Moonlight (2/2)

What do you mean by that master? God-ranked? What's that?

Er… I'm sorry but I think you forgot that your disciple of yours is new to the cultivation world, master.

Also, even if I do learn that god ranked thing, I'll just forget it in a matter of time.

Heh, after all, I've been nerfed to the point I'm broken.

Like literally.

"It means that you have learned something that mortals couldn't, stupid disciple." The goddess said before sighing as she reads my mind.

I see…



I look at the others who were casually looking at me. They were waiting for me to do something.

This lady doesn't know anything okay?! I'm not like those OP characters that knew everything and what to do okay?!



Another sound of flicking resounded across the hall. It was the goddess flicking my forehead.

"Stupid disciple." The goddess said to me. "Do you want to get yourself in such pain again?" She continued, reminding me of what happened earlier.

I'm sorry.

"Sit on the throne." The goddess said to me as she points out the throne earlier. Instead of being covered by Hanbai's talismans, the throne was basking on sunlight.

I look above and see the giant circle above. The circle wasn't also covered by Hanbai's talismans.

Makes sense.

I nod at the goddess and take my hand from her hand. After that, I head to the throne and gently sit on it.

I am now basking on sunlight.

Heh, now I'm like those Souls Dark or other RPPG games that have a bosses sitting on a throne.

Though I'm not OP as they are.

But hey, I'm broken right? So... literally, I'm stronge— wait no.

I'm just a speck of dust compared to their massive strength.



And now what? Am I just going to sit here for a very very long time?

"Hanbai." The goddess calls out Hanbai's name.

In return, Hanbai immediately nods back and performs a strange spell simply by gesturing his fingers.

As Hanbai gestures his fingers to perform something, the goddess immediately goes to the middle of the hall before facing me.

For the others, they just head over near the walls of the hall as they watch the ritual. They weren't happy nor angry about it. They were calm as if they want to understand what's going on.

After the goddess is now at the middle of the hall, the talismans around Hanbai glows to different colors.

The talismans were like a set of a rainbow, except that it's not a real one but rather, an artificial one.

"Raaa…." A sound of something growling was heard across the hall. The sound came from Hanbai's talismans.

Soon after the growling, several dragons with different colors appear on Hanbai's talismans. Despite being a dragon, they only have the size of a snake.

Snake dragon?


Terrible joke.

The dragons from Hanbai's talismans then flies over to the goddess, surrounding her as the goddess stands up at the middle of the hall.

The goddess, in turn, summons two fans and began performing a ritual dance. She was like a shrine priestess, performing to please the gods.

Though she herself is a goddess.

As the goddess performs a ritual dance, the whole area changes from a black room to a room with multiple planets, stars and most of all— cosmic galaxies. The room was now a celestial room.

The gigantic circle above me also changes. It was now a gigantic star, giving and sharing light all across the galaxy.

"Celestial one, I haveth beenth summonedth" An elderly voice rang through my head. It was like those old folks that like to think about life and death.

Is that elder a sage perhaps?


The goddess, who also have heard the voice, says something gibberish to the old voice. Her tone was both a serious and gentle one, making my heart in fear.

*Throb throb... Throb throb... Throb...*

My heart is pounding heavily as I hear the goddess talking seriously.

Is this the power of the goddess?

"I shall accept." The voice spoke again. His tone was the same— old and that.

After the voice spoke, the gigantic star above me was suddenly hit by another gigantic star.

Instead of making a sound, it was silent. Yep, completely silent.

It's weird. Definitely weird...

Wha— ahhh!!!!!!

As the two stars exploded, an unknown force suddenly decided to pull me from the star. It was like ripping my body to half.

Strongly, I struggle to fight against the unknown force. F*ck you! F*ck you and your stupid force!

This lady is a strong, mature lady! F*ck you!

While I was constantly resisting the force that was pulling me to the two stars, a black hole suddenly forms out of nowhere, eating away the remains of the two stars.

F*ck me…

I look above, gazing at the seemingly endless black hole. There was no light passing through the hole. It was as if it was devouring anything it touches.

Instantly, the unknown force pulling me suddenly amplified, causing me to strengthen my grip on the arms of the throne. Sh*tty f*ck! Will you stop?!

Da*n it! F*cking stupid force!


