During these 1000 years, many powerful cultivators, merchant organisations and Ruler families associated with the alliance also opened their branch families on Monster world, after all as the core world of the alliance, it is the safest place in their eyes. Even though, it is just branch families, when you take their numbers into account, it easily dwarfed the number of the original inhabitants of the monster world.

These branch families settled in almost every humanoid race Empire and maintained good relations with the locals. They were severely warned by their clan heads to behave properly and not to cause trouble with the locals.

Initially the locals were against it as they felt threatened by their existence, but kept quiet because of their powerful backgrounds. But as time passed by, the locals slowly accepted them, as they brought a lot of variety and colours to their commerce, culture and technology.

But this migration of the branch families also brought joy and suffering to most of them. Joy, because the land value skyrocketed in almost all the major capitals and cities on Monster world. Because of the powerful background of these branch families, they were easily able to purchase the lands. Most of the locals sold their lands at strategic and commercial places to these families at an unbelievable price. But it brought suffering to locals, who were actually quite poor comparing to these tycoons, as the rising prices destroyed their aspirations to build their own 'paradise'.

So the various Humanoid Emperor's had to step in and passed on a new rule. The locals are not allowed to sell their lands to any of these migrants, they can only sell these lands to their respected Empire. This rule poured water on most of the locals, who want to sell their lands at high price, while it irritated the migrants. But to appease these powerful migrants, these Emperor's built few more cities and provide them enough incentives, until they settle in their new homes.

But the main culprit behind this migration, Ichika and the Humanoid race Empire didn't suffer one bit, instead they are the one who benefited the most. When rebuilding the Human race Empire, apart from the Capital Eden, Ichika also built 8 super large cities surrounding the capital.

Because of the almost 6 trillion years of internal war on Human lands, the total population on the human lands reduced to only 10%. Even after 130 million years after founding the Empire, these numbers increased to at most 40%. So majority of the human lands are still unused, while apart from Eden, these super cities are only barely occupied.

So Ichika ordered these migrants to settle in the 8 cities and other parts of the Empire. But instead of selling these lands, she only leased them away, as she is clear that the value of these lands will only increase in the future. This decision of her's brought a lot of dissatisfaction among the migrants, as they are also clear, on how the Human race lands will become costly in the future, as it is the main base of the alliance leader Empire Ichika.

But Ichika didn't completely squish their hopes, as it will only bite her in the future. She explained that these lands will only became their own, based on their personal and family contributions to the Empire's growth.

Even though these Migrants knew, that they are being played by Ichika to work hard for her, but they have no other way, as it is also their chance to get in her eyes.

As for Capital Eden, it was left untouched by the migrants as the citizens of Eden are well educated and smart enough to not sell their lands to any of these migrants. If they give into their greed now, they will only suffer in the future. As most of the citizens are from influential backgrounds and after witnessing the rise of their Empire, they are clear of how precious each and every part of Eden is.

Ichika is probably the only Empress on Monster World, who is not worried about the growing numbers of the migrants. She even has the Sovereign state world Atala to fill up. So she is ready to accept as many migrants as she can, as long as they can contribute to her cause.

Even though most of these migrants are from branch families, they are a lot of talented people among them. The clan heads of these branch families are clever enough to send their talented people, to gain Ichika's favor, as they already learnt from their spies, on how Ichika posted recruitment orders.

Ichika also didn't disappoint these people. With the help of her 3 dwarves teachers, she built one of the largest military manufacturing factory in existence. After personally witnessing and taking free lessons from the 3 Dwarven masters for the last 300 years, most of the auxiliary cultivators like Blacksmith and Formation masters were completely blown away by the knowledge from the 3 drunkard Dwarves. Most of the auxiliary cultivators, who participated in these classes broke through at least one level in their respected fields.

After taking Vows of loyalty from these cultivators, Ichika accepted them into her military. The 3 Dwarves also didn't find anyone with talent similar to or close to Ichika, but they found some pretty promising and hardworking cultivators among the recruits. But to make her 3 dwarven masters help her in the factory, cost a ton of money for Ichika. She has to make full use of her connections and purchase Vats and Vats of best wine to bribe them, to work for her.

Taking the future into account and to reduce the losses, she made full use of the library in the pagoda and developed her own brand of wine. She planted large wine fields on Atala world, so that she can brew her own wine to satisfy the 3 drunkards.

As for the Event that is being currently held in the capital Eden, it reached the end of the preliminary stage after 1000 years. More than 120 million cultivators participated in this event, but because of the strong rewards announced by Ichika and the participation of the 5 princes, the Selection stage matches itself became tough for every cultivator. At the end of the Selection stage only 2048 members were selected for the second stage, Tower of Will.

During the selection matches, Kin, Shisui, Itachi, Sasuke, Naruto and Astarte completely steam rolled their respective opponents. Even though they are made to restrict their strength to their opponent level, they didn't suffer any injury. But each of their opponents fought their best till the end and earned praise from the crowd and the imperial family.

The second stage of the Even will be held one week from now. Only 64 cultivators will be eligible for the final stage after passing the second stage.

Currently, along the busy streets of the Capital Eden few figures can be seen taking a leisure stroll. Even though these figures are dressed in plain and simple clothes, the passerby's can clearly tell that these figures are from powerful background.

Of these figures, the leading one's are a young lady with a Black dog by her side and a white haired old man. Even though the young lady face is covered with a veil, one can tell she is a beauty.

These figures are none other than the grown up Sarada Uchiha, her mentor Jean Silverstone. The Black Dog is the Sovereign Ruler Angila, whom Ichika gifted to Sarada. While they are only 10 guards following them on the surface, unknown to both Sarada and the Crowd, more than 1000 guards are secretly following them from the shadows.


Author's Note: Hello Everyone. Thanks for the support from you all. I don't want to mince words, so I will get straight to the point. There will be only 4 chapters of OE for the next few weeks, for I am currently adapting to my new lifestyle. As a Otaku myself, I have no other physical activities, other than going to office, browsing and reading online. But now, to keep myself fit and healthy I had to add physical activities to my schedule, due to which I registered with a Gym to exercise regularly both morning and evening.

Because of these increased schedule to my daily life, I will be completely worn out by the time I hit my bed and will find little time to write the story. But I also don't want to give up on writing as Iam making better use of Internet for the first time in my life, while learning new things searching the web everyday for some inspirations.

In order to increase my time for writing, I am planning to install few gym equipment in my home itself, which will save me like 60 to 90 minutes everyday travelling. So I ask all the readers to be patient with the releases, for the next few weeks.

As for the story, I completely skipped out the preliminary matches as I felt it unnecessary. I also had to remind you all, about Ichika's journey to Underworld and the resurrection of Naruto's family. I will explain these parts in a special P.O.V chapters in the next few chapters. Enjoy the read and keep posting your comments. The next chapter will be on Wednesday.