Just because she fears merchants doesn't mean she has to keep them away from her. She just needs to make her stance clear while dealing with them. Just as how they want to make use of her, she also must try to make full use of them. If she can make proper use of them, they will help her solve many of the problems plaguing her.

Even if she owns Atala world with tonnes of resources, they fall pretty short when compared to what she has in mind for the future. She has no time running around all the world's collecting these resources, so she has to make full use of these merchants who have a strong foundation and reach, to help her gather these resources. In simple terms, she needs some errands boys who can help save her time and efforts.

Hao Zexi was almost sweating bullets with nervousness as Ichina kept staring at him. He felt like he was being stared by a vicious hungry wolf, who will not even spares his bones while eating him. If there is anything he learnt in his long life, it is to trust his instincts, which helped him to survive so far. For some reason he started to regret his decision for coming to this world alone, without bringing the other 2 supreme Elders and the patriarch. But since he came here anyway he has to make sure to finish his work properly.

"I have no problem making your organisation a part of the alliance. But I have three conditions. Only if you accept these three conditions will I allow your organisation to be a part of the alliance.

First, even though your organisation is a member of the alliance, we can only give you 25% of the market share under the world's governed by the alliance.

While the remaining 75% of the market will be split between the rest of the trading organisations. But each of these trading organisation will only be limited to 5 to 7% of the market share.

Specific note: your organisation must not form any sort of trading relations with these trading organisations, while doing business on the alliance occupied world's. If we were to learn about any background deals regarding the trading of the goods outside the alliance occupied world's will also immediately terminate your position in the alliance.

Second, as a member of the alliance, we must be your first preferred customers when your organisation sells any ores, treasures, medicinal and traditional herbs. Especially regarding ores and herbs, the shadow order organisation will sell atleast 40% of these resources to the alliance. As for the remaining 60%, your organisation can decide on its own. We will even welcome it if you want to sell more than 40% of these resources.

Three. I hate Slave traders and Evil people. If you are involved in slave trading or have any relations with slave traders, you better cut them off from now on. Also in the future your organisation will not deal and trade with any Ruler's, families and clans who are involved in Slave trading.

If your organisation agrees to these 3 conditions, then we will welcome you into the alliance. Otherwise we will look for another one, who can agree to our terms."- Ichika

Hao Zexi could only stare blankly at Ichika after she finished speaking. It is as he expected, she is really dangerous. But instead of a vicious hungry wolf, she turned out to be a voracious dragon with insatiable appetite.

If one looks on the surface, the terms she offered are extremely beneficial to them. But only when scrutinized closely, will one learn it is a huge trap. Once stepped into this trap, there is no way of getting out.

First, with 25% of market share there is no doubt that their organisation will reap huge profits. But this is only possible when the alliance will decide to occupy more Sovereign state world's in the future. The more number of world's under the alliance, the bigger their chances of earning profits. But if the alliance will simply stick to their current domains, it will be a huge risk to their organisation.

This risk is related to the second condition from the Empress. She only offered 25% market to their organisation, but she want to devour(purchase) atleast 40% of the resources collected by their organisation. If he were to accept it now, then his organisation will definitely make some powerful enemies.

Ignore his organisation, most of the families and organisations are only willing to partner up with the Uchiha's because they occupied a new and resource rich Atala world. As a cultivator, with every level you climb up, you need massive amount of resources. But the resources are always limited and are dwindling at a rapid pace as time passes by.

In this situation, if he agrees to the Empress condition and allot them 40% of the resources, that will only leave 60% of the resources to other families. While 3 families consume 40% of the resources, the remaining N number of families will have to adjust with only 60% of it.

It is not like they are the only trading organisations around. But over the generations, their organisation built some good connections with various Rulers and powerful families and helped each other. It is because of this mutual cooperation, that they are now easily one of the Top 3 trading organisations.

Now if they were to accept the Empress conditions, then they have to literally cut of their relationships with all their previous backers. Ignore a Ruler, even a regular customer will raise their voice against them, when they learn that the organisation is selling resources in bulk to the alliance, while ignoring their demands.

They can escape from this situation only if the alliance decides to explore and occupy more world's, thereby increasing the output of these resources. In that way, even if it is 60% of the resources it will be enough to satisfy the demands of the other Ruler's and families.

But if the Uchiha's and the alliance decide to be happy with their current domains, it will definitely lead to their organisation downfall in the long run. At that time, all the enemies they made in the past will never let go of this chance and will completely annihilate each and everyone of them.

