Trial By Combat

Kuldar gave Oli a cheeky smile and pointed toward one of the open cushions. "Please, make yourself comfortable.

"And yes. You and the others in the task force will be handling special operations for us. It's also why you'll all be handsomely rewarded with a portion of the loot we claim from the invasion. In the case of some of you, you'll even be given an estate to claim and run under the Iron Territory banner. I think that's a fair reward for your services."

Oli nodded, noting the eager expressions on the face of every human in the task force. Thanks to Kuldar, Oli finally knew the true reason why even Lambier's and Marsel's wives had joined the invasion effort. 

"That works great for me," Oli replied. "But I don't need land or an estate. I'll just take more gold or treasures."

Kuldar didn't need to agree. All terms of the task force had been negotiated by Vloz and Iron Territory, so Kuldar was only a middleman at most.