To Find Her Master (2/3)

As the deva walks to the mountain I pointed out at earlier, I notice that there were multiple devas looking at us as if we are unique to them. Although they were interested in us, they did not bother us and just simply look at us.

Well yeah, considering the fact that we are smaller than them, the devas would really take an interest to us.

"Eumi, where are we going?" Xiare asks me with a worried expression. It looks like she was very nervous about the deva that has been holding us.

Inside my head, I laugh at her expression. She was like a small cat being nervously looking around. Although her face was kind of adorable, I still laughed at her expression.

Although that wouldn't change the fact that she still owes me one silver and ten bronzes' worth of sweets. Tee hee~


I calm myself down and point at the mountain near us, "There." I said to Xiare. Sister Xiare looks at the mountain and said, "It's too high. Wouldn't be the temperature above will be a lot colder there than here below?"

She was shivering as she says those words.

I forgot that sister Xiare is just a 2nd realm cultivator with no pills with her.

"Wait a second." I said to Xiare as I take something in my pocket. It was a small bottle with multiple pills capable of increasing cold resistance without no penalties such as being weakened of decreasing the cold resistance of the user of the pill.

I threw the pill bottle to Xiare as I say, "Catch!"

Sister Xiare nods back in return and began reaching out her hands to catch the bottle I threw at her.

"Ah!" Sister Xiare exclaims as she failed at catching the bottle.

Although she did not catch the bottle, the bottle landed on the deva's palms instead. Sister Xiare then takes the bottle moving on the deva's palms.

"What's this for?!" Sister Xiare looks at the bottle and then looks at me. Although she did not know what the pill I threw earlier is for, she is not ignorant of it as she already knew that I already have a plenty of pills.

"It's a cold resistance pill! Swallow it!" I shout back at her. Sister Xiare opens the bottle and takes one pill inside. She then put it in her mouth and swallows it.

"What about you?!" Sister Xiare asks me. She was already preparing to throw the pill back at me. However, I simply shake my head as I don't need it.

"No need! I already took one earlier." I said back. Sister Xiare looks at me with doubts before nodding. She then put the pills in her pocket.

I lied to sister Xiare about taking those pills earlier. I don't really need it anyway as this kimono I'm wearing right now keeps me from getting cold nor hot.

Also, even if I don't use the self-regulation skill the kimono have, I still have multiple pills my master gave me that can increase my resistance towards cold.

Somehow, it was as if this scene was already planned out by my master. Or by the sect master perhaps?

As we are now nearing the mountain, the deva looks at us before merging its two lower hands together, causing me and sister Xiare to be closer to each other again. The deva's other or upper hands then moves away from its lower hands and began forming a climbing stance.

This lady thinks that the deva will now climb up to the mountains.

"Xiare, prepare yourself." I said to Xiare. Although there's no really need to prepare because the deva will protect us, it's better to be safe than sorry right? This lady thinks so too.

Unless you don't think of not going to be prepared, that is. Neh? Tee hee~

I began preparing myself as the deva's hands will be shaky as we go up. Also, there might be some rocks and snow falling as the deva climbs up.

I look at Xiare. She was also preparing herself by finding a perfect spot on the deva's palms to make sure that she doesn't fall down.

Slowly, the deva climbs up by using its two upper hands. As it climbs up, there was some snow falling towards us. Inevitably, we were covered with snow while the deva goes up.

I shake my head off and brush it by using my hands to shake the snow off my head. Xiare did the same.

After shaking the snow off my head, I began looking at the surroundings below us. I gasp at the sight of the huge amount of devas and statues roaming around. There were also some statues of the fabled "Moonlight Sword Exorcists" erected near a small shrine deep in the forest.

How did I saw them you say? I used my scoping ability of course. Even if I use it even for a long time, my Qi wouldn't be depleted as I am on a cold area which has a tremendous amount of cold Qi.

Before finally looking at the shrine, I look above to check the time.

"Eh?" I was confused at the sight of the skies above.

It was nighttime. There were no moon, nor stars and even other planets at the night sky. It was as if this land is from another dimension.

Or even another world, that is.

"What is it?" Xiare responds to my words earlier."

"Look at the sky." I said while looking above. It was strange. There were no signs of anything moving above the sky. There were no clouds either.

Xiare looks above and she was also shocked by the sight of the sky above us. "Did we just time-traveled?" She said while thinking about something.

"I do not know." Indeed, this lady does not know what's going on here.

Just as I was thinking about the possibilities of what's going on here, a snow once again fell, causing me and sister Xiare's clothes and head to be covered with snow.

Once again, I brush off the snow. Sister Xiare too did the same.

