
Zitsu only has to wait a few hours before he senses the seal stop moving around. Unlike Zitsu, others have to sleep. Rising to his feet his body disappears.

Looking down a smile appears on his face. Below him is the Uchiha from earlier sleeping on his bed, unaware of the danger before him.

Zitsu's right hand begins forming seals as he places his left hand on the nearby wall.

"Fuinjutsu: Soundproofing seal!" From his left hand, a string of symbols and words quickly spreads to all the walls, floor, and ceiling.

"Time to wake up little Uchiha." Reaching out he grabs both wrists of the Ninja.

Feeling the touch the Uchiha wakes up in horror. "Who are you?!?" His pupils quickly constrict as he sees Zitsu. Using all his strength he tries to pull his wrist away, only to be greeted by vice-like strength and a smiling face.

Zitsu simple twists his hands and a loud cracking sound fills the room as he mangles the Uchiha's wrists.

"AHhHhAaH HELP ME! HELP!!" He screams at the top of his lungs from the pain as Zitsu releases his wrist.

"Hmm?" Zitsu looks at the man screaming before him with his wrist dangling. "So this amount of pain isn't enough to awaken the Sharingan?"

The Uchiha leaps from his bed as he throws a round kick towards Zitsu's face.

Zitsu smiles as his left hand slowly reaches for the oncoming leg. His fingers stiffen as veins bulge in his hands.

"Croc Kata: Death Grip" His left hand easily grips his leg, stopping his kick completely.

"Delivering your leg into the mouth of the crocodile?" Bones begin to creak as he squeezes his hand around his shin.

"AHhAH!!" He screams in pain as his leg slowly breaks in half "What do you want?! WHO ARE YOU!"

"I'm going to kill you now, is this how you imagined you'd die?" Zitsu ignores his question as he smiles. Squeezing full force he completely shatters the bone in his leg.

Throwing the Uchiha back, he falls onto the bed covered in tears.

"What did I do to you?!? I don't even know you!" Using his forearms he begins scooting himself further back towards the corner of his bed.

"Maybe pain and fear isn't the answer?" Zitsu rubs his chin as he looks at the ninja. "Maybe if you were married I'd have more options." He shakes his head as he walks closer. "Or maybe his talent is just to low?"

Reaching out he grabs the defenseless ninja by the neck. His right hand begins performing seals before he pokes him in the head with his finger.

"Memory Destruction Seal" Black lines begin spreading from his finger and boring into his skull. His body begins to tremble as the seal begins searing itself onto the Ninja's brain, destroying all his memories.

After a few seconds, the lines stop spreading from his finger. "Step one was a success."

His hand begins performing seals once again, this time he grips his skull with his hand as different words and patterns begin spreading from his palm.

"Memory Altering Seal." The words enter his eyes, ears, and nose as a lifetimes worth of senses are transferred into his head. The patterns drill into his skull and once again surrounds his brain.

The process takes three hours before he finally stops. His hands glow green as he begins healing the injuries he caused earlier.

Pulling out senbons from his inventory he begins stabbing them into his leg and fusing them with his leg bone to hold it in place for now. After thirty minutes he completely heals the ninja.

Tapping him on the forehead the Uchiha opens his eyes.

"Master!" Shifting about he drops to his knees.

"You know your mission, find out what I want to know." Finishing his words he sits on the floor and begins gathering Natural Energy.

"Yes master, I will not fail you." Rising to his feet he grabs his uniform and leaves the bedroom.

"Maintaining these two seals is far too taxing" Zitsu shakes his head. The seals are formed from the parasitic chakra, but Zitsu has to constantly focus on the seals or they will break and the target will turn into a fool until he regains his memories. Unlike the location seals, these are far too complicated and cannot be used on more than one person. In return, all the information the target learns is transmitted to Zitsu.

This was another method he developed to replace his shadow clones information gathering abilities. The progress the Clone made to combine water clone and shadow clone has promise, using Natural Energy he may be able to supplement what's lacking, but for now, it's useless.

The Uchiha leaves his house, greeted by the morning sun.

"Shusake good morning, did you not have patrol duty today?"

Looking over he sees a young woman with long dark hair carrying a basket of rice crackers.

