Eumi's Journey To The Forbidden Mountains (5/5)

"Eh? We're floating?" I ask sister Xiare as I look below. There were no land nor bridges below our feet. Strange.

Although this lady has already experienced flying with a sword and have seen the floor where the sect master resides earlier, it's still quite strange to look at no matter how you think of it right?

"Umm… yeah.. haha.." Xiare laughs weakly. Obviously, she's now in debt for lying at me.

"How did I not see you back there earlier?" I look at the shrine gate where I fell. Uuuuu… this lady has been fooled!

"I… do not know. It seems that whenever someone is walking on this invisible bridge, she or he will become invisible."

"Then why didn't you say so earlier? You could have just tol—" At the middle of my speech, I suddenly blush as I recall the way I go to the shrine gate earlier. You dummy! Fool! Idiot!

"Ahaha..ha…" Xiare laughs weirdly with her hand scratching her head. You dummy!

"Add ten more bronzes' worth of goods." I sneer at her. Yes, I mean it. This lady is not to be messed with.

This time, I'm gonna make you bankrupt hahahahaha!

"But great venerable miss lady Eumi, this poor one has no more mone—" Halfway through her speech, I stop her with my hand, "No. You shall pay."

Even if you flatter me with such flattery, it won't work Xiare. It won't work.

Silently, Xiare gazes at the sky as if she had lost her life. No matter how you look at it, Xiare looks funny with that kind of expression.

I look at Xiare and decided to add more burden to her heart, "If you can't pay, you might as well work for me."

Instantly, Xiare stops gazing at the sky and looks at me and replied, "No!"

Eh? You don't want to work for this lady? I'm not really going to give you difficult tasks though? I just want to tell you more about elder fairy Hyuxia.

"Fine!" I pout my lips. Why is sister Xiare so stupid?! Uuuuuuuu! This lady is angry at your stupidity!

But first, I need to calm myself down. I look above the sky as I check where the sun is at right now. Hmmm…. The sun is still on the eastern side of the sky. Yes! I might catch up to the wedding!

Quickly, I hold sister Xiare's hand, dragging her as we go to the shrine. We must hurry! I must catch up to the wedding of fairy Hyuxia!

One by one, we pass each and every shrine gates as we go to the shrine. Well, the path to the shrine is linear so... yeah, I'm just reminding you about it. Tee hee~

Finally, as we head to the shrine, we were greeted by two real-like devas that face one another while protecting the shrine doors.

Eh? You don't know devas? Let me explain it to you in a nutshell, the devas are one of those deities protecting heaven. They are the ones that keep the balance of the world in order. Yep. That's it.

Or so this lady thinks of…..?

The appearance of the devas is a bunch of masculine four-armed giant that has a scary face with a sun-like circle floating behind their back. Also, some of them even have two to four faces and even a thousand arms instead of the usual two! It's kinda scary when you think of it.

But anyways...

Why did I not see the do devas earlier? It is because they too are affected by the invisible bridge's effect? Weird.

As I was thinking about how did the two devas suddenly appears out of nowhere, I remember the sect master's words, "Here, both of you, take this. This blood moon shard will keep you two safe from the guardians that roam and kill anyone who's trespassing the mountains. They will recognize you both as a guardian like themselves"

Are these the guardians the sect master is talking about earlier?

I take the blood moon shard in my pocket. Xiare on the other hand, was gazing at the devas as if she's entranced by the beauty of it. Her blood moon shard was closely being held by her hand.

Slowly, I walk in front of the two devas facing each other as I go to the door, Instantly, the two devas open their eyes and look at us as if the two devas were looking down on an ant.

"Ah!" Sister Xiare was surprised by the two devas looking down at both of us, giving her a shock.

Meanwhile, on the other hand, this lady did not get shocked at the two devas. I already have seen devas like that while touring the "Moonlight Citadel." There were full of deities much more terrifying than these two devas.

I nearly died of a heart attack there you know? That's how scary they are. The deities at the Moonlight Citadel always move instantly and very suddenly as if they are ghosts.

As the two devas scan us, they look at each other and simply return back to their former position of standing to each other as they protect the shrine doors. Yes, that's it.

Although they could not speak as they are just mere statues, they are saying that they are permitting us from entering the place by using a body language.

"Let's go inside, shall we, Xiare?" I look at the surprised Xiare. Well, who wouldn't be surprised by the fact that these statues can move right?

"Ah!" Sister Xiare exclaimed. "Ah.. yes." She continued.

With both of us being permitted by the two devas, we head near the door. As we are no in front of the shrine door, the two devas move again and open the doors of the shrine, revealing an old wooden interior of the shrine and a statue of a woman with the symbol of the Moonlight Sword Sect behind her.

"Is she the first master of the Moonlight Sword Sect?" I ask. Well, she is, after all, wearing similar to the sect master's coat from earlier and also, the Moonlight Sword Sect symbol is behind her back, similar to the ones the sect master have earlier. Weird.

The woman's appearance is a girl with an otherworldly appearance. More beautiful than the rumored face of elder fairy Hyuxia. She has a hair which is similar to those "hime cut" with a flat bangs. Her eyes were closed off and her mouth too was closed off.

There were two swords beside her. Although they were just a rock, one could see that they were perfectly remodeled after the two of the four legendary swords of the Moonlight Sword Sect.

The two swords were beside the woman were, "Blue Moon Sword" and the "Blood Moon Sword." I'm not going to talk about that right now as I need to hurry to catch up to the wedding event right?

"Locus non aliud sit quam via ad alium se orbem terrarum. Heed and bow down for thou shalt seeketh knowledgeth. Art thou not?" The statue suddenly spoke. Although her eyes were closed, she was facing us as if she knew we are here.

Although I do not know what she's saying, I bow in front of her as a sign of greeting formally. Xiare also bows in front of the lady. Thank god she's not a fool. Otherwise, it will mark as the end for both of us.

"Perbene, thou shalt art grantedth knowledgeth." As soon as the woman finishes her words, she suddenly moves and pulls out the two swords on the ground. After pulling them, she forms an X-pattern by using a sword and suddenly, a portal revealing another place can be seen inside.

It was a place where snow was everywhere, implying that the portal leads to snowy mountains.

There were also multiple deva-like statues moving around on the other side of the portal. These devas were carrying giant books behind their backs and large greatswords can be seen near their waists. It looks like anyone who goes to the other side will be killed instantly. Thank god the sect master warned us and gave us the two crystals earlier.

But as I was thinking, I remember the mister earlier. How did he know about this place? Is he a keeper or protector of the shrine perhaps? Hmm…

Nah, who cares. I really need to hurry up right?

Once again, I bow in front of the lady. The lady nods back at me, implying that she accepts my nod. Sister Xiare too bows in front of the lady, the lady also nods back at her.

Slowly, I move in front of the portal as I prepare myself as I go to another place.