Another shocking news. The parents and ancestors of Empress Ichika are also going to appear in the capital city Eden.

Ichika spent 10 more minutes with the reporters, before ending the press meet. All the reporters rushed out of of the court, as they have an additional work to do.

Since the auxiliary cultivators are also participating in this event, they have to gather information on the possible winners and do a separate program on them. This will also decide the various betting odds against them. Even though they have 500 years of time, it is still not sufficient as they will be busy covering the event in 3 weeks time.

With everyone gone, only Ichika, Shisui, Itachi, Kin and Zetsu are left in the throne hall.

"Mother, that was really cruel of you. I never expected the special gift to be such a high amount. Now we will have to face crazy cultivators who are blinded by greed."- Kin

"Huh, But I thought It was reasonable. Don't tell me you guys are weak enough to lose in a one on one against other cultivators, if so, I have to rethink about your training routine from now on"- Ichika

Kin and the others started shivering, as they can clearly sense an evil omen from Ichika words. With their bloodline and cultivation, they are more than strong enough to easily defeat someone of their own level. But there will always be surprising and unknown cultivators making their presence in each and every event. So they want to maintain their sporting mentality of win and lose. But now, they have no way but to crush their opponents with their full strength, if they want to avoid future training(torture) sessions of Ichika.

"Sister, who are the other 2 junior members you mentioned you earlier?"- Itachi

"Oh. It is Naruto and Sasuke. Since the competition is flexible enough to suit all cultivators, it will be a nice experience and wake up call for them. Otherwise it will take another 10 million years for them to participate in the next event. I don't want them to become rusty after arriving here, instead I want to use this event as a chance to awaken their sleeping potential, which died down on Kaguya world."- Ichika

They have no way to refute her words, as Ichika was right. Even they themselves feel like, they have become soft and lost a bit of their fighting edge in the recent past before arriving here on Monster world.

Only after arriving here did they realize, how dangerous the cultivators path is. They have only way to survive, that is to move forward and become stronger than their opponents. Even though they are complaining and showing reluctance on the outside, they are more than eager enough to fight strong opponents.

"Cousin, It is ok if you revealed about the Avatars as the ancestors, because their aura is strong enough to convince others of their strength. Then what about aunt and uncle? Their strength is nowhere near us."- Shisui

Just like Sasuke and Naruto, both Mikoto and Fugaku are also Mid level God cultivation. If the parents of the esteemed Empress Ichika are not even strong enough to reach Paragon, it will raise many doubts among the civilians, they may even become laughing stock of the royal family.

"Don't worry. As soon as Father, Mother and the others arrive here, I will personally oversee their training. They will spend their entire time cultivating in the time chamber. I think they have high chance of breaking through to high god level before the event.

Also during the event, I will give special talismans to father and mother, to mask their aura. No one will be able to find out about their true strength and this will also create a mystery around them."- Ichika

After discussing about few more things, Ichika reached out to Crown Prince Zor, with her soul sense, asking him to meet her outside the Hall of Supreme Harmony.

Within 10 minutes Zor arrived with his soldiers and the 5 boss monsters. The moment Hydra, Crimson Snake and the other bosses spotted Ichika, they started to sweat bullets and started to kneel against their wishes.

Ichika also understood, how crown prince Zor deduced her as the robber. So these 5 boss monsters revealed her identity.

"How are the 5 bosses doing? Are you here to offer another tribute to me?"- Ichika

They moment Ichika mentioned tribute, they all felt like idiots on foolishly believing her to be from the dragon race. But at the same time, they are also sure, they are no match for her then. It is their luck, she only took their treasures and not their lives. She also left them with a suitable cultivation techniques, for that they are grateful towards her.

"Your majesty, thanks for sparing our lives and helping us getting stronger. Because of the previous incident, we 5 bosses never fought among ourselves and helped each other. Now Blood Ocean is one of the prosperous region in monster lands"- Hydra

"Yes, your majesty. Just to make sure our alliance stays strong, we all swore brotherhood. Now, we combine our strength together to fight other powerful monsters eyeing our territory. This only strengthened our relations over time."- Crimson Snake

Wow. Ichika never expected her actions to create harmony between all the 5 boss monsters. Well it doesn't matter, as long as they don't cause trouble with the humanoid races clan.