While gripping the arms of the throne, I began to recall those OP characters from each novel who survived everything from being killed to being killed by some god.

If those OP characters could survive such obstacle on their way, then I, Xiare, can also survive this f*cking force!


I began screaming inside my head as I force myself to multiply my strength to resist this unknown force that is pulling me to the endless black hole.

Je*us, Bu*da, Al*ah, and the other gods, please help me survive this. Please.

Even those war gods that destroy everything, please, lend me your strengths as I resist this seemingly endless waves of force pulling me to the black hole.

I prayed over and over again to the gods. Together, we should unite as one and face this unknown force!

Let's form a spirit ba— wait no.

Instead of some spirit ball, let's form a kamemememe wave! Lend me your strength as we fight this overpowered force!



Nothing happened.

Waa! Our power is still too low to create a kamemememe wave! Let's unite together!



Suddenly, the unknown force vanished to thin air. So does the black hole above me disappears.


Did it work?



See? Ahahahahaha!

I am really a broken character! Hah! I knew that if our powers are combined together, we can destroy that overpowered force!


I laugh and laugh in my mind as I think about me destroying the black hole with the famous kamemememe wave. Truly, the OP character who won't just die is a lifesaver.

I should read more about that novel. I must learn his techniques.


I look above. There were no signs of something breaking above. Hmm…

Is it just a coincidence?

Who knows?

After all, I am an "Intellectual."

"You did well…" The goddess said to me as she pats my head. Her voice was kinda broken.

It was as if she was exhausted from something.

Eh? What happened?

"Nothing." The goddess, who was breathing heavily, said to me. Despite the fact that she was exhausted to the point that she forces her mouth to say a word, she was still smiling.

Please, can you tell me what happened? I'm very worried ya know?

Even if you're a shameless goddess, I'm still your disciple, ya know?

"Haa…" The goddess telepathically said to me. "I will recover in a matter of seconds so there's no need to worry about me." She continued.

I look at her body. There were no signs of blood or anything. However, at her thumb lies a blood slowly dripping. Err...

Somehow, I felt I missed something here.


Her blood was golden. It was as if her blood was made out of gold.

"Ah, this?" The goddess looks at her thumb. "I intentionally poked my thumb with some pointed object to let my blood flow out from my thumb as I pass you my bloodline." The goddess, who was exhausted, continued.

As I look at the goddess with a worried expression, I gently rose up from the throne and gently helps the exhausted goddess to sit on the throne. The goddess looks at me before finally calming herself.

After a couple of seconds, the goddess immediately recovers. She once again flicks my forehead as she gently rose up from the throne.

"Stupid disciple, do you really think I am this weak?" The goddess said to me while smiling.

"Er…" I look around to evade her gaze. Although I could not see her eyes looking at me, I can sense where is she looking at.

"Master." I look at her before continuing, "What did you say at the old voice earlier?"

"Hmm?" The goddess tilts her head before continuing, "It's about the blood moon goddess."

Eh? What about it?

"I just traded information about the whereabouts of the blood moon goddess in exchange of performing a ritual where I can freely share my elemental power to my stupid disciple." She said, smiling.

After saying that, she gently pats my head as if I was some sort of a dog.


It seems my carefree life is going to be replaced with a dog-like life...


But seriously, is that kind of information worth so much that you can basically exchange anything? Hmm…

"Well, that kind of information is something that mere mortals would not understand, stupid disciple of mine." The goddess said to me as she sits on the throne, sighing.

"Haaaa…." The goddess sighs as she takes a breath over something.

"You know." The goddess said to me before continuing, "Your kamemememe wave might not be bad at all." She giggles softly after saying those words.

Wawawawawa….. Stop!

How did you know that!

I suddenly blushes out as I head the word kamemememe wave. Waaa~ Please, stop embarrassing me, master.

I pout my cheeks in retaliation to the goddess' words. However, the goddess simply did not care and continued to giggle softly with her hand covering her mouth.


Stop it~


Sigh… might as well let the goddess do what she wants.

I look at the others across the room. They too were exhausted and were just lying on the floor as they take a breath.

They seem tired…

I wonder what happened?

"You don't need to know, my stupid disciple." The goddess, who read my mind, said to me while giggling. "Just focus on reading the techniques of what you call an OP character."

I once again, blush in embarrassment.

Muuu.....! Can you please stop that, master?!