First Day of Class

Zitsukani's eyes widen in anticipation as he sees her step forward. He was never sure how Chojuro met her, so he never complained about being with him all the time, even if it did impede his progress.

All for this moment, getting close Mei Terumi will ensure his safety and future. Even someone like Chojuro became a member of the seven swordsmen of the mist, so why would he miss this bus? His knowledge of the future is his biggest weapon, and with one move he can cripple an entire nation.

The more he thinks about the last year full of waiting, the broader his grin becomes, looking at the young girl before him his eyes begin to shine.

She has long auburn hair to the small of her back with the trademark bangs covering her face. Her emerald green eyes scan the crowd with a smile plastered on her thin lips. She's wearing a gray dress with chainmail hanging just below her shoulders and covering her cleavage, the hem of her dress is just above her knees. A white belt hangs around her waist with the Kiri emblem on it. Mesh leggings extend down to her long steel battle boots, exposing her blue painted toenails.

She doesn't have her trademark blue dress yet, but mistaking her for anyone other than the fifth Mizukage is impossible.

As her eyes scan the kids her eyes stop Chojuro, slowly lifting her finger she points at Chojuro.

"You! Because you have blue hair, and I may need you at my wedding one day. You gotta prepare for these things early."

"Ah?!?" Chojuro's face goes white, looking between Mei and Zitsu he doesn't know what to do.

Mei was about to pick someone else, but seeing the panic on his face deepens her smile, turning her eyes into slits.

"Ok you auburn hair boy, we have the same hair color so I guess it can pass as something old."

A relaxed feeling washes over Zitsukani, when he saw her about to look away it was like a heavy weight pressing down on him.

"Hmm, nothing else is auspicious here." She puts a finger on her lips and glances at the girls before quickly looking away.

"Can I just have these two?" She glances at Yagura and the other two.

"You want to give up a slot?" Yagura frowns slightly. "That's not the mission we were given, you have to pick three."

Puffing her cheeks she points at a boy "Fine him then. Introduce yourselves."

Before he even gets a chance to react the third boy steps forward.

"Bunrakuken!" The child yells at the top of his lungs, frightening some of the kids.

He appears to be around two years old. He has extremely short black hair, almost like a military cut. His eyes are dark yellow, almost orange. He has three vertical white scars on his forehead, over his eyes and nose. His face is oval shaped and he has a strong nose.

Looking at him Zitsukani isn't sure if he's upset at not being wanted, or if he's just a bad kid in need of a spanking. Looking at Chojuro he feels lucky he wasn't as annoying as he could have been.

The kid crosses his arms, obviously done with his introduction. Seeing this Zitsu pushes Chojuro forward.

Chojuro stumbles a bit, but seeing the smile on Mei's face he calms down. "I'm" he glances back at Zitsu, seeing the thumbs up he continues "I'm Chocho."


The loud noise causes everyone to turn their heads, standing there is Zitsukani with his hand covering his face.

Shaking his head he steps forward. "I'm Zitsukani and this is my friend Chojuro."

"Good!" She nods her head "You three with me."

Walking off to the side the three kids follow her, getting a bit of distance away she turns to watch the rest of the selection.

Walking side by side to Chojuro they stand behind Mei. The other kid, Bunrakuken stands a little in front of them. Seeing this Zitsu shakes his head, what is this kid thinking?

With a nasty grin, another teenager steps forward. His hair is wrapped up in bandages but his orange eyebrows are still exposed. His nose and lips are full of piercings of various sizes. He's wearing extremely baggy blue pants and ninja slippers. His chest is covered in mesh and his waist is wrapped in bandages. Wrapped around his right arm is his ninja headband.

"My name is Unkei Tani" his lips begin to curl, he doesn't even look at the guys and points at the remaining three girls. "You three with me."

He immediately begins walking off to the side.

The girls look around confused.

"Over here!" Turning around he yells across the room.

Seeing this Mei frowns slightly and looks at Yagura, seeing the impassive look on his face she shakes her head.

The three girls run over behind Unkei. One brave girl around two years old step forward.

"Do we need to do int-" *Pah*

Before she could even finish talking the girl is slapped across the face and sent sprawling across the floor. The right side of her face instantly swells up like a balloon, her skull obviously fractured.

Seeing this the other two girls, and all the other kids in the room begin to shake.

Unkei smiles, droll begins to flow out the side of his mouth as he licks his lips. "Did I" he slowly walks over to the sobbing girl "tell you to speak?"

"Huuu huuuu" *Hik* Hik* "I want my mommy huuu"

Unkei frows. Rising his foot up, he slowly lowers it on the girl's chest. Cracking sounds begin to echo across the room as the girl's cries turn to wails, her arms and legs flapping around. Soon her screams turn into fits of coughing, but even that is drowned out by the cracking. Blood begins to seep from her eyes and mouth as the pressure builds.

"What did I just say?" With one final push her chest caves in, his foot only separated from the floor by flesh.

Every child, Zitsukani included, are currently petrified. After a few seconds, everyone but the four teens begins to hurl.

The death throttle of that girl still rings in his head as his vomit covers the floor. For this first time in over a year it finally clicks, this isn't Earth anymore, this isn't an anime, this isn't a game, this is the bloody mist village, these 'teenagers' are all elite killers, these aren't normal people, these are ninja!

He's been taking things too lightly, thinking of this as his favorite anime, this is his life!

Whipping the vomit from his mouth he rises to his feet. Clenching his little fist he looks at the corps of the little girl.

"I refuse to die under the boot of another." He mumbles to himself, a type of vow, a promise to himself really, his ninja way.

Even though the voice was as quiet as a mosquito she heard it, bringing a smile to her face.

Unkei looks at the two girls dry heaving on the ground. Reaching out he picks them both up and looks at them with an almost pleading look "You'll listen to me right?"

The girls go pale as they nod their head.

"Good" smiling, he places them down.

Zitsukani looks at Chojuro whos crying on the ground, almost rolling in his vomit. Feeling bad, he begins rubbing his back. Looking over at Bunrakuken he's shocked, after throwing up he's already back on his feet. What kind of two-year-old kid is this?

"Well, I don't know how to follow that. I don't have to pick so that makes things easy." He nods his head slightly. "Why don't you guys like...say your names or something, don't you see I'm struggling here?"

Looking at the three boys on the ground dry heaving he shakes his head. "I guess I got stuck with the youngest kids."

"You haven't even introduced yourself, yet your rambling on" Yagura interjects.

Hammering his fist into his palm like he just remembers he looks around the room with a bashful look. "I'm Dayu, just Dayu. Now, will you introduce yourselves?" Smiling he holds out his hands to the three boys.

Looking at this guy causes Zitsu's eyebrows to rise, isn't this guy to casual?

He has long red hair to his shoulders and blue eyes as deep as the ocean, a complete contrast to one another. His face is fairly handsome and has no visible scars. He's dressed in a black shirt, black pants, and black ninja shoes. The only thing that stands out about him is his blue flak jacket, even his headband is on his head.

"It looks like they won't be recovering for a while, break off and do your own things. We don't have much time, we still have missions later." Yagura looks at his children for a moment, says something softly, and walks further into a corner.

Mei looks at her three people and the smile returns to her face, proud of her picks.

"Well guys, I'm going to try explaining the purpose of this class now."