Temple Of The Moon Goddess (2/7)

"We should go now as we only have a limited time due to the fact that this portal will only remain for an hour." Yue Shin said to us.

Immediately, Eumi's attention changed from my debt to the portal. Thank god I once again evaded Eumi's scary mode.

"An hour?" She asks Yue Shin about the portal.

"Yes, miss Eumi." Yue Shin replied, looking at the portal behind us. "The portal can only last for an hour before disappearing entirely. This is also the reason why your master never came back, miss Eumi."

"I see…" Eumi said solemnly as she looks over the edifice. She was thinking about how her master lived in this area.

"Well then, we should be going right now, little lady Eumi." Said by Fira as she starts to walk to the cliff.

Soon, the three hidden masters join Fira as they head towards the invisible bridge. Eumi and the scary giant also head to the cliff shortly after the four hidden masters made their move.

I was the only one left near the portal standing.

I look at the lady in veil one last time before I catch up to them as they head to the cliff. Although the woman's smile somewhat makes me uncomfortable, I still head to the cliff as I know that the woman is just a statue.

Nothing's gonna happen, right?

As I go near the cliff, I see Hanbai stepping on midair. As soon as he steps in midair, his body suddenly vanished. It was as if he never existed.

However, I know that he truly did not vanish at all. He was just been affected by the invisible bridge's power.

One by one, Eumi and the four masters began walking to the invisible bridge. I also follow suit as I step on the midair to where they instantly vanished without a trace.

As I step on the midair, I felt a solid matter on my foot. Once again, I am walking on an invisible bridge.

I look around at my surroundings. I see Eumi and the others crossing the bridge in front of me. Down below me lies an endless abyss with no signs of life below. Instantly, my body shivers at the thought of falling into the abyss below.

It's quite scary ya know? You fall, you die. No turning back.

I quicken up my pace to catch up with them. After a couple of seconds, I am now behind their back, caught up with the others as we cross to the bridge.

"Lady Xiare." Eidenweiss calls my name telepathically.

"Hmm?" I replied back, waiting for his next words.

"Have you got your profession badge yet?" He asks me. Profession badge? What's that? Can I eat that?

"What's that?" I ask Eidenweiss. Seriously, this lady is fairly new to this okay?

"A profession badge is an item that represents your profession. For example, if your profession is that of a medical one, your profession badge will change from a plain silver block to a badge with details regarding your profession of medicine." Eidenweiss calmly explains the profession badge.

"In short, the profession badge is your identity badge." Eidenweiss concludes everything about the profession badge.

I get it! So the badge is kind of like an I.D right? Though the profession is written on the badge except for the name of the user right?

This lady get it now!

"So, do you have a profession badge lady Xiare?" He asks me once again.

Err… well, I don't have any kind of badge except for the badge I won when I participated last year at the sweet princess event…

Will that badge count?

"I don't have any profession badge…" I honestly answer Eidenweiss' question. I'm just a newbie here in the sect ya know?

"I see." Eidenweiss said as he goes back into deep silence after that. Hey! Don't just leave me here hanging?!

It's awkward ya know? Being silent and that… Sigh…

"Roaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!" Suddenly, a thunderous screech rang through our heads.

F*ck! Are you kidding me?!

Instantly, I cover my ears with my two hands. F*ck the one who screeched earlier! It hurts a lot you know?

"Prepare yourselves!" Fira said as she equips her bow on her back.

Eh? We're fighting? F*ck! We're just in the middle of an awkward silence earlier though. How come?

Is this the so-called plot twist? Errr….


I look in front of me. As I look at the ends of the bridge, I see Fira, Eidenweiss, Yue Shin and Hanbai fighting a….

Wait… what's that?

F*ck me! That's a g*dda*mn dragon! F*ck! F*ck! F*ck! F*ck!

Yes, it was a real giant dragon. Fira and the others were now fighting a dragon. Are you kidding with me?

I look at the fight between the four masters and the dragon. Eidenwiess was continuously slashing the dragon's body while Yue Shin summons swords that pierces any opening the dragon's scales have. They were cooperating as Eidenweiss creates an opening while Yue Shin pierces the opening.

"Bind!" Hanbai shouts as the floating talismans beside him move quickly to the dragon. Together, the floating talismans summons violet chains and bind the dragon to the ground.

As the dragon smashes its head back to the ground, a piercing black arrow suddenly pierces the dragon's left eye, causing the eye to burst out and bleed.

"Arghhhhhhhhhhhhh!" The dragon cries as its left eye burst out.

Like an animal trapped in a cage, the dragon strongly struggles in the violet chains in order to escape. However, it was up to no avail.

"The heart!" Eidenweiss shouts. Yue Shin nods back as Eidenweiss creates another opening to the dragon's main body.

After creating another opening, Yue Shin uses one of his katanas from his back and pierces the dragon's body.

"Thorns!" Hanbai once again shouts a spell. The talismans floating around the dragon's body summons large needles instead of a chain and pierces every opening the dragon had.

As a myriad of needles pierce the dragon's body, the dragon weakly cries out before having its last breath. It couldn't survive the attacks of the four masters.

"Return." Hanbai orders his talismans to return. The talismans go back from piercing the dragon's body to Hanbai as it floats around Hanbai like a good little wisp.

