Palace on wheels is a huge construction, as it is a unique treasure built by Ichika and her 3 dwarven masters, it has the ability to shrink and expand accordingly. It can shrink to the size of a grain and can expand to the size of mount tai. It looks beautiful on the outside even with various military fortifications, while there is a completely different world inside it. Currently the palace is only limited to 2 square kilometers in size, that is close to 200 hectares in size.

The palace was surrounded by high and wide walls, with beautiful sculptures sculpted on the walls.If you follow the sculptures carefully, it will describe the stories of Emperor Manu, Gundahar and E'Lara heroic exploits, when they roamed under creation as sovereign rulers.

The palace was surrounded by beautiful gardens with high level fragrant evergreen trees, flowers and plants. There were also number of pools and lakes with water type plants, specially lotuses which bloom throughout the year. The surrounding were perfumed with the scent of the flowers and the blossoms on the trees. Colourful birds roamed freely in the garden while beautiful swans are sailing in the pools and lakes.

The palace exterior was constructed out of Heavenly marble and was embedded with crystals of the highest quality at set distances. The doors were completely built in with emeralds and diamonds.

Once you step in through the doors, the sides of the walkways were interspersed with trees of the highest quality. To the both side of these ways, there are even more beautiful pools with golden fishes and turtles moving freely in the water and there was not even a speck of dust to be seen anywhere. But what is strange is half of these fishes and turtles are artificial, they may appear harmless, while in fact they are grade 13 treasures, with high destructive capabilities.

But as you move towards the interior of the palace, various illusions formations start to take effect on you. The entire interior of the palace, including the walls and floor were made up with crystals with fishes and turtles moving beneath the feet, just like they are moving in water. No outsiders can clearly distinguish between the crystal floor surface and actual water surface. But only those who are familiar with the palace can freely move forward, while others may step into the water and drown, thinking it is a crystal floor. Once anyone is drowned, they will only end up as marine food, unable to escape.

But as you keep moving forward into the palace, the illusion formations will be added with reflective formations, Confusing your senses as to where is your right and left, top and bottom, backward and forward. One wrong move and you will be trapped here forever.

Once you move forward from here, there is military district. There are separate quarters for the royal guards, armory, war equipment, mounts stable, training fields, cultivation towers, assembly ground and prisoner cells.

After you pass this military district, it is the core part of the palace. At the moment, there are exactly 999 separate individual courtyards built here. Each courtyard is similar to a mini version of a small palace. Ichika built so many courtyards keeping the future rise in family members of the Uchiha clan. If necessary, there is still so much land, that can host upto 10000 courtyards. But currently this land is used to grow various high level spiritual herbs.

Currently Fugaku, Mikoto, Sasuke, Naruto, Sakura, Sarada, Izumi, Kanna, Kaguya, Haru, 3 avatars and the 3 other Uchiha followers are waiting in Fugaku's courtyard.

At the moment most of them are dressed in special golden robes prepared by Ichika with the highest level fabric possible. For the first time, Naruto ignored his orange coloured monk clothes and preferred white robes.

Gudahar was still only wearing black pants, with a long leather overcoat draped over his shoulders, while letting his long hair loose.

Emperor Manu, was in his usual battle armor, covered from head to toe, with an expressionless face.

E'Lara let go of her brown leather armor and is dressed in long green coloured gown, with floral patterns on it. A simple diamond tiara adorned her head.

On the outside, everyone kept looking at the palace and discussing about it's beauty. But 4 people turned into stones, after closely observing the sculptures on the surrounding walls of the palace. They are Tarron, Phelorna, Orrian from Virtris family and Bran the aide of sovereign ruler Hrungnir Farhelm.

Being one of the 2 oldest families in existence, Bran and the 3 Elves recognized the identities of the sculptures.

The 3 Elves were surprised because, they could tell that the sculptures are of their ancestor E'Lara. They are happy, they came to this backwater world personally as they now have a clue about their ancestor. But their immediate question is, how does Empress Ichika family know about the story of their ancestor. The story about their ancestor is even more detailed on these walls, than what they learnt in their own family library.

It means this Empress family is either extremely close to their ancestor or they heard her story from their ancestor itself. It is a huge clue and they need to definitely meet this Empress and her family to know more about their ancestor.

While Bran was completely shocked for another reason. As the longest serving aide of Hrungnir and a historian himself, he could clearly recognize both 'Mad Barbarian Emperor' Gundahar and the 'Elven Goddess' E'Lara Virtris. He also felt like he knew Emperor Manu, but he wasn't sure about it. Emperor Manu stories faded with time and only the oldest of the retired sovereign rulers can recognize him.

