Hidden Order (2/2)


That's not my other name, Hanbai.


Since my other name has been set to stone, there's no turning back, right?

I might as well accept my eerie name.

"Lady Xiare." Hanbai calls my name before continuing, "Should I call you Xiare or Blood Queen?" He asked.

"Xiare." I instantly replied back to Hanbai. Nope. I'm not using such an eerie name.

I just want to have a cute other name okay? I initially want to tell my other name to Hanbai to be a 「Cute Bunny.」

However, because of the goddess interfered earlier, my supposedly other name changed from Cute Bunny to Blood Queen.


If only I am faster than the goddess.

"Very well, lady Xiare." Once again, Hanbai bows in front of me. He was like a butler of some sorts.

Somehow, just by looking at Hanbai makes me think a certain OP character that is a butler of some lady.



"Return," Hanbai mutters as he straightens his back. As soon as he said "return," the talismans that were initially covered the whole hall flies to Hanbai.

They were like a swarm of locusts targeting their prey.

The talismans then head to Hanbai's sleeves and vanish to thin air. It was as if they were never here in the first place.

After all of Hanbai's talismans vanishes to thin air, the whole hall once again, returns back to its former appearance with stained windows and other stuff.

"Lady Xiare." I heard Eidenweiss. I look at him bowing to me. Err…

Should I nod?

I think so.

I nod in return to the bowing Eidenweiss. It's good, right?

"Lady Xiare." I hear Fira's voice. Like Eidenweiss, she too was bowing to me.

I nod back at her.

"Welcome lady Xiare to the Hidden Order." I hear Lux's voice. He too was bowing in front of me.

Is this their signature for welcoming new members?


I thought that new members are welcomed with just a simple nod, right?


In turn, I nod back at Lux.

"We-welcome, lady Xiare." I hear the fox girl's voice. Come to think of it, I never heard her name.

Nah, whatever. I'll know her name someday.

I nod back to the fox girl.

"Lady Xiare." I heard Yue Shin's voice. He was bowing to me.

Like the others, I also nod back at him.

There's no one left to bow to me, right?

Ah… finally, I could rest after nodding too many tim—

Just as I was going to rest my head from nodding too many times, another person appears on the hall, bowing in front of me.



"Welcome, venerable Xiare." The person in front of me said. He was a tall, muscular guy with horns on his head. F*ck!

Just by looking at him makes me cower in fear!


Je*us, since when did such person had such stature like that?! Even those 2 metered beings would feel shame ya know?


Yes, the person in front of me is a gigantic person with horns on his head.

However, despite being big, he was completely covered with a white robe from head to toe. He was like a gigantic executor of some sorts.

At his back lies a large pair of swords covered with a black sheath. The two swords were so big that it is comparable to the average size of a human being.

Yes, this lady is not kidding.

Nervously, I nod back at the monstrous being. Despite the fact that his face was covered by a thick hood, I could feel that he is also nodding to me.

After nodding at each other, the monstrous being suddenly vanishes to thin air like a ghost that suddenly made a random appearance out of nowhere.

"That's Erkem, lady Xiare," Hanbai said as he looks at the floor where the monstrous being stood up earlier.


Well then, since there's no one left to nod at, I might as well look around, right?


I look at one of the stained windows. There was a portrait of a person displayed in the stained window.

The person had a pointed hat and black robe. Both of his hands were holding a sword and a rapier.

It was Eidenweiss' portrait.

While looking at the portrait of Eidenweiss, I notice a runic word above the portrait.

"It translates to True Wielder, stupid disciple." The goddess said telepathically as I look at the runic word above the portrait of Eidenweiss.

I see. So the runic words above each portrait are their professions, right?


This lady is truly an intellectual.

As I look on each window, I saw Yue Shin, Fira, Hanbai, Lux, and the fox girl's portraits. Their portraits were displayed on the stained glass.

I narrow my vision at the portrait of the fox girl. The fox girl also has the same runic profession like Hanbai.


Could this be a glitch?

"No. Both of them have the same profession— 「Exorcist.」" The goddess telepathically said to me. I see.


Shouldn't be there can be only one hidden master per each profession? How come there are two?



I see!

It's a conspiracy!

Truly genius, Xiare. Truly genius.

