Five of Them

Then again, she couldn't blame Liu Xiaodan for not knowing those things. Moreover, who was Liu Xiaodan? Was he a scheming bastard? No, he's not. He's too honest for things like that, and he had been quite honest even when he had become a monster in the eyes of the world.

If he didn't like someone, he wouldn't talk to that person. Should he found one a likable person that deserved to be saved, he would even kill for it. Liu Xiaodan decided in his heart that one was worthy of death, then death should come a-knocking. There were no ploys or schemes… only mischief at times.

"When will he be home then?" Chuan Nayi decided to drop the matter about the Xie family.

"Tomorrow, after taking his theory test and the peaches from the Mian family." Liu Li only hummed. He then managed to sit long enough to decide about something. He would just speak with Kang Jun tomorrow about the outcome of the second attack. "Xiao Qian, let's go back to bed."