Heading Off to Start a War

The feast continued with everyone enjoying themselves. Though some people were hesitant to feel excited, Mertin and Lyle, those people were wrapped up in cheers and toasts all around the tables. 

Eventually, the wine stopped flowing and the food stopped coming. 

"Now that we've had our fill, it's time we got down to business," Hurman remarked, standing up and staring back at the task force he had gathered. "Is there anything else you wanted to do or say while still in Iron Town?"

"My nephew will be fine, right?" Marsel shouted, eyeing his sister Ceela with care. 

Hurman nodded and laughed, "Of course. We did as you asked and left him with Keldon. That way, worst case scenario, your son will be seen with merchants and not soldiers."

"Then we're ready to go!" Ceela called out, teasingly ignoring Marsel's worried gaze and grabbing her husband's hand. "Right, Lam?"

"Yeah. I think we're ready."