"There are multiple branches of Exorcist profession, my stupid disciple." The goddess said to me before continuing, "Hanbai's profession is called 「Talisman Exorcist」 while the fox girl's profession is called 「Moonlight Exorcist.」"


What's the difference?

Wait! Don't call me a fool okay?! If they have the same profession with different names, they are still the same right?

"Sigh…" The goddess puts one of her hands on her face before continuing, "I can't believe this…"

Yeah, I also couldn't believe this kind of conspiracy, master.

Aren't we a genius? Heh.


"Please, lady Xiare," Hanbai said to me. I look at him and see the symbol of the Moonlight Sword Sect on his hand.

It was a Moonlight Sword Sect having a black color instead of the usual red one. Also, it was a palm-sized symbol, making one to casually put the symbol to their pockets.

What am I going to do with that? Should I eat it?


It must be.

But who's stupid enough to eat such a hard metal, right? Haha….

It's not me.

"Take this." He said, waiting for me to take the Moonlight Sword Sect symbol from his hand.

I nod at him and take the symbol of the Moonlight Sword Sect away from him. After taking the symbol from Hanbai, I put the symbol to one of the pockets in my coat. Yes, the coat does have a pocket in it.

"That is the Hidden Order's emblem, lady Xiare." Hanbai paused before continuing, "Even if you lost or someone stole the emblem, the emblem will return to you, lady Xiare."

"Un." I nod back. Well, considering the fact that some swords return back from their owners after being stolen by some random guy, it's not really that surprising.

"Well then." Yue Shin said while stretching his arms. "Shall we go to your younger sister, uncle Hanbai?" Yue Shin continued.

Hanbai looks at the circle above and said, "Not now. It's too early for me to appear."

"Hmm…" Yue Shin also looks above before saying, "You're right."


Can someone tell me what they are talking about? Am I missing something or what?

"Oh right!" Yue Shin shouted, making everyone to look at him except the goddess who kept patting my head. Yes, she is patting my head with her face smiling.

"Lady Xiare, I forgot about your profession badge!" Yue Shin said, making me remember the pouches the sect master gave me earlier.

I look at my waist, only to find out that there were no pouches hanging on my waist.

Eh? Where did I put them?

Quickly, I pat each and every pouch of my coat to see if my pouches were inside. They're not.


Ah! I forgot that I changed my outfit!

"Here, stupid disciple." The goddess said while handing out something to me. It was a black pouch.

"Thank you," I said back, thanking the goddess.

I take the pouch from the goddess' hands and quickly open the pouc— eh?

There is nothing but pure air inside.

"Channel your consciousness to the pouch." The goddess said to me.


You do know that I am still a second cultivator right? I still can't use spiritual consciousness ya know?

Those are for fourth realm cultivators and above, master. They are not for the third realm and below.


What am I going to do now?

Also, why is there a sense of awkwardness floating across the hall?

"Here." The goddess spoke, handing me out another item.

It was different from the pouch I am currently holding. The goddess was holding a black block instead of a pouch.


Probably magic.

"Uncle Hanbai," Fira said as soon as she sees the black block on the goddess' hands.

In return, Hanbai nods and said, "Venerable goddess, can you please lend me lady Xiare's badge for a second?"

"Here." The goddess immediately gives the black block to Hanbai. Hanbai bows in return and summons a talisman.

After summoning a talisman, Hanbai picks up the floating talisman and presses it onto the black block. After pressing the talisman on the block, the talisman began fading into thin air.

"Please, take this lady Xiare," Hanbai said while giving me the black block.

I look at the block and see some words written on the block. They were some random words like my name and such.

However, below the block lies a symbol of an eye with four different swords stabbing the eye from each direction.

It was as if the symbol of the Moonlight Sword Sect became an eye.

"It is the symbol of the Hidden Order, my stupid disciple." The goddess said to the curious me.

I nod back and pick up the block from Hanbai. So, what am I going to do with this?

"Channel your Qi." The goddess immediately said, ordering me to channel my Qi.

I nod at the goddess and began channeling my Qi to the block.

In turn, the block suddenly changes color from black to Azure. After changing colors, every words and symbol changes colors to black so that I can see the words clearly.

"Blood Queen…?" I see my new other name on the top of the block.

At the left side of my other name lies a diamond-shaped geometrical line. Err... what's that?

Is it something like those voodoo spells?

