

Hold on… what did I just heard?

Me? A disciple to someone like you? Heh, this one's luck to have a master is very very lo— wait…


Wait a minute there! How come the story suddenly progressed faster than what I imagined it to be? How did I lure out such a powerful being to my side?

Shouldn't be the main plot line of each novel must be: Train by yourself then fight rich masters then repeat? Eh? How come my plot line is different?

I should be training myself to fight rich masters right? Then how come what I've been expecting is different from reality?

Is it because I have read most novels and described my life like them? Or is it because the reality is really different from those OP characters from those novels I read?

Hmm… this lady cannot comprehend such thoughts…

I must clear my mind…

But still, even if I do have a master to teach me stuff like that main character from a certain novel I read back then, the master should be a normal one and not some OP character out of nowhere right?


Since when did characters had an OP masters right from the beginning? They should appear from above a hundred chapters or so.

Even if I lured someone OP character on my side, I'm pretty sure it's Eumi or the fox girl who left earlier! Je*us, since when did some powerful master noticed me?!

Heh, I am really that broken? Might as well think about a smug face, heh.

But still…

F*ck! It's like getting an ultra-unique broken SSR character from those irritating ga*ha draws! It's a one-of-a-lifetime opportunity!

Whaa~ True intellectual path, here I come!

This lady is now boarding the train to the intellectual path! Choo-Choo!

Ehem, I think I should really stop being silly. I am a mature lady, able to charm males just by looking at them.

Though that's what I dream of…

Someday, Xiare! Someday!


Anyways, let's go back to the main topic. It looks like I'm getting distracted again for no particular reason.

Wait… why did the goddess asked me to become my master in the first place? Shouldn't that role be reversed?

I should be the one asking for the goddess to become her disciple and she should be the one saying that she will accept me as her disciple right?

Weird… this world is truly weird…


How did the goddess know my name?! I didn't introduce my name earlier right? How come?! Is the goddess also a magical seer capable of reading minds and destinies? F*ck! Scary! Too scary!

"Retard, do you really think that I won't catch everyone's name by hearing the cold winds?" A sudden voice of a gentle woman rang through my head. It was the goddess, mocking me for my stupidity.

Somehow, I felt my heart being stabbed by large needles. It really hurts when stabs you right on the spot.

In my case, my spot is my stupidity. Sigh…

Though I should be called as an intellectual based on the Eureka and realizations I always got right?

Hmm… I wonder what kind of intellectual I am. I think I should go ask my fellow "Intellectuals" about it.


Well, this lady here is truly sorry about being stupid okay? I really don't mean it. Blame the gods for giving me such weird thoughts in my head.

"So, let's go to the other side, disciple Xiare?" The goddess telepathically said. She was enjoying herself as she talks telepathically with me.

Err… I haven't accepted the goddess as my master right?

Although I'm not the one to talk since the other party is a goddess. Sigh…

I look at the Moon Goddess. She was smiling at me as she looks at me through her thick white veil.

Despite the same smile from the gigantic statue of the goddess outside, the smile I'm seeing right now is a smile of both mockery and calmness.

Err… although I haven't accepted you as my personal master, I don't know your name…

If I say the "Master Moon Goddess" in front of everyone in public, they would laugh and mocks both me and you moon goddess ya know?

They would mock us for being faker than fraud when in reality, it isn't.

Then after mocking us, they would report it to the higher-ups, which in turn, report the incident to the sect master due to the fact that we slandered the moon goddess.

Although in reality, you're the real moon goddess all along. Sigh…

Just by saying the "Moon Goddess" in public in a non-formal way will get you fined up to a ten gold.

Although it's only a measly sum of gold, compared to what I earn each year, that amount of gold is nothing but a dream to this lady ya know?

"Luna." The goddess, who instantly grasped the situation just by reading my mind, responds back as she says her name.

Eh? Shouldn't that be the surname of the sect master? Err….

Did you perhaps randomized a name for yourself, moon goddess?

"Fool, that is my name." The goddess instantly replies back to my thoughts, both knocking out my crazy ideas and my heart. I once again felt stabbed at my heart.

As the moonlight goddess crushes down my thoughts and heart, she suddenly continues her speech, saying, "I am the third master of the Moonlight Sword Sect, Luna Oriens."

Luna Oriens, the third founding master of the Moonlight Sword Sect? Eh? Wait a minute… I think I have heard that name from before…

Ah! I remember now! The third founding master of the Moonlight Sword Sect, also known as the Full Moon Goddess, is the founder of the now-forbidden profession Illusionist!

Even though this lady's brain cannot handle such thoughts, I can still remember a few lessons the history teacher taught us back then!

Thank you history teacher for teaching me! I initially thought of your lessons as a useless subject up until now! I really am glad that I did not wipe it off from my memory!

