Graduation Exam (2-In-1)

An hour before sunrise Zitsukani sits on the bed with his legs crossed as he adjusts his state of mind. The clones begin releasing one by one as he consolidates the information from the night. With twenty clones practicing the sword from sunset to sunrise it equals ten days.

Rising to his feet he grabs his sword. Drawing the blade he uses it to cut his hair shorter. Taking a deep breath he leaves the room with sword in hand.

His mom has black rings around her eyes. Looking at her son she tries to smile. She knows this is important to him, but can't help but worry. Setting the table she sits down.

"Mom, don't worry it will be ok" leaning his sword against the table he sits down.

Yura grabs his hand, using her thumb to rub the back of his hand. "I'm just worried, I know your teacher wouldn't put you up unless you were ready" releasing his hand she just looks at his face with a smile.

He begins eating his food in silence, truth be told, Mangetsu has him scared. If he gets partnered with any like that he will die.

It only takes a few minutes to finish eating. Hugging his mother to calm her, and himself, he leaves.

Arriving at the entrance he sees Cho, Taisho, Emina, and Eminu. Nodding at each other they begin moving towards the training center.

As they draw near they see Mei sitting on a stone block, one leg over the other. Standing next to her is a tall and burly man. He was completely bald and even lacked eyebrows. His dark eyes were completely sunken in, giving his face a morbid feeling. He was wearing a white shirt with the sleeves torn off, leaving only frayed edges that expose his scared muscular arms. Long tattered black pants tucked into boots that extend halfway up his calf. The most noticeable thing was the silver claymore on his back.

Mei jumps from the block "Good, bright and early. We didn't know how long we'd have to wait."

She points at the man next to her "This is your new sword instructor, his name is Anzai Soda."

Anzai takes a step forward and looks at the kids "You are just beginners, but I see you have your weapons which is good. I don't like to waste time so let's go." As soon as he finishes speaking he goes inside.

"Everyone but Zitsu go in." Mei points at the door.

"Good luck Zitsu" Taisho slaps his shoulder before walking inside.

Chojuro gives him a hug and goes in as well.

"Just because you are becoming a Genin first, don't think that we won't catch up" Emina points at his face with wide eyes.

Eminu grabs her hand and pulls her towards the entrance "Good luck Zitsukani."

Mei watches this scene with a smile. "You have some good friend huh?"

Zitsu shrugs "They listen really well" looking up at Mei his eyes turn serious "Do you think I have a good chance."

Mei looks at him for a while before walking away. "Everyone has a chance to die if they're careless."

Following her, he thinks about what she said. Walking for a few minutes they pass through the tunnel and enter the central building again.

Even though it's early in the morning a lot of shinobis are moving about and the atmosphere feels heavy. Every ninja he sees have bags under their eye and fresh scars on the visible parts of their bodies.

"The Mizukage has every ninja working overtime, and a lot have to take missions above their capabilities." Seeing his gave wonder she explains the details.

"Have you been going on missions as well?"

"Of course." She nods her head.

Walking through the center they eventually arrive on the path towards the academy.

Looking at the academy surrounded in mist he takes a deep breath.

Mei looks at him and smiles "Kid when you become a Genin you have to go on missions with me, don't you think it's too soon to be nervous?"

Hearing her words causes his mouth to drop a bit "This is only the first step." A small smile forms on his face as they enter the academy.

Sitting at the desk like always is Taketa, seeing Mei he stands up and walks over. Looking down at Zitsu he smiles. "Never thought I'd see you back here again so soon."

"I brought him here for the test, is everything ready?" Mei raises her brows.

"Follow me." Waving his hand he begins walking towards the stairs.

Walking down the stairs they arrive at the first door. Taketa opens the door and walks in.

Before Zitsu walks in Mei holds out her hand. "I have to go, when you're done you can head back."

Watching her raise her hand Zitsu quickly sends chakra to his brain to activate his sensory technique. As her fingers raise he sense her chakra rapidly dash from his range.

"I need to practice Body Flicker and Substitution Jutsu." He shakes his head "Too many things to do."

Looking in the room he smiles, inside he can sense twenty-nine chakra signatures. Taking a step forward he walks inside.

The room has two levels. The top level is shaped like a giant U. The door is on the bottom of the U, Taketa stands there with another man. The man has medium length brown hair tied back with his ninja headband and a pair of black glasses. He's wearing a standard black shirt, pants, and blue flak jacket.

On the sides are a bunch of kids ranging from ten to fifteen years old. And at the top of the U are staircases leading down to a pool of water.

Taketa looks at Zitsu before turning back towards the instructor "This is Zitsukani, he's here for the exams."

The instructor looks down at Zitsu and frowns "Just go stand with the others."

"I'll leave it to you then" Taketa turns and walks away.

Zitsu isn't bothered by the looks and walks to the left side. He ends up standing next to a twelve-year-old boy with a mohawk and two swords on his back.

