Ichka and 3 avatars were standing in the sky, looking at the small Chimera boss monster along with a lot of Sea serpent monsters. Chimera is a early level sovereign, while most of his subordinates are paragon level.

Chimera has the body of the lion, with goat arising from it's back and a tail that ends with a snake's head, which is full of deadly venom.

The chimera may appear calm on the outside, but he is really regretting his decision to be the first one to face these invaders. He thought it was a easy merit, but the moment they released their auras, he is clear that he needs all the help he can against them or he is gonna die for sure.

On Atala 90% of the fights between monsters will end up losers being killed, this is especially severe with high level monsters. So the Chimera also decided to fight with everything he got. He not only summoned his subordinates, but also contacted the nearby bosses and Dahaka. The only response he got from Dahaka is, reinforcements are on their way and stall for time.

That is why he didn't yet attack the invaders and waiting for reinforcements. The monsters believed in one simple rule, if you can't win with quality, then you have to make up for it with quantity. With so many monsters attacking them all at once, he is sure he will definitely find a opening to deal a fatal blow to them and escape this misfortune.

With in just 5 minutes, 3 small boss monsters close to chimera area, arrived at the battle field with their own forces. The other 3 bosses are feather winged serpent, Manticore and Celestian Unicorn.

"Good, since you all are here, let's get the party started. But before that, I want to give all of you a chance to surrender and swear your allegiance to me. I will also give you my word, that I will treat you all fairly"- Ichika

The whole group of monsters were taken by surprise at Ichika's offer and exploded in a group of laughter. They thought Ichika is afraid of their large numbers and that's why she is making up weird excuses to escape from this situation. Roused by their own assumptions and confidence, they started to release their battle intent.

Ichika was completely angered by the way these monsters are laughing at her. With just a thought from her, the soul pagoda came outside of her consciousness and started to float in front of her. Then blinding and surprising all the monsters, it started to grow in size at a rapid pace, towering even the tallest of the mountains on Atala.

This is also the first time, Ichika is using the soul striking pagoda in a battle, which now stands at a 200000 km in height and 50 km in diameter. It is a huge construction and Ichika was clearly impressed by her teacher and the 3 dwarfs masters, who constructed it.

The newly gathered monsters, Dahaka who was observing the whole situation from his cave were surprised at this new development. They could clearly feel the limitless power radiating from this Pagoda and had a sense of foreboding, that they have to immediately escape from this place. The pagoda's appearance was also sensed by other powerful monsters on Atala and started to head here at a quick speed, thinking it was some kind of primal treasure.

Slowly the wall structures of soul pagoda on the 6th floor started to move away, revealing a huge opening. From this opening, rows of Golden Armoured Golems started to appear and took their positions in front of Ichika in neat and disciplined manner. There are exactly 15000 golems of 100 meters height, each and every golem was fully equipped from head to toe, as if intending to fight a war of their own.

Currently all of these golems are at peak paragon level in strength and speed, but their defence is easily a mid sovereign level. Once Ichika can complete the 7th stage of her dantian transformation, they will also reach sovereign level strength.

All of the golems are currently holding shields and spears in their hands. While bow and quiver were resting on their backs, with a huge cleaver sword on their left hip, with a barbed whip on their right. They are each dragging 4 chains of finger width thickness with them. These chains are soul bound chains, that once bound to any poor soul, will completely neutralize him both spiritually and physically.

Most of the weak monsters who were witnessing these deadly golden armoured golems, lost their intent to battle and felt weak in their knees. But still stayed on the field, because they are afraid of their own bosses and Dahaka.

"One final warning. The previous offer still stands to those who surrender immediately. After that, there won't be any negotiations, until you prove your worth to me."- Ichika

Most of the monsters started to have second thoughts and started to think about surrendering, but it is always a risk to be the first one to stand out or you will be killed by your own allies.

The small boss Celestial Unicorn could also sense the clear difference between the both sides strength. He was sure, that chances of him and his allies pershing in this battle are very high. So why does he need to fear Dahaka anymore? He would rather bet his life on the victory of these intruders and ensure the lives of his allies and soldiers. His only hope is that, these intruders will keep their word.

