The Fall of the Highest God

He wasn't a Godsend, he wasn't whay you called divine wishes, he was something entirely different. The footsteps he took when the stairs that leds to realm which only God could ascended to made him became more than human, he was among the peers of Gods, yet he refused to be called as the same of those divine beings who were known for to be Deity that was worshiped by mankind.

No, he thought no notion of being the same beings who had became his foe entirely since a long time he felt these Deja Vu, the moment when he thought about how useless this certain God is for being unable to divert from a rule even though He was the almightiest among the unrivaled beings, yet for being unable to stop these Deja Vu that he had suffered made him became rebellious and decided to stage a battle against the heaven.

When he awoke in the new morning, in the new day, he only could sighed and muttered, "How dull," as he already knew what awaits him and what's on plate for him on that very day as the Deja Vu kept from having sensation of enjoying something new.

The straight feeling of repetition that came again and again, without rest nor break, keep coming forward made him became the very man he is today. Insanity ought to be the first thing that came to mind when we heard doing the exact same thing all over again and again, yet traces of madness couldn't be found within the glimmering black eyes of this man.

Not even a slightest hint of being crazy, or signs that said he already gave up all hope for enter the domain of ascension. Instead, he was filled with determination, albeit with slight twisted manner of thinking that leds him became more than the normas and made him became the leader of humanity against the God.

When the last battle ended, the stairs that led up to heaven, the domain of God were opened. The only mankind that left was his kind and only the one who were under the control of his hand, the stairs which were made up of light that strangely had density and, in bizarre manner, emitting strange aura of hope and divinity were revealed.

"Hmph, so you decided to meet me, God."

With a smile on his face, the man muttered. All the crowds who saw that the path to heaven are opened let out cheers and voice.


"After years of battle!'

"We shall have our leader to change the world!"

By waving his hands, the man told his follower for quite down. Within a second the cheers and voice were died down, there are no one who open their mouth, or dare to open them as they were already given the sign by their most trusty leader to not do so.

Men who stands on that battlefield, upon the ground which were filled with carcass of man and animal, bloods of man and their mount, also the visceral of them, were united under one banner. They were minions who shall readily to answer the command of their leader with act, and once their leader spoke once again they became focused.

"Dear my fellow comrade, those who has been fighting with me within these past few years. I trusted you all knew what those stairs that leds up to the sky and piercing the cloud means?" the leader, asked to his men who were then nodded at his words, nobody yet opened their mouth as there are no command to do so.

Seeing his mens understood what was he said, the man nodded back in satifictaion while looked toward the staircase once again and then took a quick glance toward his mind before he continue his speech, "Those stairs, it means that He invited me, the one who he recognized as the one who shall defeat Him and usurp his thorne in the heaven up there, as the challenger who shall defeats him. He might think that there's no way I could defeat him, but you all knew what I had and what am I capable of. Thus I spoke, and commands you all my men... to gave your life for victory!!"

Once his speech are done, the massacre then begun.

Each of men who was under the command of the man were killing each other without any hesitation, they pull their swords from their sheath and used it to slash, rip, and stab each other but it wasn't stop there, guns were used to blew each other heads and burst their hearts with the sounds of gunshot that let out metal lead, and heavy mounted vehicle were used to kill each other with explosions that rises up smoke and tatered the dead body into countless pieces.

All of his men are yelling in pain, groaned in agony, some weeps, yet the man who commanded them to give their life to him was only smiling like a saint. He's like the only innocent and holy being in this field of slaughter while the others are wardogs who only knew about killing among nothing.

The massacre then were done, nobodies left. They all already dead, there's not even need to confirm it as the tattered and pieces of body were made up into mountain of corpses that seems unsightly and shouldn't be seen by anyone with weak heart.

One man only stood there, he who saw everything but doesn't even flinched or shook down by everything. He only stood there while putting a smile on his pretty face, then his visage contorted into a fits of elegant laughter while he turns his back to the staircase that was prepared to him by his archnemesis.

"Dear my men and subordinates, your death shall not be in vain."

As he was muttered those words, the man took the first step toward the staircase while continue to let out his laugh that filled with nothing but mockery, but it seems not targeted at his subordinates who have perform excellently under his command, it was targeted unto something else differently.

