Red Sand Scorpion

Zitsu dragged the coffin into an empty room. Looking at Fuu, he closed the door, deciding to just let her stay and watch.

He positioned the coffin in the middle of the room and sat on the lid. Fuu looked at him curiously for a moment before sitting on the bed and swinging her feet.

To others, Zitsu appeared to be sitting idle on top of the coffin, but in reality, he was looking through his inventory. Every time he took the body part from someone and stored them in his inventory their blood would be stored as well.

So far he had collected blood from the Uchiha couple, Danzo, and the members of his group. Forget their blood, he had their left eyes as well.

Originally he planned to practice the Impure World Reincarnation, but he didn't have any suitable target as he could only resurrect the Uchiha couple, however they would be blind.

"Well, might as well make the seals". With a shake of his hand a scroll appeared from his inventory. Using chakra he began drawing all the necessary seals onto the scroll, this way it wouldn't cost him any chakra to perform it in the future and he could activate it without hand seals.

Cutting strips of paper, he also made a few control tags and attached them onto kunais.

"This doesn't seem fun at all!" Eventually, Fuu got fed up with watching him making scrolls and control tags.

Zitsu performed a few hand seals as Fuu complained. Suddenly a wood clone stepped out of his body and grabbed her hand.

"Come, let's see if you can learn scale release now." The clone pulled Fuu out the room and closed the door.

"Well, if all I can do is revive blind Uchiha then I might as well wait." Zitsu placed his hand atop the coffin after quickly performing hand seals, black symbols gushed from his hand and quickly wrapped the coffin, sealing Bunrakuken inside. The seal placed his body in a form of suspended animation, slowing down all his bodily function so he could survive longer.

Intending to take full advantage of the week-long trip, he began practicing his new abilities. If he wanted his plan to work, he'd have to prepare a lot more than he already had.

Originally, his plan was to reenter Konoha and rob the graves of the previous Hokage after he painted Danzo a traitor. If things worked out like he planned, he would use Bunrakuken as the sacrifice to revive the Fourth Hokage. With the Fourth Hokage revived, he could then steal the yin half of Kurama and seal it inside of himself and work on entering the Kyuubi Chakra Mode.

But plans never worked out.

As he was thinking of new jutsu in his room, his head flashed towards the west and his heart began to pound. In the Land of Tea, he could sense it, Pakura was in the middle of an intense battle. Without even thinking twice his body disappeared.

After leaving the Land of Water, Pakura had nowhere to go. After sailing for a few weeks, she ended up in the Land of Tea where she chose to stay. She was instantly enticed by its rolling hills and wide open plains.

With nothing better to do she opened a small tea shop and learned the art of tea. Her whole life had been nothing but battles and all she knew was war. She wanted to do something for herself for the first time in her life.

She fully believed the reason Zitsu couldn't truly care for her was that she didn't even know herself. Besides Pakura of the scorch release who was she?

Because she was in a foreign land with no ninja village, she thought she would never be recognized. As she was running her small shop, a ninja from the Hidden Rain Village just so happened to see her.

At first, the ninja was confused because Pakura was supposed to be dead. He quickly returned to his village and told his higher-ups.

Eventually, the news made it all the way to the leader of the Hidden Rain Village. Pain, the leader of the village was currently looking for powerful ninjas to join Akatsuki.

He immediately sent someone especially equipped to deal with Pakura, someone who knew all her strengths and weaknesses if she decided not to join.

Sasori of the red sand.

"Here you go, Sir" Pakura placed down a cup of tea as she tucked a strand of her orange-tipped hair behind her ear.

"Oh hoho" Grabbing the teacup the, old man laughed heartily and flashed Pakura a smile, revealing his many missing teeth "When are you going to settle down? You know I have a grandson who would be perfect for you."

Before she could even answer, the door exploded open, revealing a short and lumpy man. The man was wearing black robes adorned with small red clouds throughout. From underneath the robe, a silver scorpion-like tail arched over his back and pointed at Pakura.

Looking at the stern face of the man half covered by a black cloth Pakura frowned.

"To think the legendary Pakura would be in a place like this." As he looked around the room, a deep and hoarse voice came from the man.

"Do I know you?" Pakura frowned while stepping away from her frightened guest, slowly squaring off against the man in front of her.

"I'm ashamed, considering that we have even fought side by side before."

Understanding the meaning behind his words her frown deepened. Looking him up and down she could be sure she had never seen this man before, but she could instantly recognize the robes.

"Why has a member of Akatsuki come to my little shop? Is there something you need?"

"Good, right to the point, I like decisive people. I'm here to invite you to Akatsuki, we know how Suna used you and now you have to hide out here. Don't you want revenge? Aren't you tired of war? Isn't that why you opened this shop? I'm asking you to take up arms once more to end wars for good."

As she listened to his words her brows rose "you've mistaken one thing". She slowly shook her head "I opened this place to pass the time"!

There bright orange orbs formed around her before rushing towards the man. His tailed curled in front of him and easily blocked all three.

"Your steaming murder won't work on me!"

Screams filled the building as they began to fight. Because he was blocking the only exit, no one could escape.

"Let the people go!"

"Your emotions, you were never this emotional before." Before he even finished speaking his tail flashed.

Slashing out at lightning speed Pakura barely had enough time to dodge the deadly blade. The customers in the restaurant weren't so lucky as their body parts littered the floor.

Walking closer to Pakura, blood dripped from its massive silver tail. "Are you sure you won't join?"

Three more orbs appeared around Pakura as she bit her teeth and backed up slowly.

"I thought I told you? Your scorch release is useless against my body!" His tail stabbed straight for Pakura's abdomen.

She fired the three orbs forward but they were easily deflected. Never in her dreams did she believe that someone would attack her here so she didnt even have a Kunai to defend herself.

Just when she was going to try evading to the side, a familiar stiletto appeared in front of her.

[Chakra 4218/125791]

Zitsu instantly arrived in front of Pakura but the chakra drain was immense. The distance he just covered would be the same as a trip from Kiri to Konoha and back to Kiri, or from the coast of the Land of Fire to the middle of the Land of Wind.

As his maximum chakra had increased, his fine control had been slipping, something that he needed to work on in the future. But now was not the time for that.

His Sharingan flashed as he pulled Samehada from his back and chopped the incoming tail. The sound of metal rang as the steel tail collided with the hard scales of Samehada.

Without even hesitation, Sasori opened his mouth as the new threat appeared, revealing a hidden iron barrel. Thousands of senbons shot from the pipe covered in an ominous purple glint.

A dot on Zitsu's forehead dimmed as dark green pigments formed around his eyes and spread towards his feet.

Swinging Samehada, his arm transformed into a blur and right eye flickered at a rapid speed as he deflected the senbons flying in his direction.

Not giving him a chance at all, Sasori's tail swinged from the side.

Lightning flickered in his eyes as his reaction speed was further enhanced.

Swinging his left hand, a sword of pure lightning manifested and blocked the tail. Not giving up, the tail began slashing at him like a whip, but he continued to block the senbon in front and the tail to his left.

Suddenly Sasori retracted his tail and swung towards his right.

Just when he thought he had him, the unexpected happened.


Editor: Scarlet Goddess