"So, now that you know my name, shall we go to the other side, my little disciple?" Luna once again presses the idea of going outside. Err...

Wait! Since when did I become your little disciple! I haven't accepted it yet!

Or is it? Hmm…

Nah, might as well take the bait and accept being a disciple to the moon goddess. At the very least, I have now a master, right?

Also a very strong one too. Well, if I'm going to complain about it any further, I might as well dig my head to the deepest sands and bury myself as I regret this one of a lifetime opportunity.

Awkwardly, I slowly nod at the moon goddess. Err… why should I be the one accepting you as my master! Isn't that supposed to be the other way around?!

It's very awkward for me to accept it ya know? Especially because of the fact that my realm is just a seemingly low second realm.

"Very well." The moonlight goddess, who was satisfied at my nod to her, suddenly vanishes from the bookshelf and within the same time, she instantly appears in front of the portal, waiting for me as she smiles over me, making my heart flutter as I look closely to her gentle smile.

Err… even though I'm a fine lady, my heart is throbbing as if I'm madly in love even though I'm not. Might as well label the moon goddess as a dangerous OP character.

Looking at the busy Lux and Eumi, I smile over them before heading to the portal with the moon goddess. It's better not to distract them as I will only irritate them right?

As I finally head to the other side, I see a huge hall with colossal statues carrying the ceiling of the entire hall. There were also banners hanging at the top of the statues, with each of them having different marks and symbols, ranging from a striped eye to a sword with the Moonlight Sword Sect emblem behind the sword.

Could they be those classes perhaps? Hmm… well, I might as well ask the moon goddess about it later. Hopefully, she won't mind, right?

Yep, I should really ask her about it. Since she wants me to become her lovingly disciple then it's fine by me. Heh, I'll bombard you with infinite questions.

"If you ask too many questions, this poor master of yours will die out of exhaustion you know?" The moon goddess, who once again reads my mind, suddenly spoke out of retaliation of me asking a barrage of questions to her.

You know that goddesses like you master don't die by a simple cause like exhaustion right? Sigh…

Since when did such laws about a god or goddess dying out of exhaustion started?


After thinking about exhaustion, I continue my glances at the hall. Indeed there were some intricate and grand designs but what amazed me the most is that the walls of the hall are purely made from glass. Yes! Glass!

Looking at the glass, I look outside. There were mountains everywhere, implying that the place we are currently right now is a secret place no one could find without using any map nor magical treasures to find this place.

Also, at the mountains outside lies multiple floating pagodas casually roaming around as if they were one with the wind. Err…

I wonder if the pagodas will fly quickly to a random direction when a storm approaches this place.

Well, judging from the fact that the pagodas outside were just casually floating around, it looks like the entire area has been locked out with multiple barriers.

With me wondering around, I quickly notice the fox girl and the four hidden masters casually having a tea together as if they were a bunch of old friends having a moment with their lives.

It was so casual that it made me forgot why I'm here.

"Fellow cultivator Xiare." The sect master, who's sitting on a couch while sipping tea casually calls out my name before saying, "I have been told by these four hidden masters that you would like to use the illuminating hall for the moonlight ritual, is that correct?" He said as he casually looks at me as if he's a longtime friend of mine.

I look at the four hidden masters casually sipping tea. They were waiting for my answer.

"Yes, this one would like to use the Hall of Illuminating Light as a place where I can fix my elemental crystal." I spoke out the truth. Well, considering that everyone here can instantly scan my body, there's no need to lie, right?

Unless you have some motives or a reason for lying, that is.

"I see." The sect master picks up one chocolate and eats it before continuing, "Very well, this one shall approve of you using the illuminating hall."

After approving me to use the hall to perform the ritual, the sect master stands up and draws something out of mid-air.

As the sect master draws mid-air, a bunch of geometrical symbols appears in mid-air, soon, the geometrical symbols began forming a spell circle as the sect master draws continuously mid-air.

Soon after, the sect master finally ends his free-draw on mid-air, revealing a circle inside a circle with thorns around it. It was a symbol of something.

The sect master looks at it before pulling something within the circle. As he pulls something out of thin air, a small blue diamond slowly unveils itself out of thin air. The diamond was placed inside a transparent small chest.

While the sect master was pulling the diamond out of thin air, the fox girl and the four hidden masters suddenly began taking a quick glance at the crystal. However, after glancing, they return back to casually sipping out tea.

Err… weird…

After finally pulling out the diamond, the sect master places the diamond on the table before once again, began pulling out something from mid-air.

Instead of the diamond from earlier, this time, the sect master pulls something different. It was a small black block with a shape of a small rectangle. There were some words written on the black block using a white ink. However, since I am far away from the sect master, I did not see the contents clearly.

