Zelsh Returns For Dinner

"Now tell me, where are your parents?"

"Sorry about that…" Oli apologized, swallowing the little wine that lingered in his throat. "I… haven't seen my parents in too long…"

Noticing the repressed emotion behind Oli's eyes, Bradok slowly nodded. "I see…"

"My dad passed away fending off some beasts and I was separated from my mom a while back. Sadly, trying to get back with her will probably cause even more trouble, at least not before I'm strong enough to fix that."

"That's the spirit!" Bradok shouted with pride, lifting his tankard yet again. "I'll drink to that! That's how a true man handles his problems!"

But Donovan let out a short yet sharp laugh, "Says the man that dumped everything on his son-in-law…"