Gundahar was the only one who earned the respect of Ajin Farhelm, the first sovereign ruler of the Farhelm family. When Gundahar was running rampant destroying and killing the 23 evil sovereign rulers, Ajin just broke through mid sovereign level.

As a child, he grew up listening to the stories of various heroes, powerful cultivators and sovereign rulers. So he also learnt about the atrocities and evil deeds of the 23 evil rulers. As a hot blooded youth he can't stand their evil deeds and decided to personally kill them after reaching their level.

But he was shocked after learning Gundahar started a solo battle campaign against the evil rulers. So he started to follow the trails of Gundahar and personally witnessed him destroying billions of soldiers and cruelly killing one of the evil ruler. He was completely blow away by what he saw, he literally became fan of Gundahar on the spot after personally witnessing his battle strength.

Even though Gundahar was looking scary, completely covered in blood and grime, Ajin gathered his courage and approached Gundahar to accept him as a disciple. Gundahar neither accepted him or rejected him, he just told Ajin that he is on a mission to kill all the evil sovereign rulers and has no time to teach him.

But Ajin didn't give up and followed Gundahar in all his campaigns, observing Gundahar tactics, battle techniques and his heroics. Only by observing his fights, he was enlightened a lot and had numerous insights into the art of war. He slowly combined all of these insights with his own techniques and improved his battle efficiency by leaps and bounds.

After finishing the last evil sovereign, Gundahar disappeared from everyone's eyes. Ajin was sad at first, but he still treated Gundahar as his spiritual teacher. As time went by, he became a ruler himself and established his family rule on Hyrule world.

He erected a huge life like statue of Gundahar on his family grounds. He compiled the heroics of Gundahar into stories and made it compulsory for the junior members of his family to study them. It is ok if Farhelm descendants doesn't know about their own ancestors, but it is considered as a huge taboo if you don't learn about Gundahar. Anyone who broke this rule were either killed brutally or ousted from the family. He even announced a huge reward if they find any news about his whereabouts or his location.

Now Bran's heart started to beat like it is pumped up with huge amounts of adrenaline, while his brain started going through numerous calculations at light speed. Should he inform the Prime ancestor or stick to his duty of retrieving Rasia core. If he retrieves the core he will only get few more merit points from Hrungnir, but if he can get in touch with the Prime ancestor, his family will be set for generations.

He quickly passed the message to his son on Hyrule world, to personally inform prime ancestor Ajin. While he decided to closely observe Empress Ichika family and gather more news. If necessary he decided to personally intervene if the security of Empress Ichika or her family is under threat from Boda family or other sovereign ruler representatives.

As soon as Ichika and the others arrived in front of the palace, the gates opened wide while the 4000 red colour armored sovereign soldiers stepped out. Their aura shook the hearts of all the cultivators and even the rulers and ruler representatives.

A sovereign ruler can be considered as powerful if he has at least 2000 sovereign soldiers under him, strongest if he has 3000 soldiers. But here they are seeing exactly 4000 sovereign soldiers. Even after suppressing their strength, they could clearly identify few high level sovereigns among them.

Just going by the numbers, this is clearly the strongest family under creation. First a sovereign ruler level monster as a pet and now 4000 sovereign soldiers. what is this family? Why didn't they hear anything about such a large influence? Are they also here for the Rasia core? If it is then, they have work cut out for them.

The one to be shaken by these developments the most are Boda family. They already made it look like, they are going all out to capture Rasia core, but their actual goal is to capture Empress Ichika, because she is more valuable to them than Rasia Core. After completely identifying her background and her strength, they decided to silently capture her amidst the chaos when the other ruler representatives are fighting for Rasia core.

But now their hopes are completely shattered. It is definitely impossible for them to capture Empress Ichika with so many sovereign guards. It will only be foolish of them to anger such a powerful family, who can even tame a ruler monster. Now they have no way but to go for the second best, Rasia core. They have to totally revise their predesigned plans and start from the beginning.


Author's Note: Regular chapter of the day. Hope you liked it. Please don't urge me to increase the pace of the story, as I completely feel the current pace is good enough. Once the sovereign arc starts, the pace will be doubled by then, as all the major characters and locations will be introduced by then. So I want to take my time creating necessary background for all the major characters. Hope you all understands it. Enjoy the read. Also please vote as they are like boosters to me. I want to see my story surpass the previous best rank 27. I know I am greedy, but it's not wrong to dream right?