
Daikoku looks at Zitsu's well-toned body through his mesh shirt as he rubs his fat chin. "You practice some form of Taijutsu? Your body is really well defined." His looks both ways before slapping his protruding belly "What's your secret?" He whispers in a low voice "I've been trying to lose weight, but it's not working. At this rate, I'll be single my whole life."

Zitsu looks him up and down as he smiles. He can't help but remember how the fatter members of his fan club would always come ask him for advice. Some of the hardcore female club members were on the level of models and they had crushes, Naruto fans came in all shapes and sizes.

Remembering what he used to tell them, he looks into Daikoku's eyes "Don't change who you are just for any woman's affection, as long as you find someone who has the same interest as you and can speak to them even about the simple things, it will work out if it's meant to be."

Daikoku looks at him for a moment before turning his head away "Hogwash, If you don't want to tell me your secret then just say so, don't make things up."

Zitsu's face goes dark from shame, he tried to be nice and it failed. "I lived off the land. Fishing, cutting trees, and just trying to survive."

"Hmmm" Daikoku rubs his chin again "That sounds too hard, it's not that I don't want to, but I'm busy with missions."

Looking at his eyes disappear as he smiles Zitsu decides it's best to ignore this guy.

Konoha wasn't far from their current location, on the horizon he could see the giant wall surrounding the village along with a giant arched gate.

Seeing one of the four entrances of Konoha he can't help but smile and clench his hands. Even without seeing the gate the large hiragana meaning A N written on the gates are burned into his mind.

If he wasn't trying to keep a low profile he'd charge forward right now.

As they get closer he can finally see the large mountain at the back of the village. Looking at the four stone faces carved into the mountain Zitsu feels surreal.

Even though he was reborn over twelve years ago, and met Mei and all those from the mist, this is the first time it actually sinks in that this is the same world.

"I'm here."

Seeing the dazed look on his face Daikoku laughs "We're not there yet!"

Hearing his voice snaps Zitsu from his reminiscences. Taking a deep breath his eyes regain his usual calm.

"Hey" Zitsu looks at Daikoku "I don't have any money for food, and I'm tired of eating wild game."

"Hahahaha" Daikoku laughs loudly as he pats his belly "So you are a fellow connoisseur of the mystic arts of fine cuisine!" Reaching into the bag tied to his thigh he pulls out a small blue money pouch. "Ninjas like me don't lack money from completing missions." He tosses the pouch to Zitsu "I can't accompany you as I have to turn in my mission, but I'm sure we'll meet again at a restaurant or stall!"

Looking at the pouch and his smiling face Zitsu nods "Thanks, I'm sure we'll meet again."

Technically Zitsu only ever completed one mission. Fighting in the war didn't pay anything so he got no money from that. And while his clone completed a lot of missions over the five years, all the money in his inventory disappeared with him as they don't share inventories.

Placing the pouch into his pants pocket he thinks of his next move.

As they arrive in front of the gate two ninjas exit a small booth to the side and begin inspecting the cargo.

"Toyoshige, Mashiro!" Daikoku waves at the two ninjas and walks over. "How'd you two get stuck guarding the gate today?"

Toyoshige, a rather tall and lean ninja frowns as he looks at Mashiro "We failed our last mission thanks to a certain someone."

Mashiro's brows furrow "Between the Akatsuki mercenaries hired by Iwa or the Shichibukai of the Mist, I don't know which is worse. Akatsuki only has four members, but they wipe out entire squads. Just one guy ruined our entire mission."

"Stupid!" Toyoshige tries to stop his partner from speaking. His eyes scan the merchants but soon land on Zitsu. His brows furrow more and more as he looks at him, to the point his eyebrows are almost touching.

The longer he looks the less conspicuous he seems, which only makes him stand out more! "Hey, who are you?" He takes slow steps towards Zitsu.

Zitsu glances at the man "Isobu."

Toyoshige frowns "Ok Isobu, where are you from then?"

"My father told me we originated from Rigma. When the town was destroyed my mother died but he carried me to safety, suffering a grave wound in the process."

The more he talks the more Toyoshige's face eases.

"My father was a carpenter so we lived in the forest alone, as he was afraid of being attacked again if we lived in a different town." Zitsu looks down as he clenches his fist "He finally succumbed to his wounds this year. As I didn't want to stay alone I decided to travel."

Daikoku nods "He's a good kid, stop pestering him Toyoshige and hurry it up, I'm starved!"

Toyoshige looks Zitsu up and down one last time before he waves his hand "Don't cause any trouble."

Zitsu nods with a smile as he walks towards the gates "Daikoku I hope we meet again!"

"The path of food is boundless, on our journey we are bound to meet again!" He waves towards Zitsu's back.

As Zitsu walks through the gate the Natural Energy around him trembles as he feels chakra scanning his body. The moment he touches the barrier he could sense the massive formation surrounding Konoha, and all the chakra responses being gathered in one location.

Zitsu pays this no mind and continues to walk forward. From what he knows of the barrier, every ninja of Konoha has their chakra signature stored in the Sensing Water Sphere. Enemy ninjas signatures are recorded in the sphere and will alert the barrier team if they ever enter the village.

Not only is Zitsu's chakra signature different from the one they know of, he can suppress his massive chakra with Natural Energy to hide from detection as Natural Energy cannot be sensed by chakra. If he completely shrouded himself he could walk right in without being detected.

But if he emitted no chakra at all that would also cause problems, as the Uchihas and Hyugas can see chakra. So he only lets small amounts show, the amount of a below average Genin.

Passing through the gate Zitsu looks at all the well designed and colorful buildings. If Kiri was built like a fortress then Konoha would be a resort town.

Thanks to their four great ninja clans Konoha is a lot stronger than the other villages, hence the relaxed atmosphere.

Despite this being his first time here, Zitsu isn't the least bit lost. From the Anime, Manga, and video games he knows this place like the back of his hand.

Looking at all the familiar buildings with his own eyes he can't help but think what would have happened if he started here? Probably dead during the nine tails attack was the only answer he could think of. If he didn't live next door to Chojuro would he even be where he was today?

His thoughts stop as he arrives outside a small building. Cloth curtains hang at the entrance with the words Ichiraku Ramen written across.

The curtains brush atop his head as he walks inside. The smell of flower and oil hit him as soon as he walks closer to the bar.

"Welcome to Ichiraku Ramen! What can I get you!" The high pitched voice of a young girl comes from behind the bar, drawing Zitsu's attention.

Looking at the young girl with black eyes and a white scarf tying back her long brown hair he can't help but smile. "Ayame right? I've heard a lot about you, I'll take a bowl of seaweed ramen." Zitsu sits on a stool as he answers.

"Dad! One seaweed ramen!" The girl yells towards the back.

"One seaweed coming right up!" A smooth male voice answers in return.

After receiving a reply the girl begins looking at Zitsu's face. After a moment she shakes her head. "I've never seen you here, who told you my name?" She tilts her head as she waits for a reply.


Ayame claps her hands "So it was him! That makes sense. So who are you, If you know my name it's only fair if I know yours."

Before he can even reply a yell comes from the back "Ayame don't bother the customer!"

"Hmph!" Ayame pouts as she returns to cleaning the countertop.

Zitsu watches her work as he enjoys the atmosphere, eating here was something he always wanted to do, so he just showed up. After this, the stakeout begins.