Bradok's Story

While Vant followed Korvik out of the dining hall, everyone at the table was relishing in the meal. Each other table was already taken down and the servers were gratefully enjoying all of the uneaten food left behind due to the sudden leave of many representatives.

A good amount of time passed when no one spoke, other than single word responses complimenting the meal. It was the ultimate praise to the chef, who was also chowing down on the oversized delicacy.

Suddenly, given time to think and get his brain back into normal function, Oli finished his plate and asked, "Why do people use the word 'ape' as a slur?"

Many people lifted their eyebrows, startled to see the genuine curiosity on Oli's face. Blinking, Donovan swallowed his food and asked, "You really don't know?"


"Huuuuhhh…" Sighing, Bradok put down his half-eaten turkey leg and turned his whole body toward Oli. "Simple. We were slaughtered and forced out."
