Ava's Epiphany

The next day— me, Maltyie, Derrick, Klaus, Miranda, Alicia, and Aya went to the Stockholm Conference Palace. It was the place where, according to everyone else, Amathelia declared the all-out war against Neo Africa. Back then, there were these four general-in-charge with her during the announcement. They were the ones governing different major regions of the Great Corporate United.

"...Welcome, Maltyie Holm, former General of the Army."

Those four people I mentioned greeted us as we walked into a meeting room of unbridled opulence. The light brown walls surrounding us had a lovable polish to it—combined with a large gleaming C.U's logo etched into a wall in front of me— it was a spectacular sight.

What took my breath away was not that, but rather the intricate and uniform golden lines weaved across the glass ceiling, giving it an ethereal look. The cloudy sky could be seen through the glass.


I didn't realize that my jaw dropped, and quickly recomposed myself.

"And the former soldiers of C.U. We welcome you too," continued the general-in-charge named Azalea Laskaris.

"Hm? General Azalea. You forgot the Grim Reaper," pointed out a male general-in-charge to her right.

"I didn't. Ava Lindberg was indeed a former soldier of the C.U." Azalea sauntered close to my side, shadowing me with her height. "A special kid. One that drove the great change of the whole world if you ask me. Amathelia did what she did because of her, and so did the Four Pillars."

Azalea gestured at Miranda and Aya, then at Derrick. "These people rallied behind you. If I were given the power to take custody of Ava Lindberg, then I would do so without thinking twice. I would want a kid like her."


The other three general-in-charge reminded her of why we all came here in the first place.

"My apologies. I got carried away," said Azalea.

"I don't mind," said Maltyie, standing firmly in her dark blue military uniform. "I was surprised that the general-in-charge who were known for as 'stubborn, obstinate subordinates' to Amathelia would agree to cease this war."

Azalea smiled. "We have withdrawn our forces, just as you asked."


"You want to announce your succession to the C.U's Ruler title, isn't it? After hearing your request for the first time in a while, we immediately accept."

"That's what confused me," I spoke up. "Don't you want to get Neo Africa for yourselves? After so long?"

"Never in our mind, Miss Lindberg," answered Azalea.

"Don't call me that."

"It's your official surname. You're indeed Amathelia's granddaughter. It's only appropriate."

"...Why you ceased the war so easily?" I asked another question.

"The military body and the higher-ups like us have enough of Amathelia's absurd demands. We have enough of it... The bloodshed, selfish ideals, and incoherent half-baked plans. With Miss Maltyie Holm's appointment, our glorious Great Corporate United would no longer have to suffer from spending so much money just to repair the damaged infrastructure. The main causes are the rebels and the coup."

"They're fighting for my sake. They're on my side," said Maltyie.

"That's why its better if you become the ruler. The rebels and the coup will no longer cost us this much trouble."

"Aside from what Azalea said, you're a commendable soldier and an erudite thinker," said the male general-in-charge next to Azalea. "I don't see why you can't be our ruler. You'll bring about a new era, one that will shift this country to a better future."

"A greater change."

"For the people's good."

The four general-in-charge sung their own praises for Maltyie. I couldn't help but smile at that. After all, after all the things that had happened, for years on end, us being here was the result of the effort we put in during those times. The times we languished beneath the absolute might of the C.U, and what we had done to overcome it.

"Here's the agreement, Miss Maltyie Holm."

Azalea handed Maltyie a contract form for her to sign. She placed it on a polished wooden table and Maltiye signed it— after she read the terms through and through.

"This term..." Maltyie looked up at Azalea after she was done. "You're giving me the power to change those who were appointed as the general-in-charge?"

"Yes," answered the four of them.

Azalea's smile reached her cheeks. "You see, if we want this country to really change, we need to be able to switch out the incompetent ones in the organization, right? So, if you find us to be incompetent, Miss Maltyie Holm, you can dismiss us anytime you wish to do so. We won't mind. The new ones you choose will definitely be better suited, I'm sure."

Derrick coughed and caught their attention. "You're doing this to gain our trust. At the same time, making us believe you won't do anything stupid in the future."

Now Azalea's smile withered down. She narrowed her eyes at Derrick. "Your first guess is the only thing we have in mind. We won't do stuff that we shouldn't be doing. Before, those bearing the title of general-in-charge can't be dismissed or changed without a major vote from the higher-ups. But we want to change that. Corruption is the last thing we want to deal with during these turmoil times."

"You're referring to Relly Fernandez," said Aya and I at the same time.

"He's a bastard. One that misused his authority," said Azalea. "He bought out the higher-ups approval and combined that with the previous C.U's ruler, he can do anything he wanted. That's why we need a new leader... and a new set of rules."

"Such a shame he died. I wanted to see him in prison for once," said the other general-in-charge.

"When I become the C.U's ruler, I will smoke out every last of Relly's hideout. The ones he used to conduct his human trafficking activities," said Maltyie. "Anyway, I think it's time."

