichika not think of these things, when he can? She is the strongest and smartest person in the history of Uchiha clan

"Father, convene Elder assembly, in 2 hours. I can only stay like 2 hours on this world."- Ichika

With that said, Ichika, Mikoto and Sarada went towards the inner parts of the main courtyard, while Fugaku ordered the guards to pass messages to all the elders and main members of the Uchiha clan in 2 hours.

One hour later Sasuke and Sakura received news about Ichika's arrival and rushed back at their maximum speed. They spent the remaining hour catching up with the things and sharing their adventures. All this time Sarada, never left the side of Ichika.

As most of the elders also stay on Uzushiogakure, it didn't take long for all of them to gather in the assembly hall. But most of them were puzzled at this sudden meeting call of Fugaku. They never had such rushed meeting in a long time. So few of the elders, started to guess the purpose of the meeting.

"Could it be related to the increased export of our crops to Iwagakure and Sunagakure?"- Elder 1

"I don't think so. After the formation of shinobi front, they make direct contacts with the General Secretary for food and resources. Must be related to our pharma products"- Elder 2

"No those are all small things. This sudden gathering at this time means we have something more serious to discuss"- Elder 3

Just then 4 people entered the assembly hall. They were not surprised to see Fugaku, Mikoto and Sasuke, but the 4th person beside them. But when they got a clear picture of Ichika, all of them stood up like school children in order and greeted her. They didn't even sit down, even after repeated urgings from Fugaku, preferring to stand instead.

Now this is a big news for them. What is Ichika sama doing here on this world? Didn't she ascend to higher world long time ago? Ichika also didn't waste her time with them and got straight to the point.

"Today, I came back to take all the clan members with me to higher world. You all have 24 hours to finish your preparation. There is no need to worry about food and accommodation. Only bring those that you hold dear. Any more questions?"- Ichika

*Boom* all the elders were shocked at this news. It will easily take them complete day before they can digest this news. But they were given only 24 hours time to finish their preparations.

"Ichika sama, what about our businesses and industries here?"- Elder 1

In the whole kaguya world, Uchiha clan is known for their number of businesses and industries. They all worked a lot to build this Empire. Now it hurts them to leave all this behind.

"I possess almost infinite times of wealth compared to the entire Uchiha clan. So we will pass all our properties and money to the Shinobi front. I am sure, they will make good use of it."- Ichika

When they heard her casual answer, almost all of them were on the verge of fainting. Their wealth is already considered a lot, but she possess infinite times of it. Ichika sama are you trying to kill us with heartaches?

"Isn't higher state worlds extremely dangerous for someone of low cultivation like us?"- Elder 2

"No one in that world will ever find you guys for trouble. As for your low cultivation, I can provide you guys enough resources and teachers to help you become strong"- Ichika

For 2 minutes there was only silence in the assembly hall as they don't have any reason to reject her offer.

"Since you have no more questions, alert the entire clan of the migration and start making your preparations. I don't want to see any panic, everything and everyone should be in order"- Ichika

"Yes, Ichika sama"- All the elders

After that Ichika told Fugaku to meet the General Secretary and pass the necessary property documents to him. Fugaku also summoned his eagle and immediately flew towards Kumogakure Headquarters.

Ichika also went around taking in the sights of the places she grew up. She paid her respects to her past comrades at their graves and arrived in Kumogakure. There she spent few more moments at the grave of her disciple Akito Yotsuki. Then she arrived in mountains graveyard.

This used to be the headquarters of Akatsuki in the past. But this is also the same place, where Kaguya was sealed. With just a swing of her sword, the seal imprisoning Kaguya broke out releasing her.

Kaguya took her time adjusting to the light, after being released from the darkness. But she was surprised to see Ichika, who almost resembled her instead of Zetsu.

"Who are you and what happened to Zetsu?"- Kaguya

"My name is Ichika Uchiha. I am one of your descendants. As for Zetsu, he ascended to higher world with me long time ago."- Ichika

Kaguya was really surprised at hearing the word ascended from a back water world like this. But after staring and observing Ichika for a while, she had to agree with her. As the daughter of Otsutsuki family head, she met many powerful cultivators both inside and outside her family. Also the material needed to prepare Ichika current robes could only be find in higher state worlds.

"If you are an ascender, then how did you come back to this world?"- Kaguya

"I become strong enough to find my way back home. I convinced the spirit of this world to stay 2 days here, before taking back my family with me to higher state world."- Ichika

Strong enough to come back from a higher state world? Only someone of sovereign level can do that. Could this girl be a sovereign? For how long was I imprisoned in the first place?

"So what are you planning to do with your newfound freedom? Do you still plan to use Infinite Tsukuyomi on this entire world?"- Ichika

"Depends on the situation around the world. If they are still fighting among themselves, then I will continue with my plans"- Kaguya

"Then there is no need for that. There has been no major war on this world for a long time. Now all the civilians and ninjas are living in harmony respecting each other."- Ichika

Harmony? Is it really possible for these greedy humans to live in harmony?

"I want to see the world with my own eyes, before making a decision"- Kaguya

"Good. Then you will have nothing to do on this world after checking on the citizens. Why don't you come with me to the higher world? If you are afraid of your family or Greene family coming after you, you can ignore those fears. I am more stronger than them and they will not harm anyone under my protection"- Ichika

It was a long time since she last heard the name of Greene family. It pains her, but she has to agree that her own family is the lap dog of Greene family. They will not even hesitate to kill her, if the Greene family ordered them to. But this girl in front of her is openly claiming to be stronger than the Greene family.

"Child. Just for assurance, can I know your cultivation level?"- Kaguya

"I have no problems in easily defeating anyone below High sovereign rank cultivation. I know it may shock you, but I can't release my full power here , as I promised the spirit of this world to restrain my strength, during my stay here.

If you still doubt my strength, you can follow me till tomorrow"- Ichika

High Sovereign rank? And easily defeating them? Aren't sovereigns stronger than paragons? Since when did sovereign cultivators become so weak?

"Child, there is no need for me to doubt you. I can also sense you meant no harm to me, otherwise I would be long dead by now. Even if you are restricting your strength, you are still stronger than my father. So where should i meet you?"- Kaguya

"Good. You can keep checking on this world until tomorrow. I will pick you up, before leaving this world"- Ichika

With that said, Ichika vanished from that place and appeared in the main courtyard in time to have dinner.