Divide in the Family

"I'm simply acting as the Practor Family Patriarch and doing what is best for the family."


"You claim to know all the facts yet didn't bother asking how many lilies they recovered. You claim to have helped the family yet for the last few years we have been spiraling downward financially. You claim to have adjusted our budget to save money yet you continually cut funding to anything that would help the family grow in the long-term," reasoned Hurman. "Mertin, you're my son and that will never change. But being a part of the family doesn't mean you're exempt from judgment or accountability."

"All that I've done is for the family!" shouted Mertin, standing tall and clenching his fists.

Hurman shook his head with a disappointed sigh. "Perhaps that is true, but is your vision for the family the same as everyone else's? That's what I'm starting to wonder…"