A New Hope

- Yura's POV -

What? What did the higher up meant by her words? I don't understand the words she's saying to me.

Edinwiss? True.. wielder? Sword master? What are those?

I shiver as I think about the unfamiliar words the higher up said to me. Am I going to be killed?

Am I going to be sent to prison for being at her and the other higher ups? Please tell me that this is not the case. Please.

I'm begging you, please don't throw me to prison. I'll do anything!

So please, just don't send me to prison. I still have someone to feed. Please.


"Sigh…" The white-veiled higher up sighs as she pats the head of lady Everheart. Despite the fact that she was just sighing, I could tell that this is not the case.

I clench my hands as I see my forthcoming fate. Why? Why am I cursed with such luck? Why did this happen to me?

Tell me god, why?

Can you at least give me reasons why is my fate and luck is so gloomy and grim? Can you tell me why are you doing this?

Tell me, why?

"Yura." A voice of a male calls out my name. I turn around and look at the glaring Jol. He was mad at me.

I wipe my tears away as I look at him. Please, I'm sorry for making the higher-ups be mad at me. I did not mean it.

Please, trust me.

Instead of going near me to calm me down as he reasons with the higher-ups, Jol merely looks at me and takes the scroll out from his bag before opening it. It was a scroll of the Void Patterns Order, having black crystal rod and pure white paper.

I felt danger as I saw the scroll. I knew I was going to be in deep trouble.

Jol, who opened the scroll, immediately recites the contents of the scroll, saying, "Cultivator Yura Arfhen of the Void Pattern Order, I, the master of the Void Pattern Order, has been notified of your actions at the Cloud Gathering Palace. As such, I have no choice but to expel you out from the order. Please, do not take it to the heart as this is the order from a higher up."

As soon as I heard the word expel came out from Jol's mouth, the world immediately breaks apart as I lose all hope. Why.

Silently, I recall my past memories as I look at the scroll Jol is holding.

For years, both my younger brother and I roamed lands in search of food and job. Despite the long walks, we had fun. He had fun. I too had fun.

However, because of our miserable status, villages and cities did not accept us, thus we had to live in forests just to survive.

It was hard. However, I still bit my lip as I hold the struggles and problems my brother and I had. For the sake of my brother, I will do anything.

For days, we roamed lands without seeing any signs of villages nearby. Although saddening, just by looking at my brother makes me fill with vigor. It was my source of strength.

Unknowingly, my brother became the source of my strength and will to live.

Despite that we are on our own on the wilderness, we still both have ourselves, making our bonds tighten together as the further we go.

Even if we were hunted down by a pack of wolves or by a group of beasts, we did not leave each other and instead, we both solved our problems together.

Unknowingly, my brother became a part of my precious bond. It was a bond that will never last.

As we finally reached a town, both I and my brother rejoiced as we can finally have a normal life.

Although we were filthy as we went from the wilderness to roam the lands in search of a normal life, the guards still let the both of us pass, making me and my brother happy as we went within the town.

Unknowingly, my brother became a part of my happiness from ever since that time.

While walking within the town, we both saw a group of rich masters checking a bunch of people within the plaza. The people were both excited and nervous as the rich masters check them.

Seeing some happy people jumping around as they are chosen by some rich masters, I decided to look further into it.

They were recruiting young people to become a cultivator at the Moonlight Sword Sect. Immediately, I thought of my brother behind me as I look at the rich masters.

Unknowingly, I had to sacrifice my brother for his sake. Even though it was inevitable, at least it was for the better.

I step forward and present my brother to one of the rich masters to test our luck. Fortunately, the rich master checked my brother and saw a potential to become a cultivator, making both me and my brother happy.

In my head, I was silently waving my goodbye at my brother. Till we meet again, brother of mine.

Silently, I turn back and slowly went away from my brother as the rich master picks him up. I grit my teeth as I hold my tears from falling.

However, just as I was going to leave the town and go back to a nomadic lifestyle once again, the rich master from earlier found me and told me that I too was accepted as a cultivator.

Unknowingly, my fate seemed to have changed.

Like a reunion of two long-lost souls, I immediately hugged my brother as we became together once again.