"We will now begin the graduation exams!" The instructor's voice booms "This tradition was started by the Third Mizukage, someone who lived during the chaotic times. He believed that a shinobi needs to be able to act in the field and not hesitate when it's time. He saw too many allies die because some failed to do what needed to be done. So if you cannot kill, you cannot be shinobi."

The instructor's eyes scan the room. "The first match is Hisashi vs Ebizo."

Looking around he sees two people walk down below. He doesn't see a referee or hear any rules, a no rules battle to the death.

They look around the same age, around twelve years old. One kid pulls out a kunai and the other and the other a tanto. He can't tell which is which, but they are both wearing normal looking street clothes.


They both charge at the same time when suddenly the guy with the kunai lunges forward. The tanto wielder draws an arc with his foot kicking up a wave of water. Jumping back he tucks his tanto under his arms and performs hand seals, suddenly five clones appear around him.

When the Kuni wielder arrives on the other side he sees six people causing him to pause for a moment. Six people wielding tantos surround him and begin to circle. They suddenly all rush at him at the same time.

The boy wielding the kunai eyes begin to dart about, randomly he runs toward one of the tanto wielders.

The boy wielding the tanto smiles as he sees him attacking the wrong body, but suddenly his eyes go wide.

Throwing the kunai behind him he lodges it into the opponent's gut. Jumping up and twisting around his heel connect with his opponent's chin causing him to fall into the water.

"Fool, your clones didn't cause ripples."

Pulling out another kunai he plunges it into the water, filling it with a cloud of blood.

"Winner Hisashi!"

Hisashi spins his bloody kunai before putting it back into his bag and walking up the stairs.

"Next battle is Matsuta vs Aeko."

While he stares at the corps in the water that's still pumping out blood, slowly dying the water red, two more people walk down.

This time it's a fifteen-year-old boy with spiked brass knuckles, vs a girl who looks ten years old. Looking at her he doesn't see any weapon.


As soon as his words fall the girl jumps back and begins performing hand seals. "Dragon, Tiger, Hare, Water Release: Wild Water Wave!" Holding up two fingers next to her mouth, she begins spitting out a stream of water.

"What a joke!" Jumping in the air, the boy begins running on the stream due to the lack of power in the jutsu.

The girl begins to panic and ends the technique, but the boy is already in front of her.

He swings his left hand down in an overhead punch, utilizing his height advantage.

The girl jumps to the side, barely dodging the punch. But a smile forms on the boys face. Spinning like a top, the back of his right-hand whips around and hits her collarbone.

A loud audible crack is heard as the girl flyes back from the impact.

"AhhHa" the girl skids across the water but manages to stay afloat, her left arm dangling.

"I give up I give up!" The girl begins to scream.

Zitsu looks over at the instructor and sees his cold face.

"Hahaha!" The boy laughs with a wild grin as he arrives in front of the girl. Reaching out with both hands he picks her up by the neck and chokes her, a crazed look in his eyes.

"Ahkaah" The girl begins to struggle and flail as she chokes to death. Her two little feet begin kicking the boy in the chest, but he just stands there.

As Zitsu watches the girl slowly die, the boy collapses to the ground, blood pouring from his chest. "What?!"

A lot of people instantly become confused as they watch the girl gasp for air.

"Aeko wins!"

As the girl wall up the stairs holding her shoulder, Zitsu spots blades on the toes of her shoes. Sucking in a breath of air, he learned a valuable lesson.

As the fights went on bodies began to pile up in the water. Zitsu's name was never called so he continued to watch the fights. The longer he watches the more he realizes why the mist wasn't a major power in Naruto, almost all the good ninjas were dead. From what he's seen, most of these students have the battle prowess of Sakura when she just graduated from the academy. He finally sees why the Konoha eleven were a big deal.

After twelve rounds they finally call the name of the person next to him.

"Next match Tokutomi vs Shuncho"

He was able to figure out his name was Shuncho because the other boy started moving when the first name was called.

The two boys arrive at the blood red pool and look at each other. Shuncho draws both his longsword and stares at Tokutomi.

Tokutomi looks to be around ten or eleven years old, as he sees Shuncho draw his sword he smiles and puts his hands in his pocket.


"Kenjutsu Art: Sword Drill!" Shuncho waste no time and shoots forward with his swords as he spins through the air.

Tokutomi jumps backward and throws out over twenty paper bombs from his pocket.

Before Shuncho even gets a chance to retreat, all the bombs explode into a cloud of flames and smoke, completely enveloping Shuncho and pushing Tokutomi back.

Zitsu's mouth hangs open wide, refusing to believe that just happened, but he must, even though the smoke hasn't cleared Shuncho's chakra signature is gone.

Tokutomi rises to his feet with a smile on his face. As the smoke clears all that remains are floating chunks of flesh and scattered bones.

After waiting a few seconds the instructor opens his mouth "Tokutomi wins."

The remaining people in the room look at Tokutomi as he climbs the stairs, unsure how to feel. Most of them won after giving everything they had, but he just blew his opponent up. Maybe Shuncho could have won if he knew what type of opponent he was facing, but he was arrogant and dived right into battle.