"Et nunc hic sumus." The deva speaks at us once again. As I could not understand what the deva is saying, I look at my surroundings to see why the deva spoke suddenly.

We are on the top of the mountain, with everything at the summit of the mountain being covered with snow.

It's obvious, right?

"Gratias. Tibi." I look at the deva's scary face and said those words. Hey! This lady is trying her best to speak an ancient word okay?!

"Un." The deva nods back at me and began reaching its lower hands to the top of the mountain.

"Finally, we are now here." Sister Xiare rose up from her position and steps on the summit first.

"Yes." I replied. I rose up from my original position then looks at the deva before bowing to it. The deva nods in return.

After bowing to the deva, I left the deva's palm and steps to the summit. I turn back and look at the deva who's looking at the scenery below us. Although it is just a statue, the deva still has a consciousness to begin with.

I take out something in my pocket. They were a bunch of sweets wrapped in a wax paper.

I raise my hand carrying the sweets I took out to the deva in front of me. The deva, in turn, looks at my hand and looks at me.

"Accipite. Illum." I said to the deva. The deva looks at the sweets I'm holding and gently takes it by using the upper left part of its hand.

After all, this lady here is a venerable lady who will give sweets to anyone who helps this lady. Yes, including a living statue. I am truly a kind, venerable lady haha!

The deva looks at the sweets its holding and then the deva bows in front of me as a sign of gratitude. I nod back at the deva as a sign of acceptance to its bow. After all, this lady is a venerable one. Neh?

"One sweet to rule them all huh…." I hear sister Xiare murmuring at something. Although what she's murmuring is somehow weird, I decided not to look at it any further.

After all, I hear sister Xiare murmuring every time at the disciples' abode.

Speaking of looking further, I turn back from the deva and look at the scenery below. The scenery below was like a world of snow, with endless snow falling and covering mountains and trees.

Despite the vast majority of the area is being populated with nothing but living statues and trees and the area itself is devoid of life, one could still feel the remnants of the past civilization living here.

Wait… why am I talking about the area?! I'm supposed to be looking for my master! Uuuuuuuu! This lady is wasting time instead! Idiot!

I look at the horizon. There was nothing but mountains, trees, and snow at the far ends of where I'm looking at. It was as if this is really a world of snow, with no signs of life.

I take a quick glance at sister Xiare. She was eating sweets while looking down below.

"Xiare." I look at sister Xiare who's eating a sweet.

"Yes?" She replied back, waiting for me to continue my words.

"Have you seen anything weird around us yet?" I asked.

"Hmm… Come to think of it, I think I saw a small temple from earlier. Although I'm not really sure about it though since it's too far." She shrugs back while searching around.

Well, I have already seen it earlier so… it's not really much of a weird stuff.

While I was thinking about the small temple, sister Xiare suddenly spoke, "Hey look! Another temple similar to earlier!" She then points out something from the northeast.

"Huh?" I ask. What's is she talking about? Another temple? Northeast? But the temple earlier is located behind us right?

"Just look at it." Sister Xiare looks at me and pointed her finger once again to the northeast direction.

Doubting, I take a closer look at the direction of what sister Xiare's finger is pointing at. There was nothing but a mere fore— wait a second, is that a temple?

Indeed, it was the same temple from earlier. However, their positions were different from each other, with one being southeast and the latter being northeast.

I turn my eyes back to the temple I saw earlier. It was indeed the same as the temple in the southeast! However, the statues near them were different from each other, with the southern temple having the fabled "Moonlight Sword Exorcists" and the northeastern temple having an unknown statue.

The statues erected at the northeastern shrine were a bunch of men wearing bamboo hats while equipping a sword. Are they the fabled "Moonlight True Sword Wielders" perhaps?"

Looking at the northeast and the southeast temples, I notice that even if they are far away from each other, they are erected at the same position with each other, forming an invisible linear line when one looks at the position of the two temples.

Are these the clues to where my master is located at? Although it might be a weird but, considering the fact that these two temples are linear to each other and had a Moonlight Sword Sect's fabled professions statues near them, I think that there might be some clues hidden there.

I look at the deva once again and said, "Adjuva. Nos" to it as I point out the southeast temple. The deva instantly nods back in return and once again, opens its lower hands in front of us.

"Sister Xiare, come with me." I said to the eating Xiare who's looking around.

"Did you found something?" She said. She turns back and looks at me then at the deva's palm."

"Yes." I nod back with a smile. It was a smile that would make anyone be charmed by my beauty.

Or is it? Nah, no one cares.

As if she already know what's going on, sister Xiare goes back to the deva's palms and said, "Well, let's go then."

"Un." I reply back to her as I go back once again to the deva's palms.