"Empress Ichika, is there anything we can help you with, fighting against Boda family"- Dragon King Ko

"Hmm, for the moment nothing. But I prefer if you keep training your soldiers, as we will keep facing continuous troubles in the future. But before that let me rearrange the formations in this restricted area, it's full of openings and will not be effective against sovereign level cultivators."- Ichika

Dragon King Ko and Rasia were embarrassed after hearing Ichika's words. It is under the instructions of Rasia, that the ancestors of Dragon King arranged these formations. She used her infinite years of wisdom to create these formations.

But if any other formation specialists were to hear Ichika's words, they will simply commit suicide in shame, as they will not even recognize the nature of these formations, let alone finding openings in them.

But Ichika is different. After opening Heaven's Eye, her skill in formations almost reached pinnacle level. She can even notice tiniest of flaws in all formations. That's why she was able to spot so many openings in the formations around the restricted area.

First, she completely took down all the formations. Then she broke down runes on all the formation flags, which used to act as the medium. Then she completely crushed all these formation flags much to the horror of Dragon King Ko, Zor and Rasia. They spent a lot of time and resources in arranging these formations, but it was now completely ruined by Ichika.

Ichika then took out 7 materials, that are completely made from sovereign grade monster corpses, which Arthur king collected in his spatial rings. After that she starting etching ancient runes onto all of these materials. The runes correspond to the 7 elements of nature and are marked on the material that are most compatible with them.

The runes started to burn into these materials and started to take the shape of all the 7 elements. Then Ichika took 7 formation flags and controlled these elemental shapes to combine with the formation flags. Once the formation flags were complete, she started to place them in order around the restricted area. The moment these formation flags touched the ground, they completely dissolved into the ground and became a part of the land. Then she went around numerous hand seals in sequence, with each hand seal, connections started to form between the formation flags. When she finished the last sequence, the final connection was done and the entire Elemental array formation was completed.

But in the eyes of Dragon King KO and Zor, they didn't find any signs of formation in the surroundings. As for Rasia, she was completely scared by the speed at which Ichika finished laying formation. Then she wrote down all the applications and operations of the formation onto a jade slip and passed it to Rasia.

"This is an Elemental array formation. To outsiders, this place will look like its covered in a dense fog. The formation can be used for detection, defensive, illusion and killing. Even someone of sovereign ruler level will have to struggle to escape from this formation. Even someone knowledgeable in formations will struggle to escape from this, as the combinations and formation flags nature will keep changing every second, making it difficult for them to decode the formation"- Ichika

Rasia was surprised after going through all the details regarding the formation in the jade slip. She can only allow those she want to, inside the restricted area. If anyone tries to invade forcefully, she can send them into a separate space and imprison them or she can kill them with various elemental energies like fire and lightning.

Now she is totally convinced of her safety and she can even protect Dragon king Ko and his family, as long as they are inside this restricted area.

Ichika spent few more hours with Rasia and learnt few things regarding the battle of her teacher and the other overlord. She decided to visit the battle site in the future, in case she may find some enlightenment from the scars left on the ruined world.

Zor also gave her a sincere apology for his earlier actions in Eden. Despite the repeated urgings from Dragon King Ko and Zor to have dinner in their palace, she refused saying that she will visit another time. After bidding them all goodbye, she arrived in her office inside the royal palace.

Zetsu, Itachi, Shisui and Kin were already waiting for her in the office. She was immediately surrounded by all 4 of them and was bombarded with all kinds of questions regarding the invitation. She patiently answered all of their questions, which calmed their nerves.

"We have 200 years until father and mother arrive here. So all of you should completely concentrate on your cultivation till then.Also don't forget about your etiquette classes in the morning after breakfast.

Once our whole family is united, I will personally oversee your training. Till then, I will also spend my time honing my battle skills."- Ichika

All 3 of them had their spirits dropped down at the mention of etiquette classes and Ichika's training. Ichika wrapped them all with her soul sense and sent them to time chamber. While she moved to the 5th floor Virtual simulation center.

She quickly approached the platform and placed her hands on the pedestal. Soon her consciousness was absorbed into a separate space with various options like terrain, opponent type, weapon type, cultivation limit and difficulty.

