Those Who Can And Can't Feast

Like clockwork, that server sped through the open doors with the apron in hand. Surprisingly, another server was already rushing back with a giant platter over his head. None of the servers wanted to irritate the hot-headed chef, so all they could do was accommodate his orders the best they could. 

"Good, good! Only those who respect us can feast on our delicacies!" Bradok's booming laughter filled the room as he watched the turkey enter the doorway. "Thank you! Feel free to eat any leftovers once this place is clean."

"Thank you, Chef!" 

"That goes for all of you!"

"THANK YOU, CHEF!!" in unison, all servers throughout the room jumped with joy and licked their lips. 

Staring eagerly at the giant bird that took up half the table, Bradok stood up. "Now, allow me to carve!"