Four Guardians, Hidden Passageway, And The Hidden Temple (1/6)

- Xiare's POV -

While waiting for Eumi to come back, I look at the deva behind me. Its face was too scary despite not harmless. Somehow, I feel chills just by looking at it.

The four-armed deva notices my gaze and stares at me as if it's looking at my soul. Please, this poor one does not have any money left. You can't just stare at my soul and rob it right?

Soon, I and the deva began having a staring competition. It was a competition who can last for a while without breaking the line of sight.

Great job me. Great job for looking on a stone. Great.

Deep inside, I sighed at my pathetic actions. Why am I so unlucky right now?

From the deva weirdly staring at me to the robber earlier from the majestic dragon robbing my senses. Are you really that desperate to rob me?

For while, the deva and I haven't lost or won yet until the deva looks away from me as it looks at the direction where Eumi is at. Yay! I beat a scary giant! Hahaha!

As I am thinking about how I am truly an intellectual, I suddenly realize something. How could Eumi have such abilities that can make such a scary giant follow her orders?

Even that of communicating with the statues! Is she some sort of an overpo*ered pla*er or something? I don't know for sure!

F*ck! This lady's head is unable to handle such thinking capacity.

But really, one thing is for sure— she's a living cheat in this world. Truly a threatening figure.

Her luck is so good that she even managed to get me from an average person to a poor one. Very poor one to be exact.

Eh? You don't know how money works? Thankfully, this lady here will teach you basic economics!

It's just an advanced form of bartering. That's about it. Really.

Though instead of primitive trading, we have a much cooler way of trading with the introduction of gold, silver, bronze and copper coins. A hundred copper coin can be treated as one bronze and one hundred bronzes are worth one silver. So on and so on. Simple right?

Told you I'm gonna teach you basic economics.

"Xiare!" I heard a voice. It was Eumi's.

I look at where the direction of the voice came from. It was on my right side. Slightly, I turn my head to see Eumi.

"F*ck! Are you really bringing another statue with you?!" I shouted in my head. Are you really not content with just one statue and instead decided to bring two just for the sake of your master?

I swallowed my saliva as soon as I see the statue walking behind Eumi. It was a man with a weird hat and robe. Also, his weapons are weird. Come on, do you really think that kind of weapon would work?

However, judging from its body and suit, I could tell in a glance that this statue is something even emperors from the mortal realm would not mess with.

Hurriedly, I bow to the mysterious statue. The statue, noticing my bow as a sign of respect, nods back at me.

"It is my pleasure to meet thou, lady." The statue said to me. Its words were somewhat that I can understand. Thank god I can finally hear someone saying a normal word instead of some gibberish. Ahhh… this good ol' lady just want some peace.


Glancing at the deva then at the statue, I feel that Eumi is trying to collect every statue in this area before proceeding to the final boss— her own master.

Wait.. why do I feel like this is some sort of some catching game like po**mon or something?

Nah, who cares.

"Mister, do you know the positions of the other three master guardians are located at?" Said by Eumi to the statue as she looks at the statue.

Is the name of the statue "Mister" perhaps? Who knows?

"This one indeed know where the other three master guardians are. However, for this one have protected the northern temple for a very long time and had no connection with the others, I may or not fear that they have already left or been destroyed by the curses of each temple." The mister said to Eumi as he tries to explain who the three other guardians are.

Obviously, I also heard their conversation. The so-called "three other guardians" by the mister said as it explained everything to Eumi is that these guardians are people with each of them having a different secret profession than the rest. For example, "Eyewatcher Master."

As I haven't yet heard of these new terminologies from before, I decided to take a peek at their conversation a bit deeper.

These "Eyewatcher Masters" is a profession that allows one to both have the capabilities of being a healer and an archer at the same time. If one of your arrows accidentally hit someone you don't want to hit, that arrow will heal the one it stabbed instead of hurting that someone. However, if you resentfully hate the one that got stabbed by the arrow, the arrow will instead deal damage instead of heal.

In short, a pretty broken class. Heck, with just a simple stick, you could even heal someone! That's a great thing ya know?!

You might become a living je*us that heals everyone!

However, becoming an Eyewatcher Master is very difficult at its best. One must be both a supreme healer and a master archer before being an Eyewatcher Master! After that, one must have their senses so clear that even a heartbeat could be easily detected!

So, to simplify, they're the living assassins of the Moonlight Sword Sect! Creepy right?

After listening to the Eyewatcher Master profession, I turn my head away as I could not handle such talks anymore. That is too advanced for me to handle ok?

I sit on a snow below a tree and began staring at the deva once again. The deva, trying to make a comeback, readies at me and began glaring at me to win. W-w-w-wait. There's no need to glare there!

It's very rude ya know?

For a while, I and the deva had neither won nor lost, making it feel so awkward. Eumi, who was talking to the endless talking mister, finally ends her conversation with the statue and walks in front of the deva once again before bowing and speaking gibberish once again.

After pointing out the deva's back, the deva turns around and looks at the direction Eumi is pointing at. She was pointing west, just near the mountain where we climb up earlier. Or should I say; got carried by the deva earlier?

As the deva finally sees the temple because of its huge size, the deva turns back once again, facing me, Eumi and the Mister.

The deva opens its lower palms once again, implying that it will take us into a trip once again.

Because I am an intellectual, I naturally rose up and quickly head to the deva's palms. Eumi bows at the deva before going to its palm.

However… as for Mister.

"This one shall meet the Moonlight Exorcist at the southern temple and the "Eyewatcher Master" at the eastern hall and persuade them to help thou ladies for the hidden passages. This one will meet the two of you in the center of shrines, where the hidden passage can be found as soon as this one finishes his task of persuading the two other guardians.

In an instant, Mister vanishes from sight. It was as if there was no one around at all.

Somehow, I felt scared. If that Mister went to kill me, then I would be surely ending up dead in less than a second.

After Mister vanishes from sight, Eumi once again spoke to the scary-face giant with gibberish words. Soon, the giant moves once again, with the direction the deva moving to the west, just near the tallest mountain the giant climbed earlier.

I forgot to give back the cold resistance pills back to Eumi.

"Eumi." I said to her while taking the pill bottle from my pocket. Well, this lady here is truly poor okay? I can't afford to buy such space pouches.

That kind of pouch is sold for a staggering amount of a hundred-thousand gold at its minimum in the market okay? Only the rich kids from the sect can buy such things okay?

Like those "Elite ten" or something within the Moonlight Sword Sect. They can earn like a thousand gold just in a month. IN. A. MONTH! I wonder when can I be like them?

Though me being an elite is far from reality though. Haha…

Anyways… why am I constantly think of something in the middle of a speech?! Am I really that re*arded?

"Hmm?" She looks at me.

"Here." I take the pill bottle out from my pocket and gave it to her.

Instead of taking it, Eumi shakes her head while waving her hand to me as she says, "I don't need it anymore."

"Okay then?" I put back the pill bottle back into my pocket. Since she does not want these pills anymore, then what's the purpose of giving this pill back right?

Suddenly, I had a realization while thinking about the pill.

Looking at these pills I got, I wonder how much can I sell these for? Will they sell greatly?

Hmm… might as well check the market once I got back from the forbidden mountains.

"But really, just how rich is Eumi?" I asked myself. Truly, something like these pill without side effects couldn't be cheap right? Also, the fact that she has a master that is the disciple of the sect master is truly a cheat, right?


Just as I was thinking about Eumi, another realization dawned upon me.

"She is a god*amn OP character!"