I look at the dragon's body. F*ck! You didn't really want the dragon to have a chance didn't you, Hanbai?

The dragon's body was filled with holes, perfectly revealing its organs inside. There were multiple hearts stabbed in the dragon's body.

In such a short time, you all defeated a dragon. F*ck me! Just how strong are you all?

"Strong…." I hear Eumi murmurs as she looks at the fighting earlier. Well, it's obvious that they are this strong right?

"We should hurry up. More and more guardians will come if they see us." Fira said as she put her bow back on her back.

"Cleanse." Hanbai once again uses a spell. As he uses his spell, the bloodstains on Yue Shin and Eidenweiss' robes evaporated into thin air.

After Hanbai uses his spell, we finally continue walking.

"What about the dragon's body? It will be noticed by the other dragons and warns every guardian right?" Eumi looks at the body of the dragon behind.

"The dragon's body will freeze up in a couple of seconds and becomes a decaying block of ice so there's no need to worry." Fira answer's Eumi's question.

Although unwillingly, Eumi still nods to Fira's answer. She was unable to get items from the dragon.

Well, yeah, every part of the dragons are very very important. And will sell a lot too.

In fact, if you compare the worth of a space pouch to a part of a dragon, the part of the dragon is much higher than the pouch, costing around a million gold at its minimum.

Although here in the Moonlight Sword Sect where chaotic dragons roam regularly, the cost of a part of a dragon costs about five-hundred thousand gold minimum.

Dragon meat is quite often served regularly in some shops at the Moonlight Sword Sect. Yep, this lady is not joking.

That's why everyone wants to become Moonlight Sword Sect's trading partners. They also needed the parts of a dragon.

Even though I never ate a dragon meat, I heard that it's good and juicy.

I'm going to eat one once I have enough money to buy one.

"Frosts giants." Fira stops as she points out several giants roaming the lands.

"Detour?" Yue Shin said as he looks over the place Fira pointed at.

"Yea—" In the middle of Fira's speech, we were suddenly attacked by a giant block of ice.

"Draaaaaaaa..." A cold voice was heard by everyone as we were attacked by a giant block of ice.

I look above. Ah yes…

It was a frost giant attacking us by stomping its foot.

However, instead of us dying, we were protected by Hanbai's talismans. They were forming a large dome enough to cover all of us.

"Eiden." Hanbai looks at Eidenweiss as he conjures another spell by hand formations.

"Got it." Eidenweiss nods in return and leaps over the talismans Hanbai prepared earlier.

As Eidenweiss leaps above talismans by talismans, the chain between his two weapons changed colors from black to violet. Soon after, his longsword and his rapier too changed colors. They were all violet.

"Edge." Eidenweiss murmurs as he jumps to the frost giant's body. As he goes higher and higher, he suddenly stabs the heart of the frost giant, causing thunder to explode within the frost giant's body.

Like a bomb, the frost giant's body explodes, causing blocks of ice to fly in every direction.

Because there were talismans protecting us, we weren't hit by the falling ice blocks.

Eidenweiss was just standing in mid-air, waiting for his weapon to turn black.

After a couple of seconds, his weapon finally became black. He then descends into the air slowly to go back to where our party is.

"I saw several frosts giants and dragons coming this way. They have already noticed us from the very beginning." Eidenweiss calmly reports about the things he has seen while in mid-air.

"This is bad." Fira's expression becomes a worried one. "It seems that the goddess really wants to get out in this dimension." She murmurs telepathically.

As she said it telepathically, I naturally heard it. Goddess? What goddess?

While I was deep in thought, I subconsciously raise my head to the woman with a veil. She was smiling over us, welcoming us.

Is she the goddess perhaps?

"We really got to hurry this time." Fira said to everyone as she quickens up her pace. It looks like the situation has gotten more serious, right?

"Draaaa—" In the middle of the frost giant's speech, Eidenweiss threw his weapon to the body of the giant. As soon as Eidenweiss' weapon stabs the giant, the giant immediately exploded.

"Annoying." Eidenweiss looks at the exploding giant. He then gestures his weapon to fly back to his hands, which the weapon in turn, happily returns back to Eidenweiss' hands.

"Draaaaa…." Soon, several frosts giants came and attack us. They were punching, kicking or stomping us. However, it was up to no avail as Hanbai's talismans protect us from the attacks of the giants.

"Cold…" Eumi once again shivers as the temperature drops. Even though her cold resistance is high enough, she was still feeling cold.

"I had enough. Burst." Yue Shin, feeling annoyed by the attacks of the frost giants, summons myriad of greatswords and stabs every frost giants attacking us. Although it didn't do anything and just stabs them like a needle, it was a catalyst for something disastrous.

"Thunder." Eidenweiss once again throws his weapon at one of the giants. However, the destination of the weapon this time was the greatsword instead of the body of the giant.

As soon as Eidenweiss' weapon touches the greatsword, a violet thunder suddenly erupted from Eidenweiss' sword, causing the greatsword to have an electric property. Soon, the greatsword passes the electricity to another greatsword and so on and so forth, creating a dangerous link.

Together, all of the greatswords exploded, causing every frost giants around us to explode. As they explode, there were multiple ice blocks flying in every direction. It was as if there were fireworks, except that it was made of ice.

"Now that these giants are gone, shall we move on?" Fira said to us, waiting for our decision.