"Final match, Kikyo vs Zitsukani" as the instructor finishes speaking the corners of his lips curl ever so slightly.

Finally hearing his name called Zitsu makes his way down to the bloody water. Looking at his opponent in front of him, he notices it's an eleven to a twelve-year-old girl. The girl had blonde bob cut hair and dark green eyes. She was wearing a grey Poncho that came down to her thighs, dark purple pants, and black ninja shoes.

Looking at Zitsu she smiles "Sorry to kill you little boy, but feel proud to die by the hands of the Baba clan."

Zitsu tilts his head in confusion.


Kikyo's poncho starts to flutter as she rises into the air "Kekkei Genkai: Flight of the witch!" She quickly rises high into the air and looks down at Zitsu

Zitsu draws his sword and looks up at her confused, what can she do from up there?

Kikyo smiles "Kekkei Genkai: Soul lantern!" Thirteen lanterns fly out her body and head towards the water.

Seeing this Zitsu jumps back, but they don't even come close to him. Suddenly thirteen milky white substances shoot up from the water and enter the lanterns. As they do the lanterns transform into the previous thirteen contestants.

Seeing this he knows the instructor set him up, why else would this girl go last? Why is he fighting her?

The thirteen soul clones begin to dash towards Zitsu.

"Tsk" clicking his tongue he tucks his katana under his arm and clasps his hands together into a tiger seal "Water Clone Jutsu!"

[Chakra 63/273]

Thirty water clones rise from the bloody water and begin slashing at the soul clones. The soul clones may be stronger, but they have no weapons, can't use jutsu, and are completely outnumbered. This technique isn't even close to being as good as impure world resurrection unless used on a Taijutsu expert.

Zitsu smiles as he watches his clones cut into the souls, every time their cut they keep regenerating. But Zitsu is happy, he noticed the water clones are different from shadow clones, when they fight he gets Ninjutsu experience directly instead of the Taijutsu experience he gets when the shadow clones do battle and release.

Watching his Ninjutsu bar rapidly fill he's excited.

Kikyo begins grinding her teeth, every time a soul clone has to regenerate it takes some of her chakra. Her clones haven't even been able to kill a single water clone of his due to them ganging up and waylaying on her clones, half of what they're doing isn't even sword techniques!

Soon his Ninjutsu levels up to 8 and continues to rise.

Kikyo begins to take out shuriken and throw them at Zitsu.

Seeing this he begins blocking them with the side of his sword, like punting a baseball. Eventually, she runs out and has to give up.

Seeing the seven shuriken sinking in the water he picks them all up and puts them in his inventory, acting like he's tucking them in his sleeve. As he's done he looks up and smiles at Kikyo.

Seeing his smile her face turns beet red as she bites her teeth. Her flight begins to flutter and she struggles to stay afloat.

Soon his Ninjutsu levels up to 9. Seeing this he runs into the crowd of his clones and shuffles around to confuse her. After running around for a few seconds he arrives at the back of a soul clone and uses his diagonal slash, instantly destroying it.

Kikyo feels a massive drain on her chakra and slowly begins floating down.

Seeing the experience he got from that he begins running around and performing diagonal cuts on all the clones.

After destroying three more his Taijutsu levels up to 8. By the time he destroyed the last ten, his Taijutsu leveled up to 9 and his and Ninjutsu to 10 causing his level to increase to 6. Putting his perk point into Ninjutsu he finishes off the first perk, bringing Ninjutsu chakra cost down by 10%.

As the last clone is destroyed the girl lands in the water, her face showing signs of chakra depletion.

The water clones and Zitsu surround her.

Seeing this the instructor furrows his brows, never expecting this outcome.

Zitsu looks at the girl for a moment before taking a deep breath, his eyes turning cold.

"I refuse to be a stepping stone for others."

All twenty-four of the remaining water clones put away their sword before rushing at the girl. They take turns as they use their fist to beat the girl. When one clone runs out of chakra and turns to water, another replaces it. Even though no weapon is used the girl quickly becomes black and blue as her body begins to swell. Teeth crack and bones break, but the fist continues to fall. For a full ten minutes, until only two clones are left.

During those ten minutes, his Ninjutsu leveled up to 14.

The last two clone lifts the girl up by her armpits. The girl is bleeding from everywhere possible, her eye sockets crushed, and limbs broken. But she still lives. Her haggard chest rises and falls making a whistling sound, obviously from a pierce lung as her ribs were broken.

Gripping his sword he walks to the girl. Lifting the sword over his shoulder he takes one final look at the girl, his eyes trembling a little.

"I will never forget you."

Putting in everything he's learned of the sword into this attack, transferring every bit of power into the blade, the most powerful strike he can currently make, he swings his sword.

As the blade arks in the air, a small silver trail can be seen behind the blade. As it comes down it first slices through the clone, then from the girl's shoulder to her hip, and finally through the last clones legs. The water below splits slightly from the chakra shockwave produced by the sword.

As the clones disperse, her body drops, slowly sinking into the pool of blood.