Much to the shock of the other monsters and Dahaka, Celestial Unicorn and his troops advanced towards Ichika and surrendered to her.

"Human, I just hope you keep up your promise and treat us well."- Celestial Unicorn

"Good. Since you are the first to surrender, you will be the personal mount of my friend. I will also swear over my teacher's name, that I will treat you all well as long as you remain loyal to me and my cause. "- Ichika

Celestial Unicorn heart finally calmed down after hearing Ichika's oath and he also swore a blood oath to never betray her under any situations. Similarly close to 10000 of his followers also swore in the same way.

After sending all the subordinate monsters to Atlas Kingdom, special zone, She turned towards Celestial Unicorn. E'Lara silently approached Celestial Unicorn from Ichika's side and started to pet the head of Celestial Unicorn.

"Let's fight side by side from now on. Do you have a name?"- E'Lara

"Yes. Aelian is my name"- Aelian

E'Lara quickly mounted on the back of Aelian, giving off a heroic aura.

Just as Ichika was about to attack, a large furious roar resonated throughout the lands. Dahaka was completely furious by the decision of Celestial Unicorn and he felt it is necessary for him to personally make a move, before his subordinates lose their will to fight and their numbers advantage.

When the other monsters heard his roar, they also regained their morale as they knew, their boss is personally going to join the battle. Soon Dahaka also appeared with a few more boss monsters in front of Ichika.

Dahaka didn't want to discuss anything as he already heard, what he wanted to , so he started to attack immediately. Receiving his orders all his subordinates started to rush forward, with Dahaka himself personally leading the attack.

Then golems also quickly formed into a phalanx formation, with shields in front of them and spears held horizontally. They also started to move forward, but never broke their ranks.

Ichika doesn't want to fight a long war with these monsters, so she quickly sent Gundahar to deal with Dahaka. It is always a good idea to take down the enemies leader first.

Gundahar also reached his normal height of 300 meters and intercepted Dahaka at a lightning speed, before he collided with the golems formation. With Dahaka intercepted, most of the monsters were easily skewered by the golems. Once you reach God level, your vitality and healing abilities also increase a lot, unless you are attacked by special weapons. These abilities will only strengthen with every higher level breakthrough. Once you reach paragon level, you can even survive with your head cut off and at sovereign level, you can regenerate your whole body with just a drop of blood. But it requires large portions of your energy to heal serious wounds.

Once the front row golems skewered the monsters, the golems behind them started to bind these injured monsters with the soul bound chains and started transferring them to their domain 6th floor Prisoner's Den.

The monsters also started to use various powerful elemental attacks, but they were easily blocked by the shields. Soon the golems in the rear equipped themselves with bow and arrows. Considering their massive size, it is better to call them ballistae, instead of bow and arrows.

With the front row golems easily blocking the monsters, the rear golems started to fire at various feather winged serpents and other monsters, that wanted to circle from the behind through skies.

All these powerful monsters, who once roamed freely in the sky, started to fall down unable to dodge these arrows. These monsters also suffered the same fate of becoming prisoners.

While the fighting was going on between the monsters and golems, Gundahar and Dahaka were involved in a staring contest. But after witnessing the fate of his subordinates, Dahaka swung his massive tail like a hammer, intending to send Gundahar flying away from his path.

If it was any other cultivator in Gundahar place, they would surely suffer at least minor injuries, after taking the heavy blow from the tail. But Gundahar is no normal cultivator, it is the avatar of the overlord himself, whose body was refined to the peak stages of sovereign rulers. He easily caught the approaching tail with his left hand and gripped it tightly never letting it go, despite the struggles of Dahaka. Then much to the surprise of observing monsters and Dahaka, he tightly gripped his tail with both hands and started to swing his massive body in 360 degrees and sent him hurling into the nearby mountain, whose impact reduced the mountain into rubble.


Author's Note: Thanks to readers Jamica and ai_dyah for suggesting the titles Overlord's journey and Overlord Empress. Tomorrow is one of the major festival Dasara in our country and is considered as one of the auspicious day. So it will be a nice day to continue our story with a new title. Also we are just 4k words short of reaching another milestone of 200k words.

So if everything goes right, expect tomorrow's chapter to be a long one, as I will try to reach that 200k words milestone.