"Yes, for you to announce yourself to the whole world."

"We welcome you once more, our new C.U Ruler."

"May our country be brought to the greatest state it has been."

The four general-in-charge bowed, and Maltyie began her announcement through a large screen monitor.

I was certain that the majority of the populace on this Earth cheered and jumped from happiness after Maltyie was done. Elated, those who were trampled by the C.U before— the weak— the poor— they would no longer need to live in fear. This decision had a just effect of placating the rebels and they definitely wouldn't dare to fight the C.U again, since their wish to place Maltyie as the C.U's Ruler had been achieved. Honestly, after Amathelia's downfall, everything went smoothly after that.

Surprise, surprise, everyone hated her.

The whole military organization hated her for what she had done. At one point, a strange feeling welled up inside me, something like, she could live a better life, had she not succumbed to her desires.

I liked her determination to get things done, but alas, it was all for the wrong reasons. She wanted me to be happy, but she didn't know me well, that the only thing that made me happy was unknown to her.

As for father, Kian Lindberg, he had gone missing.

It turned out that he escaped from Lily's spears drilling his limbs into the ground— and ran away from me. I wanted him to join us, but it seemed like he had other plans. I didn't know what it was, though one thing I was certain of was that his future plans were nothing evil nor bad.

How do I know? Well, it was a gut feeling. He promised that he would redeem himself so that I would be proud of calling him "father". Honestly, it miffed me a bit.

I thought he would at least told me what he had in mind.


"Alright, now that this is all settled," said Maltyie after she talked with the four general-in-charge. "Ava."

Everyone there turned to look at me, and I unconsciously gulped.

"It would take a few weeks for me to actually succeed my father as the new C.U's Ruler. You know, regulations, paperwork, and all that," said Maltyie. "For now, I'm an unofficial C.U's Ruler. That being said, I want to give you anything you want, Ava."

"Huh?!" I flinched from what she said.

"Is there anything you want? Anything. I will try to grant your wish with my authority. Oh, and Aya too."


"Also Miranda."

"...Don't worry about me, unofficial ruler. I'm fine where I am right now," opposed Miranda.

"Anything is fine. I'm feeling really good today. It's on me," said Maltyie.

"...Anything?" I repeated.


"Then... please, bring back Hope. Cure him."

Maltyie smiled before she looked at Alicia.

"You don't need to worry about that. I will try my best to create a cure. Think of something else," said Alicia with a beaming smile.

"Hmm... Ernestine and Julia. I want those two to be free from being soldiers of C.U."

"Ah, they're already out of the military as we speak. Ernestine will live with Maltyie. I will assign Julia a job, so don't worry about them. I also freed Ernestine's aunt, and she's under the care of the greatest hospital in Stockholm," answered Azalea. "Think of something else."

"Umm... I can't really think of anything," I mumbled, a hand at my chin.

"Are you sure? Think hard, Ava. It can be anything," said Maltyie.

I did exactly that. Digging deep into my memories, I ran through the good and bad ones I remembered— from when I first met Derrick— to the point where I was right then, standing in that place.

"Oh, right!" I looked up at Maltyie. "Actually, I do have something I want."

"Haha. What is it?"

"...I want to go to school."

Aya gazed at me and smiled. "My wish is the same as Ava."

"Alright. Consider it done. Anything else? How about tuition? I can send the best tutor to teach you. Though, don't be afraid to ask me again in the future of what you want. I want to do this."


At that moment, I remembered a scene— where I was in a convenience store with Hope back in Mansel Island.

"Hehe... That's right. I remembered. Thank you, Hope..."

"What is it?"

I took a deep breath. "I don't need a tutor. Hope promised me that he will teach me, so... he will be my tutor, Maltyie."

A smile flitted across her face. "Okay. I will pay him a good load of money, so don't worry. I'll make sure that he will teach you. Oh, you will live with me from now on, Ava. You don't mind?"

"I don't. I don't need to be in Lutalo anymore since the war is all but over. This world no longer has a common enemy. Gheele wouldn't mind."

"Thanks, Maltyie," said Aya as she bowed.

"Raise your head! It's fine. It's of my own accord after all."

Everyone went silent after a few moments. Derrick broke it when he coughed. "Ava... um, so, you will be going to school, huh?"

"Yup! I always want to. We both want to, right, Aya?"


With me going to school, I could learn a lot of things. I wanted to be someone dependable to Hope— and someday, when he wakes up, I would surely do my best to gain his affection.

Until that time, no matter how long, I would study hard, and travel, and do all the things I wanted to all this time. Hope would want me to anyway.

"Thanks, Maltyie, really!"

I hugged her and she giggled. "You're special, Ava. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise. I want to see you grow in front of my eyes... I want to see what kind of person you will be in the future."

"I will not let you down!"

And I would not let you down too, Hope. When you woke up, I would make sure I surprise you with how much I had matured. Until then, please...

Please don't leave me. Thank you, Hope, for everything you had done for me. Thank you, Hope Domitius.

Thank you... so much.
