Mertin's Objection

"As most everyone is here, I'll make the announcement now since the last two are busy." Hurman declared, "Upon proving himself capable as a medical professional and an asset to the family, Shadur will be opening a medical practice within the property and begin caring for any ill person within the grounds."

"Then… Lyle will…"

"Yes, Sisslia, Lyle will have a professional dedicated to his care from now on."

Water began to build up her eyes Sisslia asked, "But… I thought we weren't--"

"Affordability is not an issue at the moment. Our finances are looking better than before, even with Shadur being hired," answered Hurman.

"Congratulations, Shadur! You deserve it!" Oli stated, lifting his glass.

"To a prosperous relationship!" Hurman followed along, leading the toast. "We look forward to your care and promise to guard you and your practice to the utmost."