So if he were to accept the conditions, then they have no option but to completely rely on their new backers, the ALLIANCE. Not only they have to rely on the alliance, but they have to completely give their full support in making their allies(backers) stronger. But what scared him a lot is, Ichika decided to share the remaining 75% of the market share with the other trading companies.

Somehow he is sure that she will offer similar conditions to the remaining companies too. It will only mean that more resources will end up in the hands of the alliance. With this method, she is literally forcing others to join the alliance. Otherwise it can be taken as an open challenge from her.

'We will purchase(rob) as many resources as we can, if you are not happy with it, then come and fight for it'.

Even though the 3 families are powerful, but there are still many Ruler families out there. If a battle breaks out between these two factions, then it will be a battle between quality vs quantity.

As for the 3rd condition, he doesn't care about it. As the patriarch of the Shadow Order organisation is a former slave himself. So when he formed the organisation he strictly warned the members to never rob the freedom of the others.

Now he is forced into a situation to make a decision, where he has no time before the news about the alliance is leaked out. The decision he makes today will either make or break his organisation in the future. If he decided to join the alliance, then the future of the organisation will only depend on the future growth and expansion of the alliance. It is a huge gamble, but a gamble which will earn them 25% of the market share. No wonder Empress Ichika offered a quarter of the market to them. Just thinking about all of the possible situations for the future is making his old brain cells dead, because at the speed they are working at the moment.

If Hao Zexi was not afraid of Emperor Manu, Gundahar and E'Lara behind Ichika, he would scream at the top of his voice, calling various foul names at Ichika.

Even with all of his experiences, he never dreamed of meeting such a cunning and dangerous person like her. Compared to her, whatever bad guys he met in the past can be considered as saints.

As for Ajin who was watching from the side, only gave a slight nod of understanding when Ichika mentioned the 3rd condition. At that time he glanced at Gundahar as if he is the reason, that the Uchiha's are against slavery

(A/N: If any of you forgot, Gundahar was born a slave but rose to power with his efforts)

As for Vaeril, who is a patriarch himself, completely understood the meaning behind the 3 conditions. He clearly understood that Ichika is forcing the hand of other families, but still decided to support her decision. Since he already decided to show his sincerity to his ancestor, he will blindly follow whatever decisions the Uchiha's make. But if somehow the alliance were to become stronger in the future, then the share from the 40% of the resources will be more than enough to speed up the process of rebuilding their families foundation. Just imagining it is enough to give him many sweet dreams. He clearly felt it is worthwhile to make a personal trip to this world.

Where as Kin and Zetsu were completely blown away by the ruthless tactics from their mother. They felt like, they learnt a new lesson from her today. They could only internally sigh, as they felt they will never reach the brilliant(vicious) standards of their mother.

If Hao Zexi were to listen to their thoughts, he will completely write a new notice board at the entrance of the Monster World "BEWARE THE UCHIHA'S"

To some extent, Ichika could clearly understand the thoughts of Hao Zexi. But since he dared to make use of her family, She will make sure that he is completely bound to their cause, by completely making use of him and his organisation. She could let them off, if they are just a mere trading organisation. But they are undoubtedly the number one Information gathering organisation and sometimes a small piece of information can tip the scales of war.

"Looks like Mr. Hao Zexi is not satisfied with the above conditions?"- Ichika

Ichika doesn't want to let this old man leave this Monster world today, without dragging him into the alliance.

What could Hao Zexi say in this situation? Even if he knew it is a trap, the allure of the 25% market share is more than enough to tempt any businessman.

"Empress Ichika. This is a huge decision for me to take alone. I need to discuss about this with the patriarch, before giving our reply"- Hao Zexi

"Sure. Take time until evening. Use the thought transmission talismans and have a good talk with your patriarch. But if I don't get any positive reply by the evening, your organisation will not even be eligible for the 5 to 7 % market share in the future."- Ichika

Hao Zexi could barely control the raising fury in his heart. What do you mean by 'until evening'? Look at the sun, at most we have like 2 incenses stick of time, before it is evening. You want to make us take such an important decision in such a short time?

But he could only keep these thoughts to himself, while he immediately rush to a isolated part of the Heavenly Purity palace and started immediately contacting with the patriarch of the Shadow Order organisation.


Author's Note: Thx for the welcome guys. I really enjoyed writing this chapter. I hope you will also like it. A incense stick of time is somewhere around 15 minutes. So Ichika basically gave him 30 minutes of time to make a decision. From today on the daily chapters will be released like usual in the past. i.e.. just before the server reset. Because Iam only free to write the chapters in the evening. Hope you will understand.