"Your majesty, if you finished preparations, let's start moving. It's a long journey"- Zor

If it was when Ichika arrived on Monster world, it would be a long journey. But now she is on a completely different level.

"Crown Prince Zor, just don't resist, we will be inside 7th zone in seconds"- Ichika

Ichika wrapped Zor and his party with her soul sense, before she used Yomotsu Hirasaka and arrived on the 7th zone. Zor was surprised by the spatial ability of Ichika, as they all arrived in front of the ancient palace within seconds. What took their party 2 months journey, was only covered in seconds. Even his father Dragon King can't move this fast.

Zor immediately dismissed his soldiers and ordered them to take care of the 5 bosses as his guests for now. With him in the lead, Ichika started to move towards the inner parts of the palace.

Ichika was clearly impressed by the architecture and beauty of the ancient palace. If she was not wrong, this building was definitely designed by Gnome race.Within few seconds, both Ichika and Zor arrived before the restricted area of the palace.

Zor started to go through several hand seals to lower the formation barriers at the entrance of the restricted area. As soon as the formation barriers revealed an opening both Ichika and Zor stepped inside the restricted zone, while the formation barriers started to recover automatically.

Ichika started to enjoy the paradise like scenery while moving forward. She was able to spot some of the rare grade 15 spiritual herbs, which she marked in her mind. If it isn't for her Herbal Garden, she would surely feel jealousy of Dragon king's fortune for having such a luxurious private garden.

It didn't take long before she arrived in front of the Rasia core. Dragon King Ko was standing by the side of Rasia core as a guard, in case Ichika has any ulterior motives. The 8 year old imaginary figure of Rasia, started to float in front of Ichika and after few seconds, she started to circle around Ichika.

"As expected, you really are similar to father. I can clearly sense the harmony of all natural elements around you. But how are you related to father?"- Rasia

Father? It is only because of her teacher's cultivation technique, she was able to maintain harmony of all elements. Is she related to teacher by chance?

"Who is this father you are talking about?"- Ichika

"My father is the creation itself. If you don't know who father is, then how do you have the same aura as him?"- Rasia

Creation? Then with just a thought from Ichika, the spiritual air in the surroundings started to gather in front of her in the form of dense clouds. Slowly the clouds started to take the form of a man in white robes, revealing life like image of the overlord.

"This is my teacher. He is someone who was born alongside the creation. Are you possibly referring to him?"- Ichika

Ko and Zor were stunned by Ichika words, as they never expected Ichika's teacher to be such a powerful person. Now wonder she created such a phenomenon during her breakthrough. They decided not to provoke her unless, they are provoked by her

But Rasia was stunned for another reason, as she realized the identity of Ichika's teacher as the overlord.

"No, I am not talking about your teacher. But Your teacher was one of the reasons behind my misfortune. Ages ago, he was one of the Overlords who fought another Overlord on my world.

They only fought for like few minutes, but in just those few minutes their fight left my world on the brink of destruction Killing all of the inhabitants of my world. I have no other way but to gather all the remaining energy, resources on the world into my core and escape here.

I had to say your teacher was really strong as he took care of the other overlord in just few minutes, despite the injuries he suffered. From what I observed, he must have fought at least 2 overlords, before continuing his fight on my world"- Rasia

Ichika almost turned into a statue because of Rasia words. Her teacher already told her once, that he has multiple overlords as his enemies and he is even strong enough to fight at least 20 of them at the same time. Then why was he injured? Could the enemy overlords succeeded in forming an alliance? Just how many overlord's gathered together to injure the teacher?

As she was lost in her thoughts thinking about her teacher and his injuries, Ichika started to emit a very dangerous killing intent. Even Dragon king and Zor were afraid by the sudden explosion of the Killing Intent. It is lucky, that this area was isolated by various formations, otherwise Ichika's killing intent would have definitely killed many weak hearted cultivators and civilians. But the herbs in the restricted area were not lucky, as they took the brunt of her killing intent and started to wither at a rapid pace. If the situation were to continue like this for few more seconds, then this entire area will become a barren land.

Rasia was the first to recover her senses, as she already experienced such tremendous killing intent before her world destruction. She quickly gathered as much energy as she can, before shouting in a loud voice to bring Ichika out of her trance.


Author's Note: second and regular chapter of the day. Sorry for the late release, as I was dragged into shopping with my family members.