The Yellow Rebellion

Year 2033, February

8:00 A.M

Somewhere in Yellowknife, Canada

. . .

When I woke up from my dream, it was already morning. I slept for about fifteen hours straight. Aegis did say my body required a lot of sleep.


I touched my cheek with a finger and it was wet. "I... cried?"

"You did, Ava," said Aegis in confirmation.

"...I want to sleep again."

"No, Ava. You need to find food," retorted Aegis in its robotic voice.

My dirty, black hair felt cold under the morning wind. I shivered and wrapped myself tighter with my blanket. It was weird. In the past, I was used to the outside cold. After what happened two years ago, it seemed that trait I had disappeared.


A booming sound caught my attention. I poked my head from the underside of the bridge only to discover a building in flames. If I remembered correctly, that building was the City Hall.

"The City Hall is being burned. Perhaps the Mayor..." My curiosity urged me to go take a look and I dashed towards the direction of the building.

. . .

"You hypocrite!"

"You take everything away from us!"

"We want our money back!"

The scenery was utter chaos. The City Hall was being burned down and people were throwing Molotov and explosives at it while shouting in anger. There were protests all over the place with most of them were surrounding the City Hall in a circle.

"PEOPLE! We must not let ourselves be put down by this corrupt mayor. We, as one, can bring him down and force him to leave our Canada!" A man in yellow clothing seemed to lead the masses. He wore thick sunglasses and a yellow hat. "We are the Yellow Rebellion! From now on, we're the ones who get to decide our own lives!"

His speech riled up the protests and they marched closer to the City Hall. Some of them were wearing yellow clothing too.

I took a closer look and the mayor was standing in the center of the protests. There were a lot of soldiers around him, ready to take fire if needed.

"What are you waiting for?! Shoot these people! Don't you see what they've done!" yelled the mayor in question. The soldiers aimed their assault rifles at the masses.

"I don't think they will consider using tear gas," said my Aegis.

The people were screaming when the soldiers were threatening them with their guns. "Just shoot them!" ordered the mayor again.

The soldiers glanced at each other before they began to shoot at the protests. Bullets spray everywhere and people began to escape the site.

"They never change... they kill when they have the chance," I mumbled. I approached the crowd when suddenly, a pale, blue truck drove down the road at a very fast speed. My eyes caught sight of the father and his daughter, Freda among the protests.


"I know, Aegis."

I released two gigantic, crimson scythes from my back but it was too late.

Freda stumbled and the truck ran over her before coming to a halt. A stream of blood lined up along the road where Freda's body was crushed on the other side of the road.

"FREDA!" cried her father. He ran to her side.

My gigantic scythes smashed the truck open only to see a drunken driver. "This is why I hate people..."

"Poor her," sympathized Aegis.

The soldiers that were shooting at the crowd turned towards me.

"Don't you look at me..."

My scythes sliced them up and pinned any incoming soldiers to the ground. The mayor stood there frightened for a second before he ran away.

I chased after him only to be thrown with Molotov cocktails by the protests.

"A monster! She must be from the C.U!"

"Kill her!"

I was irritated. Not because of what they called me, but the fact that my body was literally burning. It was quite strange. It did not hurt at all. My wound healed as my dress became more tattered.

I glared at them with my dark eyes. "I hate you..."

My scythes ripped them apart one by one. The few who understood what would happen to them if they just stayed there ran away from the City Hall.

"Ava, the mayor," reminded Aegis.

"I know..."

The scythes seeped back into me and I continued my chase. My eyes caught him running into an alley.

"Why do they always go to an alley?" I questioned.

Crimson tendrils were formed from my back and it headed towards the mayor ahead of me. When I turned into a corner, the mayor was still running, so I blocked his path with my tendrils.

"What do you want from me?!" exclaimed the mayor.

I approached him slowly, savoring the taste of his fear. "I want to ask you some questions..."

"Of course! Anything!"


"Wait!" An unfamiliar voice stopped me in my tracks. I looked over my shoulder.

There was the leader of the Yellow Rebellion panting for breath. "D-Don't kill him! If you do, the army will attack us," he said.

I narrowed my eyes at him. "They are doing that right now..."

"No, you don't understand! This area will be obliterated! Many people will die as it is!"

"...I don't understand? I've experienced hell back to back, and you said I don't understand?"

He underestimated me. I'd seen so much with my own two eyes. A lot of people died in my hands and I killed a lot of them too. A precious, important figure in my whole life was lost forever in this cruel world, never to be seen again.

All I could do was reminiscence the few memories that I had with him. I could dream of him, though that was only by chance. And even if I did meet him in my dreams, it was only for a very short while before my fingers could not feel his warmth anymore.

A crimson pike sprouted from my right arm with its long hilt wobbled around in the air. It finally pointed towards the foolish leader.

"No! Argh!" He tried to run but my pike fractured into smaller versions and quickly cornered him. Right then, he could only move towards me, which would be suicidal as it was.

"Please! Killing the mayor was not an option! We only just want to drive him out of here!" said the leader of the protests.

"I don't care... Die."

My small, feeble pikes propelled itself at him.