"It's your profession symbol, my stupid disciple." The goddess said to me.


As far as I know, I don't have a profession, right?

How come I have one?

Well yeah, the first realm and the second realm do not have a profession. These two realms are also called 「Learning Realm」 considering the fact that a first realm or second realm cultivator is new to the cultivation world.

Thus, these so-called learning realm cultivator had no choice but to learn everything about what they want to learn before advancing to the next realm.

While I was thinking about realms, the crystal on the left side of my name changes. It was now a moon with fog on it.


I look at the smiling goddess. Yep, she was the one behind it.

"Since you don't have any profession, I might as well give you one, don't you think so, my stupid disciple?" She said, smiling at me.


"So lady Xiare's profession is like the venerable goddess huh…" Hanbai nods as he mutters something.

You know that I can hear you muttering, right?

But still, what's the profession of the goddess?

"Infinite Moonlight Dream Haze Illusionist." The goddess said telepathically. Err…


It's the same as your elemental power! F*ck!

Are you kidding me, master? F*ck this!

Since when did such a character have some weird long profession? Even those OP characters from some novels don't have these kinds of profession names!

A profession should be a certain being's execution-style ya know? It's not the same as an elemental crystal!


Inside my head, I facepalm a thousand times as I think about having the same profession name as my elemental name.

"Well, you know that I'm unique, right?" The goddess touches my hair, fixing the hair sticks on the back of my hair.

Well, even if you are unique master, that does not mean that your profession should be also unique!


Or is it?


I read on the novels that OP characters do have some weird professions like Holy Dark Knight or something like that.

I wonder…

Nah fuck it. I might as well accept my profession name.

Even if I became a laughingstock in front of others.


I'm an idiot after all.


"I'm late huh…" A female voice resounded across the voice. It was a deep, female voice capable of charming even kings that have multiple wives.

I look at the direction where I heard the voice. There was a female with multiple guns on her waist standing in front of the door of the hall.

She was a female wearing a unique dress. It was as if she's some sort of an official or something.

Also, one could notice that her hair is different from others. The color of her hair was violet, yet there were some parts of her hair having the color of a pink.

It was as if she's some sort of a stylist or something.


"I have heard of the discussions earlier." The woman said to everyone.

After a second, the woman once again spoke again, saying, "Venerable sacred goddess of Moonlight, this humble woman welcomes you to our peaceful halls of Hidden Order." She bows deeply to the goddess.

In return, the goddess only looks at her before nodding. She was not smiling nor angry but rather, serious.

Well, since the woman interrupted the goddess from patting my head, I could tell in a glance that the goddess is pissed off.


Poor woman…

I'm truly sorry on behalf of my shameless master. I really am.

"Lady Xiare." The woman calls out my name before continuing, "Welcome to the Hidden Order. I am the hidden master of the gunner profession— Alkadia Vulschimasten."

Vul..tsi..masen? What?

F*ck. Pardon me for saying your name wrong. I am sorry about that.

"I shall excuse myself in front of the seniors." Alkadia bows to everyone before leaving quickly. Is she in a hurry or something?


I think so.

I look at her running outside. Yes, she was indeed in a hurry.

"Well then." Hanbai fixes his robe before continuing, "It seems the sect master is calling us at the Cloud Gathering Palace." He continued.

Eh? The sect master is there already?! So fast!

But still…

I wonder if the sect master changed his clothes earlier…

Who knows?

"You guys go on ahead first." The goddess said to Hanbai and the others. "Me and my stupid disciple will be there after we take a stroll outside."

After saying that, the goddess looks at me with a smiling face. Err…

Can you please stop looking at me as if you're gonna devour me?


"Okay then, venerable goddess." Hanbai bows in return.

Likewise, the five other hidden masters bows to the goddess before finally leaving the hall.

Me and the goddess were the only ones left in the hall.


This is weird. Very very weird.

"Stupid disciple." The goddess holds my hand before saying, "Let's go outside."

I don't really know where we are ya know? I'm just a poor little lady with no knowledge of the cultivation world.

But still…

Might as well go to another place this time.

"Un." I nod to the goddess.

Since the goddess wants to take a stroll around, might as well join her right?

Also, I want to eat sweets. My thirst for sweets is rising up to the point that both my stomach and poor brain craves for sweets.