"Not that I know of." He looks her up and down "Just coming back from Teyaki and Uruchi's Senbei shop?"

"Hmm" The girl nods as she grabs a cracker "My mom loves these in the morning, do you want one?"

"Sure thanks!" Shusake smiles as he grabs the cracker. "What's been going around here, I feel as though I've missed a lot."

The girl tilts her head "What do you mean? Like what?"

He scratches the back of his head "Well you know, Clan Head Fugaku has two prodigy sons. I was wondering if anyone else had any kids recently that we can look forward to, you know, strengthen the clan?"

Her nose wrinkles as she smiles "Marise's should be ready to give birth any minute now! How could you forget? She had to take time off from the force when she found out." She looks him up and down "Are you feeling ok?"

"Hahaha" He grins broadly "Been a bit absent-minded lately" Scratching his cheek he looks her in the eye "Well, I won't hold you up any longer."

"Seya round Shusake!"

He follows the girls back with his eyes for a moment before he begins walking away. "Marise." He mumbles to himself as he decides to search around the Uchiha compound.

As he roamed around he remembers the layout while spending the whole day looking for Marise.

It took a few hours, but he finally saw a beautiful woman with silk-like black hair walking around with an enlarged belly. Two women flank her on each side as they laugh and chat.

Shusake followed them from a distance until he finally found her house. As he was about to return to his house he saw all the Uchihas pouring from their house.

"Hmm?" Wondering what's going on he follows the crowd.

Soon the whole clan was headed in the direction of the Uchiha shrine.

The entire clan, young and old all gather before one man.

"Tomorrow night we'll make our move so make your preparations" A tall man with short brown hair stands at the front. His stern eyes scanning the crowd. "Remember, we do this fast, and we do this clean. We have to do this with the least amount of bloodshed possible if we want the others to accept our rule."

The crowd begins to murmur as they hear his words.

Suddenly he raises his hand and the room goes quiet. "Itachi, are the village leaders expecting anything?"

"No father, nothing has been reported to the Anbu about our movements."

As Shusake looks over he sees a young boy with jet black hair and long pronounced tear-troughs. His eyes glow crimson red with three tomoe surrounding his pupils.

"Good! We are counting on you to keep the Anbu away, we shall use our capacity as the police force to quell panic." Fugaku looks around "After tomorrow everything will change, dismissed!"

The crowd begins chatting as everyone leaves the building. Shusake doesn't talk as he has a lot to report to his master.

Arriving back inside his house he sees Zitsu sitting in the same spot.

Opening his eyes he watches Shusake drop to his knees.

"Master I have a lot to report."

Before he can even speak further Zitsu's hand clamps around his throat. With a violent twist, his neck snaps and Shusake dies.

"If the Coup d'etat is tomorrow, that means Itachi will make his move tonight after reporting to the village higher-ups." Zitsu smiles as he heads towards the door.

"If it's tonight, then I better get started."

His right hand begins performing seals at rapid speed.

"Combination Transformation" In a puff of smoke Zitsu transforms into a small beetle.

Crawling out the house by going through the cracks in the door he begins moving towards his first location.

Because he emits no chakra the Uchihas will think it's a normal bug, only the Byakugan could see through his transformation now. As he slowly makes his way through the district he notices it's more crowded than before as they prepare for their coup. They seem to be forming teams as groups go into different houses.

Arriving at Marise's house he squeezes through the door. Noticing no one is home he undoes the transformation and begins setting up seals throughout the house. Seals to soundproof the house and seals to prevent chakra from leaking from the house. After finishing he sits in the bedroom and waits.

Soon enough he hears voices inside the house.

"Marise you can't participate in your condition, just stay at home and rest."

"Hhmp! You think because I'm pregnant you can tell me what to do?"

"Uhhh Marise please, you're not just pregnant, your nine months pregnant. If something happens to the baby what will we do?

"Fine! I'll stay!"

Hearing them walking further into the house Zitsu clasps his palms together, activating the seals he placed earlier.

He hasn't seen the face of the male, but he recognizes his chakra signature as one of the officers with the Sharingan.

A sinister smile forms on his face as he rushes out the door.