
As the smoke cleared a large crocodile the size of a school bus filled with deep scars running along its hide appeared. Its left eye had a ghastly wound and was completely blind. As it looked around all it saw was trees, a woman holding two babies, and Zitsu.

"Surely not" The crocodile's large eye flickered at Zitsu before it locked on the woman. "Surely you didn't summon me to battle this woman?!?" His voice was filled with rage.

"Eeep!!" Chiharu stepped back at the sound of the large beast's voice and the babies begin to cry.

Zitsu stepped between the large croc and Chiharu as he stared at the beast without fear. "Do you have any idea how long it took her to fall asleep earlier?!? And now you just show up here and start yelling! Do I need to beat you down again?"

As he grabbed Samehada's handle, the large crocodile actually flinched in fear. "Look, Zitsu, I was just really excited for my first summons. No reason to go overboard."

Zitsu snarled at his excuse as he pointed towards the sea. "I need you to ferry me East."

The cries of babies filled the area for a moment before the croc finally speaked. "Surely I heard wrong. Did you just say you wanted me to act as your steed, and carry you across the water?"

"I knew you were half blind old man, but I don't think you were also going deaf. That's exactly what I said, or do you need me to beat you up again?! In order of strength, only those four and the Grand Sage outrank me so you have to listen to me Kurokoenma!" A smile crept across his face as he crossed his arms in front of his chest.

"Ahhh, It's just a little swim, no need to bring up the hierarchy." It turned around at a fast speed for something of his size and began to crawl into the water.

Taking a few steps forward, Zitsu looked at Chiharu and noticed she wasn't moving. "No need to be afraid, he's just big. He's actually the weakest of his age group, his siblings are the real problem."

As the crocodile entered the water his body slowly sank, leaving only its back above water. Its tail rose from the sea like a flood dragon before slamming the ground, creating a bridge to his back.

Zitsu didn't hesitate and walked across the tail.

Seeing the colossal beast Chiharu realized she has no choice and followed after him. As her bare feet touched the rough hide she couldn't help but shiver.

Walking closer towards Kurokoenma's head Zitsu pulled Samehada from his back and sat down. Seeing his action Chiharu did the same, trying to stick as close to him as possible.

Feeling them upon his back, the crocodile began to swim.

Inside the Konoha Hospital, an old man dressed in a red kimono with a white overcoat stood holding a pipe in his hand. His old face was filled with wrinkles and liver spots. As he took a long drag from his pipe his eyes were locked on the man in the bed.

"Danzo, I was a fool." His head shook slowly as he looked at Danzo lying on the bed.

His face was wrapped in bloody bandages from a crushed skull, his right arm was gone and only a shoulder with Hashirama's face remained, and his spine had cracked in half. Even with all these injuries, his body was slowly but surely healing due to the cells in his shoulder.

If he still had his full arm of Hashirama cells he could have walked off this injury the next day. More important than the arm, he also lost Shisui's eye. The only person who knew he had the eye was Itachi. However, it was impossible for Itachi to pull off that attack.

Hearing Hiruzen's voice Danzo's eye turned his way.

"If the ninjas from the village didn't manage to fish you out from that swamp, I still wouldn't have known the secrets you kept."

Danzo remained silent.

"Not only did you know about Orochimaru's experiments, YOU WERE AN ACCOMPLICE!" Hiruzen yelled as fury took over him.

"You were just trying to increase your own power by killing the Uchiha clan."

"Everything that I did! I did it for Konoha!" Danzo's body trembled as he yelled.

"Experimenting on children, ordering the destruction of an entire clan behind my back, and who knows what else you've done!"

"Don't you dare!" Danzo struggled to sit up, but his spine wouldn't let him move "Don't you dare pretend you didn't know! Orochimaru was your favorite student! You only chased him from Konoha because he was caught! Even then you couldn't bring yourself to kill him, and don't pretend like you didn't know about my actions."

His mouth contorted into a wicked smile "You are just as complicit as me."

Taking a long drag Hiruzen blew out a puff of smoke as his eyes changed.The friendly old man from before was gone.

"You're right, you're absolutely right. Don't forget, the second Hokage was my teacher. I needed you to be the shadows casted from my brilliant flames, to do the things that I couldn't." His face twisted into one of disgust.

"Let the Uchiha's usurp my power? I would never let that happen, I played both Shisui and Itachi right into your hands." A smile crept onto his face "You almost had me when you forced me to step down after the third war, but luckily for me the puppet I put into position died, allowing me to seize control again."

Hearing his words Danzo's eye narrowed.

"He even left me a tool of a child to control, I shall become his ally and he shall become my weapon." Hiruzen walked closer to Danzo's bed "But just like Orochimaru, you were caught. To preserve my image as a kind ruler, I'm going to have to take advantage of your current situation."

"The Fire Daimyo will never agree to this!"

"It's a shame, Elder Danzo of the Leaf Village died of complications." He pulled out a kunai and stabbed at his throat.

With his broken spine, he wasn't able to resist at all as the kunai took his life.

"Goodbye, my old friend." placing his hands behind his back Hiruzen left the room.

As he walked out of the hospital, two Anbu members appeared before him.

"Lord Hokage, the swamp has been removed thanks to those skilled in earth style, but all the buildings are damaged beyond repair."

"Reports have also come that the Hidden Waterfall Village was attacked as well."

Hiruzen began rubbing his beard as he listened to them speak. "The culprit had to be the same one who infiltrated our village, but what was he after? How could he know Danzo's secrets? Was he someone from the leaf?"

"Sir" The second Anbu member spoke "Some of the root members who witnessed the attack say they saw a sword that resembled one of the seven swords of the mist."

Hiruzen's eyes gleamed from the news. "Which sword?"

"Samehada, Sir."

"Samehada hasn't been seen for almost eight years. We know the Shichibukai of the mist has the other six swords, so it wouldn't be strange if they had the seventh." He rubbed his beard as he began to think.

"We have no reports of the Shichibukai's leader ever entering battle. I knew he was strong, but Kage level?"

"Sir, there's more."

Hearing this Hiruzen can't help but frown "What? The news can't be worse so just tell it to me all at once."

"Lord Jiraiya was one of those who helped clear the swamp, he rushed over because he felt the Natural Energy in the area acting up." The Anbu paused.

"He said whoever created the Swamp was a Sage."

The pipe fell from his hand and clattered to the ground. "Quickly inform Ino–Shika–Cho to come to my office, I'm sending them as a delegation to the Mist. I need to know the reason for this assault!"

"Sir!" The two Anbu disappeared.

"Danzo, what did you do to bring this walking calamity towards the Leaf?!" His hands trembled as his fist tightened.

The Crocodile swam through the water at a speed much faster than boats. After a day and a half of travel, Zitsu felt he was close enough to teleport to his seal with everyone.

"Let's go." Rising to his feet he placed his hand on Chiharu's shoulder and disappeared. As he did the crocodile also disappeared in a puff of smoke.

[Chakra 395/87304]

They all instantly arrived inside Zitsu's bedroom. "Finally home." He took the baby girl from Chiharu's arm and walked towards the bedroom door.

"Follow me, I'll show you to your room."

Chiharu snapped from her Daze at the sound of his voice and quickly followed after him.

Entering the door on the right he noticed it was almost the same as his room, only smaller. "Make yourself at home, but don't leave the room without my permission."

"I'm staying here? In this nice room?!" Her head moved as though it was on a swivel when she stepped inside, looking at all the nice furnishings and private bath.

Zitsu closed the door and looked at the baby in his arm "Come, let's go surprise mommy."

Editor: Scarlet Goddess