Can someone tell me those two weird things the sect master pulled out? Err… this lady is fairly new to this okay?

Also, can these items be sold like those pouches? This lady really needs money okay?


"Fool, these two items are extremely important for a cultivator. Don't sell the items the stupid sect master will give you." Said by the moon goddess, once again knocking out my crazy thoughts and heart.

Also, can you please stop cursing? This is a family-friendly hall not some rowdy pub at some inn.

But still, what are those items, master?

Well, since you can read my mind, I guess I can speak out with my mind right? Heh, this lady is truly a genius for having such an idea.

"If you keep doing that, I will have no choice but to amplify the cold around you." Said by the moon goddess. Her voice was neither angry not happy. It was just a gentle voice.

Somehow, it kind of scares me. Is this the power of OP characters? Hmmm…..

"What are those items, master?" I telepathically said to the moon goddess. There! I spoke okay? No need to freeze me to death!

"Let's see…" The moon goddess looks at the items the sect master has been pulling out for a second before continuing, "The blue diamond is an elemental crystal purifier and the black block, it is a unique profession badge."

Oh! So the black block is what Eidenweiss told me about right? I see now what the profession badge looks like.

Err… elemental crystal purifier? What is that? Can that thing be eaten?

"What's the elemental crystal purifier master?" I ask the moon goddess telepathically. Well, I don't know about crystal purifiers okay?

"The elemental crystal purifier is an item that extracts your elemental power from inside your crystal. As for exchange, the purifier will help you repair your cracked or destroyed crystal." The moon goddess explains the elemental purifier to me.

So it's an extractor that sucks out every element you have in your body huh…

However, in exchange, the purifier will repair the cracked elemental crystal back to its former state as if it was a phoenix rising from the ashes.

Since the purifier sucks out everything, then that means that those dual wielded or more elements wouldn't even try to use it right?

However, for me, it's a win-win situation. Since my crystal is cracked from the very beginning, the purifier will just repair it right?

"Since you know about the profession badge, I won't explain to you." Said by the moon goddess, yawning.

Although she was yawning, her yawn was a silent one. Also, she was covering her mouth with her hand.

After the moon goddess yawned, she heads to one of the couches and picks up chocolates on the table as she sits on one of the couches.

The fox girl and four hidden masters began taking glances at the moon goddess. Although their appearance was calm outside, I could tell that they are panicking and did not know what to do.

Well, since someone besides you is a very important person, wouldn't that make you panic?

Sigh… this master of mine, casually sipping tea in front of everyone as if everything is her norms.

"Disciple Xiare." The moon goddess calls out my name. It was heard everywhere across the hall. However, she was not shouting but rather, she was just speaking casually.

Err… can you all please stop looking at me with such weird looks? This lady is embarrassed to be called out in a place like this okay?

"Sit together with me." The moon goddess pats her hand beside her as she said her words. Err… don't you think that's too close?

Might as well go there and eat chocolates.

I nod back to the moon goddess and walks over across the hall to go to the couch the moon goddess sits on. She was waiting for me as she casually prepares her tea.

As I head to the couch, I heard a sound of someone walking. I turn my head behind and saw Eumi and Lux walking together while talking to each other.

After looking at them, I head to the couch and sits on the part where the moon goddess told me to go. Err…

Why does it looks like I'm pushing myself to the moon goddess? Shouldn't that be the other way around? Hmm…

Nah, whatever, might as well casually indulge myself with these chocolates on the table.

Casually, I take a chocolate from the small basket lying on the table and eats it.

Waa~ it's sweet! Yum yum!

Ehem, I should keep myself from indulging too much here. Such gluttony will only attract awkwardness around me, right?

"Say ahhh." The moon goddess says to me. I look at the moon goddess who has a chocolate on one of her hands. She was preparing to forcefully feed me chocolate.

As I cannot do anything but to eat the chocolate on her hands, I gently hold my hair with one of my hands and eats the chocolate gently.

Err… why does this scene look like some scenery from a sho*ou novel? Weird.

After eating the chocolate at the moon goddess' hands, I silently cough as this scene is too inappropriate for everyone around.

The moon goddess, who was once again preparing to feed me chocolate, notices my coughs and instead of stopping, she takes another piece of chocolate and like a female MC from a sh*jou stories, she forcefully holds me down as she feeds me the chocolate she prepared.

Both I and the goddess lie down on the couch, making me below and the goddess on my top.

Wait! This is weird! Stop!

Stop! This is too inappropriate! My brain cannot handle such thoughts!

However, despite my resistance, my body remains numb as the moon goddess hold me down as she feeds me the chocolate on her hand.

Hey! Your face! Your face is too close! Waaaa~!!

Suddenly, I let out a small cute blush as the moon goddess feeds me the chocolate on her hands.