Unknowingly, it seemed that I cannot let go of my brother. I was foolish enough to actually let go of my brother.

After I finally got to the revered sect to provide a sustainable life for my brother, I began searching jobs around the sect and had to work overtime just to provide food for both of us. I was happy. My brother is also happy. We were both happy.

I initially thought that the day when our lives changed was the greatest day of my life. Even though I had to do all the work, at least, I still see my younger brother having a bright smile.

For him, it was normal and casual. As for me, his smile was a piece of treasure kept within my heart.

Unknowingly, I had motivated myself further just to see his smile.

Even though it is hard, I still worked and worked just to afford basic commodities. Even though we are poor, we still managed to eat well and live well.

Just for the sake of my younger brother, I did everything, from scout duties to the works which men can only handle.

Just for his sake, I will gladly do anything.

Even if I had to die just to let him live. I will do it.

His life is more valuable than my life.



Why did it come to this? Is my life really that miserable?

Is my luck really that bad that I can't move it further anymore?


Tell me, why?

I look at the descending Jol. He was not interested in answering my question.

Gently, I cover my face with my hands as I let out my tears. Silently, I cry in order to not enrage the higher ups any further. I am so sorry. I am so sorry. I am so sorry. I am so sorry. I am so sorry. I am so sorry.

I am sorry for what I have done.

I will not do it again so I am truly very sorry for being rude. I am sorry.

I am sorry for my pathetic self. I am sorry.

I am sorry for being weak and helpless. I am so sorry.

I... can't hold my tears anymore. I am so sorry.

I cry silently as the tears I intend to stop gushed as my past memories of being weak and helpless gushed through my mind.

I could not hold back the seemingly endless tears.

Why? Why am I so weak that I can't even hold back my tears?

Fool! Stupid! Retard!

I curse myself as I feel weak. The great burdens I held back was now flooding my mind. The seemingly fragile barrier I built up over the years was now broken.

"Sigh.." I hear the sect master sighing. I'm sorry that I could not hold my tears. I am so sorry about it.

"This is why old man Lu, Shi, and Dein doesn't want to invite you over such events, stupid brainless goddess." The sect master once again spoke, with now being serious. He had finally enough of such drama.

I am sorry for being a retarded person, sect master. Please, don't expel me out from the sect. Please.


While begging for the sect master to not kick me out from the sect, I heard a sound of a shoe walking towards me.

"Calm down, cultivator Yura. You are not rude. You are, in fact, a good cultivator." I heard the sect master over me.

As I hear the sect master's words, my head was touched by someone. I was being patted on the head.

"In fact, the reason why I told the master of Void Patterns Order to kick you out from his Order is because I have assigned a better, more suitable Order for you to be with." The sect master said to me as he goes and sits on the floor right in front of me, waiting for me to respond back to him.

After seeing no response, the sect master continued, "Please, allow me to apologize on behalf of that stupid lady over there for rudely talking to you, fellow cultivator Yura." He then points out someone behind me. His face was serious.

"Even if you don't like my apology, it's okay. I don't mind it." The sect master touches my head before continuing, "Please, hold this, fellow cultivator Yura."

I look at the item the sect master is giving me. It was the same card that glowed earlier, causing me to panic as I felt like my body was being sucked out.

Slowly, I nod back to the sect master and takes the card from his hand gently.

Once again, the white card glows brighter and brighter, exposing my tears flowing. As my tears were exposed to the illuminating light, the sect master takes out a handkerchief from his pocket and gently wiping my teary-eyed face.

"Please, use your Qi and let it flow all over your body." The sect master said to me.

I focus my mind and my body to see the Qi moving around within my body. Suddenly, a gust appears inside my body, making my body felt lightweight as the wind inside my body goes around.

"It looks like you got a rare elemental power, cultivator Yura." The sect master once again spoke.

Ele..mental? Power?

I tilt my head. The sect master, who notices that my head tilted, closes his eyes while saying, "You have two rare elemental power to be exact, one is that you have the power of wind."

"And the other one is an element that can link any spiritual weapon, most particularly— god-like weapons."