As she was supposed to explore forbidden zone Endless Desert after the event, she chose desert terrain as the battlefield. Then she chose various desert monsters and bandits as her opponents. For weapon, she chose mace as she has little mastery over it. She want to follow her teacher's advice and try to master as many weapons as she can first. Also using mace in a heated up desert will make her exert her full strength and will tire her out easily. She limited her cultivation level to mortal level, as it is the limit of Endless Desert. As for difficulty, she chose normal one for now.

Soon her virtual avatar appeared on a vast desert with a black mace in her hand. For the first time after becoming a cultivator, she started to feel the mortal side of her. She started to move forward at a slow place, while she wanted to find the right balance in wielding the mace, so as to move quicker. With each step, she started to feel the hot winds blowing on her face, which felt like she is standing just a few inches away from a furnace. Soon dust started to rise up in the distance, while camel grunting sounds started to get closer. She could clearly see close to 30 bandits with vicious smiles approaching her at a rapid pace.

"Let's see, who will have the final laugh"- Ichika


Sovereign state world Hyrule

Hyrule is oldest of all the sovereign state worlds in existence with rich history. It is also the largest world among the sovereign rulers. This world is famous for it's inhabitants, Giants. Giants on this world are especially bigger and powerful than giants from another worlds. Nearly 40% of the world inhabitants are giants and they are heavily reliant on other races, who acts as their servants for their daily life chores. Giants are known for their titanic strength, large appetite and shot temper.

Hrungnir is the sovereign ruler of this world and is a member of Farhelm family. Of all the sovereign ruler families, Farhelm family is the oldest. They are many sovereign rulers from this family in the past, but they had to retire in order to break past the sovereign ruler level. But none of them succeeded. So just like other families, they also started to search for Rasia core.

Hrungnir is the 7th generation Sovereign ruler from Farhelm family. He is a 2000 meters tall giant, with bald head and hulking muscles. His entire upper body is open and is covered with various tattoos.His only attire is black pants. Unlike his predecessors, he is the most cunning and vicious of them all. He believes in having up to date information about his opponents and other sovereign rulers, so he can capitalise and make a proper move depending on their situation.

Using his family's vast resources, he trained large number of spies from other races and made them infiltrate the soldier ranks of all the sovereign rulers. Now his spy network spans the entire 1024 paragon state worlds. With the help of these spies, he would always monitor the actions of other sovereign rulers and maintained a significant lead on them.

Today also he was going through various reports in his office room. His office is highly decorated with various light pearls for illumination, while the chair and table are carved from some kind of rock. There are also various jewels embedded into them, to make them look attractive. There are thousand of papers on the right side of the table, with a wine gourd on the left side. As he was going through the reports, his closest aide Bran stepped into the office.

"Your majesty, there is news from one of our spies in Paragon state world Vulcan"- Bran

Hrungnir started to go through all the information about Vulcan world. Only then did he realise that this is a paragon state world ruled by Victor Boda's son in law Adrian Greene.

"Anything interesting, if not kill that spy for wasting my time"- Hrungnir

"Your majesty, recently the Greene family sent a small expedition to an unknown higher state world, under the lead of Sam Boda and Auron Greene.

But they ended up losing more than 40% of their soldiers, while Sam Boda and Auron Greene retreated back to Alcacia. Now on the orders from Victor Boda, they started to gather all of their powerful soldiers from various subordinate worlds. They are planning to again invade this world with more military power"- Bran

Hrungnir leaned back on his chair after listening to this news. This really is an interesting piece of news. He knew Sama Boda is a early stage sovereign cultivator and is son of Victor Boda. Even under his lead, his family suffered such a crushing defeat, when invading a puny higher state world.

Just who is the opponent they are fighting? Why are they invading this world again, after suffering such serious casualties? But how could someone from higher state world, with a peak paragon cultivation limit defeat some like a sovereign? there really are a lot of puzzles regarding this small unknown world.


Author's Note: Bonus chapter of the week. There will be another regular chapter one hour after the server reset. Hrungnir is the name of one of the famous giants in fantasy stories, I don't know from which story though, I forgot it's name.