The staircase then change its colour once it was being stepped on by the man, the light of hope and the divinity its previously emitted were now all gone. All disappear in flash and in exchange there were aura of darkness, death, and fear now envolped around the staircase.

Every steps that the man take, the thicker the aura became. It was almost chocking and shocking, it was the show of his power to dispel God power, the one who invited him to a meeting together.

Laughter became louder, the man then disappear through the cloudy skies.

Meanwhile, a lone man were sitting on his throne. The man face were filled with entertained expressions which were almost the same as a child who had just got new tea, through a rip in the reality he saw that his guest were coming.

His face twisted into a wrenched smile, while he do the same as his guest, let out a laugh while muttering to himself, "He's coming, the one who shall made the world changing once again."

With hint of satisfication, the man looked at the throne where he was sat upon and playfuly said, "Now, I could be freed from this responsibility."

That very being who was sat on the throne were known by many names, but if want to perceived him specifically then the name True God shall be sufficed to call him. Unlike other God, he was on whole different position than what usually Gods were for few reason but the fact of his tremendous power came not through the strength of prayer and belief but rather than the fact that he is the ideal of what is peerless and almighty was.

He was unmatchable, no one shouldn't even think of doing crazy thing as challenged him as his fate would be lot worse than turned into speck of dust, more than that, eternal suffering which shall follow through eternity of ages were one of the possibility.

Insanity is what you called those who goes against this Highest God, but this insanity is came from one who had no trace of madness.

The man who had leds billion of his subordinates died with his words then came upon a door; shining gold was the color of the gate and it's brilliance were second to none no matter where you try to look for it in the realms of mortal. I other words, the gate that the man just found were not something that came through Earth, it was another else entirely and so he let outs another laugh while licking his lips.

"So this is it, the gate that seperated both of our realm."

He knew by opening this gate then something shall be changed, it wasn't the matter of his conflict with God anymore, but the fate of humanity now rested on his shoulder now. Whether the world shall be restored or not, everything will be decided once he had a conversations with the very enemies that he came to resented for years after gave him Deja Vu which felt like curse for him.

The man swiftly made his decisions, there are no hesitation to be pondered in the first place. He muttered to himself, "Let's get going."

One of his hand touch the gate, but the gate wasn't opened like how it's supposed to be. The gate was blown up to open the path that connected to the place where the Highest God was supposed to be now.

Pieces of gates leaf then came straight at the Highest God, but it suddenly halted in the midst of air by some unknown force that couldn't be discerned so easily. He then snorted, amused by what just happened.

"Welcome to my palace, Scelus Bestia..."

He directed those words to the man who now stood straight up in front of him with his golden mane swayed ups and downs while he gave the Highest God a smile which looks like one smile that a long-time friend would gave, the Highest God do the same thing while he then stood up from his throne.

The throne was actually located around 15 meter tall difference from the surface of cloud where the man who leds the massacre were standing, but the Highest God just stood up and landed onto the same surface of that man without needs to bend His knee.

Receiving warm welcome from the Highest God, the man who was called as Scelus Bestia only could tilted his neck in arrogance and pulls his chin upwards.

"Yeah, I shall welcomed myself at this palace of yours, Gottstark."

"Hoho, let us see whether you'll be truly welcomed or not."

Both of the man, either it's Scelus Bestia or Gottstark, as how they were reffering to each other then grinned as if they were waiting for this moment for a very long time, and indeed...

This moment needed more than 50 years to be made.

And more than billions of life were sacrificed for this to be happened.

"Emanation," muttered the Scelus Bestia or the Savage Beast who was then swallowed by swirl whirlpool of darkness, and he emarged once more as a being that seems very different from who he is previously.

There's no change on how he's looked physically, but when you gaze at him then you shall be coiled with sensation of helplessness as nothing but death were screamed from the depth of his whole body that were enveloped with aura of darkness.

Meanwhile, the Gottstark only snorted and he welcomed Scelus Bestia without any change to made on his own. He playfuly made a sign that told the beast to chare toward him, and withou any hestitatoon he then called to that beast, "Will you change the world, Satsu Ikuta?"

The beast only smiled and after that let out a roar, he then charged forward to face the Highest God who then His name had been forgotten and left nothing of his legacy.