Kanzaki Touma, Justice Enforcer

A certain young man were looked to be quite in a bind as he was on top of a tree while trying to reached something that goes far off from his hands, he doesn't mind the height that reached up to more than 5 meters than the ground as a problem for him to reached anything that he seeks in the branch of the tree where he at now.

"Big Brother, careful."

He heard a voice from below, its shaky and filled with anxiety but some consideration were within it, the young man only could let out a smile when he heard those words of the little girl below him.

"No need to worry, this kind of things are pieces of cake for me."

Noticing the worried little girl, that young man try to reassured her while he still kept trying to made his hands reached to that black snuggling creature who maintains perfect balance at top of the branch.

He then reached out his hands slowly and carefully, anticipation on thinking when is the right moment to made his move filled his mind. Little smile came to his mouth when he saw the creature ara yawning and relaxed itself, an opening!

Once the creature let its guard down, it was the time for the young man to move. He then let his hands slips unto the belly of the snuggling black creature while wide grin plastered to his face, he succeed on capturing the creature which was actually a black cat who was owned by the little girl who was standing on the ground below.

"Got you!"

The black cat tries to struggle, but the swift movement of the young man hands didn't let it to be loose and made its escape. Instead, he strengthe his grips a bit and petted the cat on its neck, somehow the cat then calmed down and seems to be more docile than before.

Seeing the cat that was finally stop to resist, the young man let his relieved breath to be out and then he looked toward the little girl below.

"I already catch your cat!"

"Ah, thank you. Big Brother."

The girl seems flustered as she saw the face which were made by the young man, it was an energetic and sweet smile for a young man around his age. She blushed a little and tried to kept it hidden by covering her face using both of her hands.

That young man wasn't a dense one though, he only chuckles while jumped toward the ground and landed successfully without even the need to bended his knee when he made his landing.

He then walked toward the little girl and brought the cat to her, she looked to be happy when her cat finally return to her hands.

"Here you go."

"Uhm, ahhh... th—thank you."

Hearing her embarassed voice only made the young man chuckles more while he then winked one of his pair of violet eyes to her, then he said, "No problem," while running off as he was late to go to school.

The little girl waved her hands at him while smiling, seeing her to be so happy made the young man to have sense of achievement that will keep his spirits high today.

Kanzaki Touma, which was how the young man named, is a good-natured and well-meaning person. He always tried to help whenever the opportunity to lend his hands came and he was the type of person who was easy to get along.

He had many friend at school and was pretty well-known for being the 'Justice Enforcer' of Kirisatou High School, the school he attended to. Touma were also known to be one of the most strongest Kendo Practioner on his school, even capable defeating all of the seniors and instructor with given effort.

Sadly, he didn't joined the Kendo Club because personal reasons, which made the principal cries blood. In exchange Touma became a member of Literature Club. He once received invitation to join the Student Council but turned it down as he doesn't see how he would fit inside such organization which consist of model students and if not, were diligents one.

Today, once again he arrived at his school, given the time he had now there were high chance that he will be late again today. Of course, punishment is what shall awaits him if he came late at school but he is also firm believer of there's nothing such as too late when learning.

His school, Kirisatou High School, were actually only 30 minute from his home if he walks. He actually had a bicycle but misfortune befalls him when he wanted to go to school earlier as one of the chains were broken.

Decided to walks to school, he who had been up pretty late because of his personal studying, were greeted with a problem along his road which were in form of a little girl in the predicament of having her cat ran away from her and climbed a tree.

An ordinary person would definitely ignored this kind of everday incident, but not with the red-haired young man. He asked what's wrong to the little girl who almost weeps and after hearing her problem, he then act.

Of course, he was able to help her as how it was stated earlier but at cost risking his attendence at school. Yet, he doesn't seems to pay them no mind and just keep running more and more.

Feeling of satisfication on how he was able to helped the little girl filled his heart, he then muttered to himself, "At least that little girl didn't cry because I helped her."

He then continue running toward the gate of his school and he saw someone he had knew so well.

"Good morning, Teacher Tosaki!"

He greeted the muscular man who stood beside the gate while keeping his cheery attitude, but the reception he received are pretty cold as the teacher of his punched him in the guts.


His mouth release an amsuing sounds that almost seems comical as he took the punch perfectly without even dodging or resisting at the slightest, he actually knew that this was going to happen but he didn't he have no intend to go against his teacher in the first place.

"You came late for the whole 30 minutes!" the teacher started his lecture on Touma who now trying to remain standing as he just took a punch from the muscular teacher of his, "Where the Hell have you been, Kanzaki?!"

Knowing that he will be asked with the reasons on why did he come late to the school, the red haired youth who struggled to stand then answer, "I was helping a little girl."

"Not one of those again."

The tone he uses was pretty calm, but it couldn't be denied that he held some sorts of animosity toward Touma who uses one of his most common reasons for being late to defense himself.

Cracking sounds made by both of his hand which send cold shivers down to the spine of Touma, he only could wince as he saw his own teacher seems ready to beat him up for being late as usual.

But surprisingly, the teacher let out a sigh then put an exasperated smile on his face while looked away.

Confused, Touma furrowed his brow and wondered why he hasn't been hit by those humongous arms with strong biceps of his teacher.

"Uh, Teach? Wasn't you going to hit me?" It was a stupid question, but necessarily to be asked as he wanted to know the reasons.

"Hah, how could I hit you if what you said were true?"


"Look over there."

The teacher then pointed his fingers toward one of the road that leads to Kirisatou High School, following the gesture that his teacher made, Touma then saw a glimpse of little girl who hide behind a tree, which were planted as parts of Mayor policy of trying to make the town greener than ever, and puts flustered face as seems she was troubled.

In her hands there was a black cat who relaxed at those small hands of her quitely, both of her hands seems to be trembling.

It's the same girl that Touma helped before.

She seems followed Touma to his school which were actually pretty near with the spot where her cats was stuck.

"Huh, that girl..."

Once their eyes meet, the little girl blushed and trying to hide but to no avail as her position were already found. Touma who saw that only plastered a little smile on his face with delight as it was definitely her.

"Go on. I believe you helped that girl before you got here."

The teacher words pull his attention back and he nodded while still smiling.

"Thanks, Teach!"

He then ran off, past the gate and enter the school area which were looked more like a palace as the buildings and the road are made of stone, not concrete or anything same as that, which puts somehow strange feeling like being in a foreign land.

The teacher only sigh while watched him and the little girl who ran off on their own way.

"Damn it, that kid words honest. But it was my job as teacher to make him become disciplined," He puts gentle smile on his face while rolled his eyes toward the sky.

Touma, who now already in the school ground muttered to himself, "I need to go to class, fast!"